The Broken Ska Record
Finally through Victory Road! Gonna stock up on goods and try to take care of the E4 tonight.
isny said:Really? Maybe I should add people then...
How do you go about adding people?
Yeah, I was just about to say this.N4Us said:Smogon's back up, in case anyone's wondering.
jman2050 said:First day: "Ah, an hour to use the dream world? Well, that's plenty of time, seems reasonable enough."
Few days later: "Oh god why do I only have an hour I hate you Nintendo ugggggggggggh"
Awww, I want a Shiny Litwick.UberTag said:After years of playing Pokemon games and only seeing one legit shiny Zubat in the wild back when Ruby/Sapphire came out, I somehow wound up seeing two tonight in as many hours.
Felt like a total schmuck the first time around as I ran into a shiny Crustle in the dark grass of Route 18 parked alongside a Scraggy in a Double Battle and I reflexively ran as I was in the middle of grabbing a TM or something. Kicked myself afterwards but got over it.
Then, I ran into a shiny Litwick in the Celestial Tower just a few minutes ago. Wasn't planning on training one due to the absence of Heat Wave but it's a fricken shiny Litwick. It's going to look awesome as Chandelure.
Shinies and legendaries are the only reason I even use GTS Negotiations, n00b. I got a ton of them over the weekend.Schmitty said:SO sick of morons on GTS negotiations who just want to show legendaries and shines I don't care about. I love frowning as they show shinies and legendaries.
Slermy said:Where are you guys finding out how many Dream Points you have?
upandaway said:Just got a Tangela. The choice was between him and Sunkern (I skipped all the Pokemon I saw before). Once I saw Tangela's DW ability I rushed for it. It sounds awesome.
Click on the Profile button on the website once you're signed in and then the Pokemon Dream World tab at the top of that section. You'll see your current Dream Points tally in the Status section.Slermy said:Where are you guys finding out how many Dream Points you have?
I could offer you a Natu, but not with THAT avatar.UberTag said:Click on the Profile button on the website once you're signed in and then the Pokemon Dream World tab at the top of that section. You'll see your current Dream Points tally in the Status section.
I'm currently at 1,570. Hoping to clear 2,500 and open up the Open Sky island area by the weekend. Big prize then will be Natu (who can't be found in either Black or White). Will also be looking to bag a Hoppip w/ Encore to breed over to the Whimsicott line and a Murkrow as I'm predominantly playing White at the moment.
UberTag said:I'm currently at 1,570. Hoping to clear 2,500 and open up the Open Sky island area by the weekend. Big prize then will be Natu (who can't be found in either Black or White). Will also be looking to bag a Hoppip w/ Encore to breed over to the Whimsicott line and a Murkrow as I'm predominantly playing White at the moment.
Roto13 said:I could offer you a Natu, but not with THAT avatar.
If it makes you feel any better, chances are this avatar will vanish by Thursday.Roto13 said:I could offer you a Natu, but not with THAT avatar.
Wiseblade said:That depends on what you're after. If you want "The Continuing Adventures of Ash the Ace Trainer" then you're going to be disappointed. But if you like the idea of watching a nostalgia free but arguably better version of Season 1, then check it out.
Smogon.Morokh said:I was wondering something when reading some Pokemon analyses on a French website.
When it is stated somewhere that, say Drizzle + Swift Swim, or Poison Heal + Roost are forbidden combos it is just because they are following some self-made rules like Smogon's, or is there some official Nintendo tournament rules ?
isny said:Profile -> Dream World tab -> Middle of page
By skipping the others you lose a ton of points. I'm averaging 10 per day (which I think it what it caps you out at).
Morokh said:I was wondering something when reading some Pokemon analyses on a French website.
When it is stated somewhere that, say Drizzle + Swift Swim, or Poison Heal + Roost are forbidden combos it is just because they are following some self-made rules like Smogon's, or is there some official Nintendo tournament rules ?
Morokh said:The games tend to become really boring VERY FAST so the 1 hour limit is more of a blessing for me.
3 days and I don't even approach the 1000 points, you need 2500 to get the next island and i just can't stand hide and seek anymore![]()
N4Us said:Just caught a wild shiny Audino. Damn it looks ugly.
There's a difference between these two combos.Morokh said:I was wondering something when reading some Pokemon analyses on a French website.
When it is stated somewhere that, say Drizzle + Swift Swim, or Poison Heal + Roost are forbidden combos it is just because they are following some self-made rules like Smogon's, or is there some official Nintendo tournament rules ?
Yeah. But trading is still a lot better now than it was in previous gens. Maybe Gen VI will allow mass trading.zoukka said:Can I only trade one Pokemon at a time @_@
Scrafty or Hydreigon would be your best bets depending on how the rest of your team stacks up.The Broken Ska Record said:I love the way Pawniard looks, but he SUUUUUUUUCKS. I need a better Dark type for the E4.
Crazymoogle said:Generally speaking, Nintendo's rules are simple and more or less useless:
1. Black of a small number of legendaries:
Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus
Yes, several of them are allowed under smogon rules, no idea what Gen V get put here. Nintendo has periodically (randomly) modified rules too so sometimes it's no legendaries at all, sometimes latios/latias are on the list, etc.
2. Restrictions to a small number of legendaries: No more than two from this list:
Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina
(This is primarily for double battle but may apply anyway?)
3. No illegal pokemon setups.
4. Also not consistent, but often I hear they will use doubles clause (you can't use two of the same pokemon, eg: no six deep wobbuffet squads)
Yes, if you want though, hax-wobbuffet is a go.
It'd be much easier to use Clefairy.UberTag said:Will also be looking to bag a Hoppip w/ Encore to breed over to the Whimsicott line
It would be... but then, you can't get a member of the Clefairy family in the Dream World and I'm still a fair stretch away from the Giant Chasm. So DW Open Sky Hoppip's still the best bet.Busaiku said:It'd be much easier to use Clefairy.
Hahaha, I used the exact same outfit.Wiseblade said:Don't lie, you did the same thing too.
Because Katie is the boy.Andrex said:Why is he wearing Hilda's outfit?
wait wha..? that was the OT1? 0.oD-Pad said:Everyone got confused and started bumping the original OT.![]()
Yes.JVIDICAN said:wait wha..? that was the OT1? 0.o
I don't think so. The only unobtainable shinys I know of are Zekrom, Reshiram, and Vinciti.Roto13 said:Yes.
Is Thundurus blocked from being Shiny like Reshiram and Zekrom? I got one and it seems legit but I think the odds of someone finding a shiny Thundurus and then being willing to part with it are kind of slim.