FINALLY got a good Timid Staryu w/ Natural Cure. I don't think I'll ever try to raise another genderless pokemon again...Now I need to offload some extra Shroomish, Nincada, and Staryu of course. Some details about them.
Shroomish(5 males & 4 females)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Poison Heal
Moves: Focus Punch, Seed Bomb, Spore, Absorb
Some have Swagger instead of Absorb but I could always teach them False Swipe, Facade, or Substitute instead. All are guaranteed to have maxed Speed IVs and a few others have one or two other maxed IVs like HP, Attack, Defense, or Sp. Defense as well(not many, but I've marked them).
Nincada(2 males & 1 female)
Nature: Jolly
Moves: Nothing special but I can teach them X-Scissor and Swords Dance if you need
Both males have max Attack and Speed IVs, one of them has a maxed Sp. Defense IV as well. The female has a maxed Attack and Defense IV
Staryu(6 total)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: It doesn't get any fucking egg moves.

But I can teach it Ice Beam and Thunderbolt if you need me to.
All but two of them have maxed Sp. Attack and Speed IVs. One of the others has a maxed Sp. Defense and Speed IVs and the last has a maxed HP and Speed IVs.
Ok, so anyone interested? I would like a male Deino w/ Dark Pulse, a male Timburr w/ Drain Punch & Mach Punch, or anything with good/hard to get egg moves or max IVs in general if you have it or can breed it. But I'll take junk as well. Otherwise I'll just release them as I'm damn near out of space. >_>
FC: 2021-8954-0672