Roto13 said:I bet I can get those for you. Though there's 646 Pokemon currently available besides the Gen V event legendaries.![]()
Where do you get a Cresselia? I'm missing that one and a few other ridiculous legendaries.
Roto13 said:I bet I can get those for you. Though there's 646 Pokemon currently available besides the Gen V event legendaries.![]()
DPP. It's a roamer. Not that ridiculous, really.Super_Chicken said:Where do you get a Cresselia? I'm missing that one and a few other ridiculous legendaries.
Roto13 said:Boo. Dream world is accessible for me but it still says the Game Sync has run out of energy when I try to tuck a Pokemon in. Nintendo's online shenanigans for the lose.
EDIT: Does anyone need a Tornadus or a Thundurus?
Want one of mine? 53 on the friend code list.dc89 said:I need a Thundurus to catch Landorus :X
larvi said:Finally got the trainer card upgrade for completing the national dex, 643 seen/643 obtained. Missing a couple of the new legendaries and a couple of older ones (Arceus and Manaphy) but it looks like those are needed to be considered compete for this game.
Roto13 said:Want one of mine? 53 on the friend code list.
EDIT: Actually, you may have to wait on that for a bit. But I will have one for you later. ;P
Ok, got one. xD Go wait for me in the room. It's a Spanish one, I think.dc89 said:Sure no problem just say when, I'm last on the list![]()
Roto13 said:Ok, got one. xD Go wait for me in the room. It's a Spanish one, I think.
Roto13 said:DPP. It's a roamer. Not that ridiculous, really.![]()
Roto13 said:I bet I can get those for you. Though there's 646 Pokemon currently available besides the Gen V event legendaries.![]()
I don't want anything.dc89 said:Haha on my way!
What do you want in return? =x
Super_chicken: Nope you talk to someone and then he sends you to the island (I'm pretty sure thats it) was reading about it before.
Pretty sure this Manaphy is legit, but if you'd rather catch it yourself, that's ok.larvi said:So far all of the others I've gotten myself from various events and legit methods so I'm trying not to trade for something that may or may not be legit or cloned, etc. Manaphy I can get legit from pokemon ranger, I just haven't been able to beat the game (I'm currently stuck capturing Entei and can't stand the game mechanics in Ranger and I suck at drawing circles with my stylus) For Arceus, unfortunately I missed the TRU event and while I could resort to a quasi-legit method of running the mystery gift program for it myself, I'm hoping there is eventually another legit means of getting one again. The 646'th that I need still is Landorus and I can get that without a problem, just not sure which nature I want so haven't taken the time to save and reset for one.
Roto13 said:I don't want anything.A rare candy wouldn't go astray, though. Are you in the room?
Roto13 said:Do you see me in there? We might have to leave and come back.
If you've added my code correctly, we should see each other.dc89 said:I have no idea how to work this room haha, do I go upto the computer and choose Trade? o_o or just wait there.
Roto13 said:If you've added my code correctly, we should see each other.I'm going to double check and see if I've added yours right.
EDIT: Yup. Yours is right.
Roto13 said:Pretty sure this Manaphy is legit, but if you'd rather catch it yourself, that's ok.
I guess any Pokemon can be added to the dream world, but I don't think Manaphy has been added in Japan and it definitely hasn't been added in North America. It doesn't have a dream world ability, either. But, then, neither does Arceus, and apparently that's available in the Dream World.larvi said:I appreciate the offer but still want to try to catch my own, catching them all myself is part of the pokemon challenge for me. I wonder if Ranger would be easier or harder on a DSi XL? My guess would be harder since the circles would be bigger, thus slower. I guess it doesn't hurt to give it a try.
I also notice that serebii says Manaphy can be acquired from the Dream World in b/w. Do you know if this is correct? When I click on the areas I don't see Manaphy listed there.
Roto13 said:I guess any Pokemon can be added to the dream world, but I don't think Manaphy has been added in Japan and it definitely hasn't been added in North America. It doesn't have a dream world ability, either. But, then, neither does Arceus, and apparently that's available in the Dream World.
