There'll likely need to be subs.Mush said:Crap, I missed out on the Smogon tourney.
Apparently I wasn't in like Flynn.![]()
KarmaCow said:So I finally beat the game and the White Forest is barren. It took ~65 hours (that has to include sleep time right?) but there is literally no grass at all. Is there anyway to get grass other than extralink because the whole reason I bought White over Black was so I could catch pokemon.
btkadams said:i've never had this many pokemon in the pokedex before (480). it'll be truly awesome when i actually get them all. i'm stoked to play through white in a couple months and be able to start with a totally customized team of pokemon (no starters).
I probably wouldn't be able to participate anyways , so no worriesAndrex said:Of course, I now know I would lose in the first round anyways...
I've had my battery fully drained a few times because of this.. :/Firestorm said:If you have C-Gear on it doesn't actually go to sleep and will count it as game time.
This quote is from page 161. I just ran into this same error when I was trying to trade a Nosepass on the GTS. I went to the nickname changer (house on the left as you exit Castelia through the north) and changed its name to "Nosey." Then it let me trade!Izayoi said:This Pokemon may not be offered for trade (13267)!
This Pokemon may not be offered for trade (13267)!
This Pokemon may not be offered for trade (13267)!
This Pokemon may not be offered for trade (13267)!
This Pokemon may not be offered for trade (13267)!
I'm going to snap my DS in half.
Pretty sure it just means that the server is too busy.Cocopjojo said:This quote is from page 161. I just ran into this same error when I was trying to trade a Nosepass on the GTS. I went to the nickname changer (house on the left as you exit Castelia through the north) and changed its name to "Nosey." Then it let me trade!
So in my case it was the game not wanting me to trade with what it thought was a banned word in the Pokemon's nickname. Maybe that's what error 13267 is?
I'm currently breeding Yamasks in hopes of a shiny one so I have tonne. However, to conserve box space, I only keep the Modest onesDelio said:Hmm anyone got a good Bold Yamask? Maybe we decent to high defense Ivs?
biggyfries said:WTF? Caught a lvl 11 Musharna in the Dreamyard when I started my Black game.
Wiseblade said:No more animated avatars? But I love animated Empoleon...
I can catch you a Ditto. Do you want a specific nature?Mush said:I asked this over at Smogon, but got nothing back so far:
I was wondering if anyone has a Poke with Zero IV's in Speed that I can use for breeding purposes? I want to try out a Trick Room team (duh) as I've never used one before and I thought it might be fun for some lolz.
I hope you mean Gurdurr and Boldore. Timburr and Roggenrola evolve by level.Victrix said:Anyone around who could trade my Timburr and Roggenrolla back and forth to me so I can get them evolved?
Still early in the story, so I don't have anything cool to trade, but I have a pair of female Gothita's from Black if any White players need her.
edit: I could also use a Ditto if someone has a spare, no matter how crappy, I want to make pokemonz babies!
Go for it. Just try not to geek out too much.Regulus Tera said:Omg gaf there's this cute chick playing pokemon right beside me in class should I show her my pokeymen?
Regulus Tera said:Omg gaf there's this cute chick playing pokemon right beside me in class should I show her my pokeymen?
Gravijah said:Show her your GAF avatar.
O D I N said:I second the notion. Karen Gillian FTW.
Gravijah said:How the hell do you even know that?
Gravijah said:How the hell do you even know that?
Xavien said:That creamy smooth skin, with those aqua panties, that and the fact that the full version of that picture has been posted several times on GAF
Have you though about using Solar Power Charizard and Chlorophyll Leafeon?O D I N said:I second the notion. Karen Gillian FTW.
Anywho, could someone point me towards a good article explaining Dreamworld?
I wanna make a team centered around Ninetales "Drought" ability, which is obviously from DW.
I'm currently looking at;
Ninetales (duh)
Venusaur (Chlorophyll <3)
Tangrowth (Wall with Chlorophyll)
Cresellia (Moonlight+Sunlight+Calm Mind=GTFO)
Maybe Forretress as a lead. Rocks and what have you. I also love Garvantula(?) and Chandelure. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Regulus Tera said:Got her number and an Oshawott.![]()
Regulus Tera said:Got her number and an Oshawott.![]()
If it's a level-up move, then yes; if it's an egg move, no. TMs can be retaught. Also, the moves passed on are set when the Pokémon enters the day care; even if the father forgets the move while in the day care, any eggs you get will still have it (until you remove the father from the day care).Cromat said:Argh the day care deleted the move i'm trying to breed over....
Will the Move Relearn guy help me get it back? i'm guessing no.
Wiseblade said:I like where this thread is going.
Wiseblade said:Have you though about using Solar Power Charizard and Chlorophyll Leafeon?
Sure. Are you available to trade now?Gravijah said:Ooh, I want one I think.
Wichu said:Sure. Are you available to trade now?
Wichu said:If it's a level-up move, then yes; if it's an egg move, no. TMs can be retaught. Also, the moves passed on are set when the Pokémon enters the day care; even if the father forgets the move while in the day care, any eggs you get will still have it (until you remove the father from the day care).
You know, we should really be using the Google Docs spreadsheet instead of having to type out our FCs each timeGravijah said:Yes. 4813 6217 8362