Pandoracell said:Soul Silver question, since everyone has migrated over here:
Sort of a noob question, but is there something i'm missing with regard to catching legendaries? Specifically, Lugia. I'll whittle it down to almost no health, put it to sleep, confuse it, or paralyze it, and throw endless ultra balls at it with no luck. I've reloaded my save 8+ times trying.
Is it supposed to be this difficult? I don't want to use my master ball, as I know the roaming legendaries will be even more troublesome.
I actually just did this and forgot to go and collect my reward! Now that I know what it is, my next stop is in that direction! Thanks bro ;DSuairyu said:Castella City quest (dancing troupe)
Just found the third guy on Unity Peer, missed him before somehow. The reward is an amulet coin, which if a Pokémon holds and enters battle with you get double prize money.
Try some timer balls. The longer the battle goes on, the more effective they become. Last 30 turns and they become 4x as effective.Pandoracell said:Soul Silver question, since everyone has migrated over here:
Sort of a noob question, but is there something i'm missing with regard to catching legendaries? Specifically, Lugia. I'll whittle it down to almost no health, put it to sleep, confuse it, or paralyze it, and throw endless ultra balls at it with no luck. I've reloaded my save 8+ times trying.
Is it supposed to be this difficult? I don't want to use my master ball, as I know the roaming legendaries will be even more troublesome.
Plasmid said:Fuck elesa, lost to her i think 4 times now.
7echnicolor said:Btw, what route did you find your Blitzle?
D-Pad said:Yeah that sounds about right.
BTW, it's okay to cry. We've all cried.
Try some timer balls. The longer the battle goes on, the more effective they become. Last 30 turns and they become 4x as effective.
In a word? Yes. Every pokemon has a value that determines how easy they are to catch from 1 to 255 with 255 being the easiest. Lugia's is 3. :/Pandoracell said:Soul Silver question, since everyone has migrated over here:
Sort of a noob question, but is there something i'm missing with regard to catching legendaries? Specifically, Lugia. I'll whittle it down to almost no health, put it to sleep, confuse it, or paralyze it, and throw endless ultra balls at it with no luck. I've reloaded my save 8+ times trying.
Is it supposed to be this difficult? I don't want to use my master ball, as I know the roaming legendaries will be even more troublesome.
D-Pad said:Yeah that sounds about right.
BTW, it's okay to cry. We've all cried.
What of Hypnosis?Glix said:YAWN. Only reason I beat her was yawn. Those fuckers were too fast, and too strong.
Munna saved my ass.
Can't trade them over until you beat the E4 anyways.EvilMario said:I carry around a level 31 Lillipup, because Pickup is valuable and not other Sinnoh Pokemon receive the ability. I'll trade over my level 100 Ambipom and Meowth eventually, but I prefer to play the single player adventure vanilla, without trades from old games.
Glix said:Not all of us, just the Miami Heat.
Ben2749 said:This is the first Pokemon game(s) I haven't picked up on day 1. I just got tired of buying a new Pokemon game, and playing it for about three or four gyms before quitting because it's all the same.
I've heard that Black and White are a little different, but honestly, just how different are we talking? I'd be lying if I said I'm not very tempted, but I'm sick of getting burned on this series.
Sinnoh? That can't be right...EvilMario said:I carry around a level 31 Lillipup, because Pickup is valuable and no other Sinnoh Pokemon receive the ability.
Glix said:Not all of us, just the Miami Heat.
Suairyu said:Thought I'd check out the Battle Subway, and I took a train to Anville Town, which is not accessible by walking, as far as I can tell. It's on the upper-left corner of the map. Time to explore!
Well, place. Single. But it is cool. But not worth it until the weekend, apparently.Glix said:? I went down there and did some single battles, I didn't realize you can actually go places! Cool!
Never had a problem like that. You didn't accidentally jostle the cartridge or something?Nils said:Okay what the fuck. All my pokemon fainted cept for one during a wild double battle because I hadn't bothered to backtrack to heal and now I can't switch in my last remaining one. I'm completely stuck in the menu and will have to reset to god knows where I last saved. Something like this has never happened to me before in a Pokemon game. If this happens every time in this albeit rare situation that's fucked up.
Edit....God dammit, lost about an hour of progress.
Suairyu said:Never had a problem like that. You didn't accidentally jostle the cartridge or something?
But yes, as a practice well-honed from PC gaming, I save regularly. Shame it takes several seconds.
Nils said:Okay what the fuck. All my pokemon fainted cept for one during a wild double battle because I hadn't bothered to backtrack to heal and now I can't switch in my last remaining one. I'm completely stuck in the menu and will have to reset to god knows where I last saved. Something like this has never happened to me before in a Pokemon game. If this happens every time in this albeit rare situation that's fucked up.
Edit....God dammit, lost about an hour of progress.
Goddamn! You mark your spoilers with rough progress markers, like "(post gym 7)" or whatever. Now I've totes been spoiled. : (MatthewB92 said:I'm really loving this story. So simple yet so exciting!!! Best pokemon story IMO.
So fun!Just saw N fly away with Zekrom.
SorrySuairyu said:Goddamn! You mark your spoilers with rough progress markers, like "(post gym 7)" or whatever. Now I've totes been spoiled. : (
Suairyu said:Goddamn! You mark your spoilers with rough progress markers, like "(post gym 7)" or whatever. Now I've totes been spoiled. : (
Ho-Oh and Lugia both have a catch rate of 3, which is the lowest possible.Pandoracell said:Did anyone else use their master ball on Lugia/Ho-oh? Somebody say yes so I don't feel like a quitter.
I think we may have ran into a glitch. The same thing happened to me yesterday. This never happened in the Japanese version. It also seems to act up when using the C-Gear...Nils said:Nope, absolutely not. I had three Pokemon left when I entered that wild double battle, and I figured I'd save at the town I was 5 inches away from. So my two crappy in-training ones faint in the double wild battle leaving me with only the legendary I caught earlier left, who's at full health. So I'm on the "Who should you send out screen, and every time I tried to press Shift to get him into battle it would just show me the list of Pokemon again. Tried about 15 times switching the Pokemon in to no avail.
Now I have to suffer through a bunch of boring cut scene crap again and recatch some stuff. I'm especially irked since the Pokemon games are almost always a glitch free series barring the beneficial stuff like cloning and such.