The trick is you're trying too hard.Roto13 said:There go 51 more ultra balls.
Save before encounter and if you end up wasting too many balls just reset. Simple, no?Roto13 said:There go 51 more ultra balls.
I don't care if I throw 100 balls at him. I just want him to stay inside of one of them. I just "only" happened to have 51 on me.Hexadecimalt said:Save before encounter and if you end up wasting too many balls just reset. Simple, no?
The stadiums are good.Blu_LED said:Where is the best place to grind that's not the E4?
Busaiku said:The stadiums are good.
Busaiku said:By any chance, does anyone happen to have a Bold/Impish non-English Cottonee or Ditto?
Really trying for a Shiny Whimsicott.
hermit7 said:Moltres in Soul Silver is so god damn hard to catch. Wasted like 50 ultra balls 3 different times and still can't catch it.
Buy Dusk Balls. Twice the capture rate of Ultra Balls at night or in caves.Roto13 said:I don't have anything other than the three standard Pokeballs and the Master Ball. I think Timer Balls are somewhere on these stupid islands, though.... I should get those tomorrow. I'm done with this nonsense for tonight.
They don't exist in FireRed. And there's no night time anyway, and Moltres is on top of a mountain.Firestorm said:Buy Dusk Balls. Twice the capture rate of Ultra Balls at night or in caves.
I probably won't be available until 3-4 hours after that.Morokh said:I have a lot of Cottonee to trade (French version) but you'll have to wait 'til I get home (which will be around 6 hours from now xD)
Andrex said:3. It was only really useful for me to get surfing/flying Pikachus, and those can't be transferred either
Mr. Sam said:Can you not delete Surf or Fly and then re-teach it to them or do they lack the ability to re-learn it?
I wish they could. I'd like to have a Flying/Electric type that can learn Fly and isn't a legendary. I've been using Zapdos/Shiny Thundurus and they feel kind of cheap.Andrex said:3. It was only really useful for me to get surfing/flying Pikachus, and those can't be transferred either
Dogsupandaway said:30 minutes left after finishing the test = all 3 fighting dogs caught. I feel so awesome. So awesome.
Particularly because I just made do with whatever (I put False Swipt on Haxorus and Thunder Wave on Reuniclus and just went with those) I had, and it worked. Usually I go all fancy with a special Smeargle with breeding and EV training and all.
You're very welcome.Arren said:Thanks a lot for the kind and generous trade!![]()
Busaiku said:I probably won't be available until 3-4 hours after that.
Would you still be around?
Xavien said:Is dream world really really slow for anybody else?
Slermy said:I played it a little over an hour ago and it was fine for me. *Shrug*
So what are the chances now?Morokh said:There's a chance![]()
Busaiku said:So what are the chances now?
Also, is there anything specific you need?
I don't have much, but I can see what I can do.
How about an Encore Cottonee?Morokh said:anything you hatched with an egg move would be nice, but if you don't have anything just pick any random Pokemon.
FC : 0862 3560 9885
Busaiku said:How about an Encore Cottonee?
Also, my code's in the Google spreadsheet.
If it was too slow for you then, it will be unbearable after playing White. I can't play it any more, and I wasn't bothered too much by it last year after playing HeartGold.The Broken Ska Record said:Hmm, so I got my copy of Pokémon Diamond from afriendsomeone I knew back. Not sure if I should try playing it. I tried Pearl when it first came out, but it's TOO SLOW for me. Eh, maybe I'll just trade it in.
Schmitty said:Anyone interested in Oshawott, Totodile, Cyndaquil, or Snivy? I need a Vullaby and Throah to complete my Unova dex. Pm me if so.
JVIDICAN said:Anything new pokeGAF? :3
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Why?D-Pad said:Have to pull out of the tourny.Feels bad man.