Go with Tepig. Not enough Tepigs up here. Too many Oshawotts.
Never enough Oshawotts. Never.Kirbyguy said:Go with Tepig. Not enough Tepigs up here. Too many Oshawotts.
Billychu said:Never enough Oshawotts. Never.
Pick Snivy because *you* want to.So I guess Snivy isn't that great.
Which leads me to, Tepig or Oshawott? Leaning Oshawott simply because it seems like the least popular.
TacticalFox88 said:Wow, from the looks of the differences, it seems that people who get White version are getting shafted. Oh well, Black version Day 1.
Trading my starter? I could never do that. They're too close to me for me to just give them to some stranger.MacGurcules said:I imagine that the choice of starter isn't really going to be that big of a deal. I'm sure there will be plenty of people on GAF to trade around with in a couple of days.
Fewr said:I like to buy the official guide because of the art, and because my sister prefers to use that instead of the internet, anyone know which is better?
Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version Collector's Edition: The Official Pokemon Strategy Guide & Unova Pokedex with Removable Front-cover Lenticular [Hardcover]
Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version Volume 1: The Official Pokemon Strategy Guide [Paperback]
In other words, is the hardcover version worth the extra $$$?
You can trade with anyone from anywhere. I'm not sure of the differences though, other than names (if the version is not English) and translation(apparently, the Euro versions were translated directly from Japanese instead of J->English->lang).dagZ said:are there any differences between the US version and the Europe version of the game? will I be able to trade with people from the US?
Pick whichever you want, depending on the chart in OP.Bentendo said:Which version of the game is most popular? Right now on Amazon White is ahead of Black but I'm not sure if this is reflective of the overall consensus.
ColtraineGF said:You can trade with anyone from anywhere. I'm not sure of the differences though, other than names (if the version is not English) and translation(apparently, the Euro versions were translated directly from Japanese instead of J->English->lang).
Pick whichever you want, depending on the chart in OP.
Zefah said:The collector's edition is Volume 1 + the Unova Pokédex (which normally won't be included until volume 2), as well as a really cool hardcover. You can take off the lenticular thing if you don't like it, and there is some really nice etched art of Reshiram and Zekrom underneath. For such a small price difference, you should definitely go for the collector's edition.
The legendary pokemon Victini which you can get really early on if you go online is a joint fire/psychic, so forget about Tepig and join the man's club by getting Snivy.jman2050 said:Damn one more day and I still don't know whether to use Snivy or continue always using the fire starter as per tradition.
dangerbyrnes said:I have to say confagrigus is the coolest Pokemon ever.
look at him, he'll be a permanent part of my team.
also listen to his cry, it's badass.
can't wait to get this game.
You cannot betray tradition, otherwise the Pokemon overlords will be disappointed in you.jman2050 said:Damn one more day and I still don't know whether to use Snivy or continue always using the fire starter as per tradition.
Zzoram said:Can you overwrite HM moves?
What moves has Snivy been learning for you guys?
And evolve into a really lame Pokemon. The other Pokemon may arguably start out ugly (how could say that about Snivy?) but they evolve into badasses.zoner said:How can anyone choose other than Tepig? He's actually cute. The other two are ugly little monsters.
Because I always use grass.zoner said:How can anyone choose other than Tepig? He's actually cute. The other two are ugly little monsters.
Holy Order Sol said:I won't spoil it for you, but choose the moveset wisely, and you won't regret it. This one's a beast.
Anyway, I picked Tepig and ditched it after the 4th Gym. It's decent, but there's just better stuff out there.
Kurtofan said:About Gurdurr: He's level 28 should I wait or not before I make him evolve?
Ditch Snivy? As in the entire pokemon? Wow. Do the Starters suck THAT much. .____. I'm scared now. I relied on my starter to bail me out of some SERIOUS situations back in the day.Merovin said:I plan to ditch Snivy soon, and I'm only facing the second gym.
Ok so I think I forgot how breeding works..Roto13 said:Well, you can breed your Snivy to make a whole new Snivy which you can then trade for a Tepig.
You can transfer all of your Nintendo WFC information over from one DS to another. Will that work with the 3DS?
JackEtc said:Snivy's smug face makes me want to punch it. It's like he's always saying