Gruco said:3 days of dream worlding, and I'm at 550 dream points. 10,000 is going to take some time. I'm sure Drought and Drizzle will me be worth it, but man, I am really going to get sick of those minigames...
MatthewB92 said:What does the pass orb do?
Wrong. Oshawoot>Snivy.Wiseblade said:Anime Snivy is too good for Ash. Emolga is hilarious too, way better than that stupid Oshawott.
It's under your profile page on the site. You don't spend them, but hitting certain thresholds open up new dream world areas and Pokemon.isny said:Where do you track your dream points? And how do you spend the points you earn? I must have missed that memo...
Gruco said:It's under your profile page on the site. You don't spend them, but hitting certain thresholds open up new dream world areas and Pokemon.
Ugh, Oshawott is a more annoying version of Piplup from last season who's only more tolerant because Ash doesn't put up with its shenanigans like Dawn did.MatthewB92 said:Wrong. Oshawoot>Snivy.
Can't comment on Emolga haven't gotten that far in the anime yet. Only watched til 25 I think.
Is there any way to get a legit Mew in B/W atm? I'd like to have one with my name on it...not possible?Gruco said:Woohoo! Unova dex complete. Next project: Kanto dex.
Uh, anybody out there willing to lend a Mew?
StateofMind said:Is there any way to get a legit Mew in B/W atm? I'd like to have one with my name on it...not possible?
Oh wow...isny said:Using "My Pokémon Ranch" and a copy of D/P can get you a Mew.
From Bulbapedia:
"Special Pokémon
These two Pokémon are only available once some requirements are filled. Once 250 Pokémon are present on the ranch, the ranch will expand and jump to a new level. When this level is obtained, Hayley will add a new Pokémon to the "Wanted" board, Leafeon. When Leafeon is brought to the ranch, she will offer to trade it for her Phione. When 999 Pokémon are present, the ranch will expand and jump to level 25, the maximum level. Once this level is obtained, a new wanted Pokémon will be added. Hayley is now asking for any Pokémon egg. When the egg is brought, she will offer to trade it for her Mew."
Gruco said:3 days of dream worlding, and I'm at 550 dream points. 10,000 is going to take some time. I'm sure Drought and Drizzle will me be worth it, but man, I am really going to get sick of those minigames...
Roto13 said:No problem.
You still around, Andrex?
visit their dream Home/island and in the corner of the screen you should have the option to add them.yeb said:How exactly do I turn friends into dream pals? The only option I see is to send a dream pal request when visiting someone's home, but it only lets me visit random homes, not friends' homes.
Shiny Chandelure doesn't have shit on shiny Scrafty! >:}UberTag said:After years of playing Pokemon games and only seeing one legit shiny Zubat in the wild back when Ruby/Sapphire came out, I somehow wound up seeing two tonight in as many hours.
Felt like a total schmuck the first time around as I ran into a shiny Crustle in the dark grass of Route 18 parked alongside a Scraggy in a Double Battle and I reflexively ran as I was in the middle of grabbing a TM or something. Kicked myself afterwards but got over it.
Then, I ran into a shiny Litwick in the Celestial Tower just a few minutes ago. Wasn't planning on training one due to the absence of Heat Wave but it's a fricken shiny Litwick. It's going to look awesome as Chandelure.
JVIDICAN said:Shiny Chandelure doesn't have shit on shiny Scrafty! >:}
Lol. Congrats!![]()
Your golden caterpie becomes insignificant the moment it evolves. >:]Super_Chicken said:No way my golden caterpie rocks your neon panted scrafty!
JVIDICAN said:Your golden caterpie becomes insignificant the moment it evolves. >:]
I'm wondering what the hell happened there. lol.Super_Chicken said:hahahaha I justed looked at the metapod and butterfree ones, they are brutes
JVIDICAN said:I'm wondering what the hell happened there. lol.
A golden metapod would've looked awesome.![]()
That's the whole problem, I can't visit their homes until they're dream pals and I can't make them dream pals until I visit their homes. It's like a catch 22. The only houses I see on the map belong to random strangers, just one house that changes each time I look at the map.JVIDICAN said:visit their dream Home/island and in the corner of the screen you should have the option to add them.