Does anyone have a Braviary or Rufflet they are willing to try? I'll trade Mandibuzz or Vullaby for it.
But each badge playing a different note was taken out. Now my OCD has no benefit!BGBW said:I just realised that badge shining is back. How they sparkle.
BGBW said:I just realised that badge shining is back. How they sparkle.
Chet Rippo said:Damn it, I wish I could get my wifi working. I wanna trade pokemon/get my ass kicked so bad!
MatthewB92 said:Does anyone have a Braviary or Rufflet they are willing to try? I'll trade Mandibuzz or Vullaby for it.
Well I hope I can get my Gurdurr evolved before I face the Elite Four.Chet Rippo said:Damn it, I wish I could get my wifi working. I wanna trade pokemon/get my ass kicked so bad!
BGBW said:Well I hope I can get my Gurdurr evolved before I face the Elite Four.
FC=0218-0116-0010Nayishiki said:I can give you a Rufflet. My Friend code is 2322 5415 4411.
Yeah it's a trade evolve. Tried to organise a trade yesterday but WiFi died on us.Gravijah said:Do you need to trade him? Cause I still need to trade evolve one of my Pokemon.
I liked Dwebble, but his evo is ugly. Made me sad. ;_;Drkirby said:Dwebble is such a great name. Dwebble Dwebble Dwebble <3
as far as I know, video chat works identical to VOIP without limitation (aside from only two video chat participants)gar3 said:Hi all - I have a quick question for those who know the answer. I skimmed the entire topic and didn't see this mentioned and I apologize in advance if it was discussed and I simply missed it.
My wife and her sister currently use Pokemon Pearl via their DSes to voice chat. Neither are really interested in Pokemon so much as an easy VoIP alternative. Why? I don't know and really don't care, heh. Anywho, with the release of Black/White and the ability to video chat my wife asked whether they could start doing that. Now I have a DSi for Old People here in the US and her sister has a DSi in Japan. I just want to confirm that someone living in Japan using a JPN Black card in a JPN DSi can indeed video chat with someone living in the US using a US White card in a US DSi XL. I don't see why it wouldn't work but would rather know in advance if it doesn't before shelling out the $70 or so for the two games.
farnham said:when is the perfect timing to evolve my munna into a mushana ?
Do seen first then I go for have. Now I need someone to lend me a Thundurus for a couple of minutes lol. Does anyone have him? If so after I'm done I'll let that person borrow Tornadus to get Landorus.Drkirby said:Seen doesn't count.
More importantly I want to battle other people. I can only take so many beatings from my brother before it gets old. Seriously, his Escavalier is some goddamn bullshit.Gravijah said:Not like you could actually trade at this point anyway.![]()
What's wrong with your WiFi? WPA versus WEP? Tell me your details and maybe I can help you thar.Chet Rippo said:Damn it, I wish I could get my wifi working. I wanna trade pokemon/get my ass kicked so bad!
larvi said:My Amazon order finally showed up![/IMG
The DSI's are for my daughters, they both recently had birthdays and I promised them the new pokemon game when it came out as a late present. They don't know yet that they are getting the new DSI's so they will be suprised when they get home. They are both still using an original model DS so they were due for an upgrade, I was waiting for a price drop on the DSI/Lite but figured what the heck an ordered these instead for them.
The additional copies of black and white are for me of course :)[/QUOTE]
That's pretty awesome dude.
larvi said:My Amazon order finally showed up![*/IMG]
The DSI's are for my daughters, they both recently had birthdays and I promised them the new pokemon game when it came out as a late present. They don't know yet that they are getting the new DSI's so they will be suprised when they get home. They are both still using an original model DS so they were due for an upgrade, I was waiting for a price drop on the DSI/Lite but figured what the heck an ordered these instead for them.
The additional copies of black and white are for me of course :)[/QUOTE]
That's very sweet. :P
you're getting on my nervesGravijah said:This WiFi bullshit is starting to get on my nerves. :/
I'm not at home at the moment, but from what I remember I tried to connect but the security setting was preventing me, so I changed it from WPA to WEP, but it still wouldn't let me connect. The error message was vague and so was the accompanied support website. Nintendo's support site suggested to turn off this firewall, but there wasn't any option to do so on my settings. I'll try again tonight and see what I can do.Suairyu said:What's wrong with your WiFi? WPA versus WEP? Tell me your details and maybe I can help you thar.
Drkirby said:Rocky Helmet seems like a pretty useful item, would be great with a pokemon that has tons of Physical Defense, though I am sure most opponites in a wifi battle would be smart enough to switch to anther pokemon/a special move.
BGBW said:I've constantly been swapping Pokemon out of my team. Audinos make it really for Pokemon to catch up.
I've constantly been swapping Pokemon out of my team. Audinos make it really for Pokemon to catch up.Gravijah said:Hm, I want to get rid of Conkeldurr and Gigalith but I'm not sure what to replace them with... Might get rid of Scoliopede too...
Argh, I'm gonna end up spending hours rebuilding my team soon.
Drkirby said:Rocky Helmet seems like a pretty useful item, would be great with a pokemon that has tons of Physical Defense, though I am sure most opponites in a wifi battle would be smart enough to switch to anther pokemon/a special move.
Graivjah said:Boney, you are a fucking idiot
Teknoman said:Speaking of which, does Zorua/Zoroark count as a legendary?
Teknoman said:Speaking of which, does Zorua/Zoroark count as a legendary?
No, Zorua is the only Event only Non-legendary. That is why you can breed it!Teknoman said:I dunno. In an organized online tournament or friendly battles maybe, but randoms online...probably come across full legendary teams and players that dont know how to use them.
Speaking of which, does Zorua/Zoroark count as a legendary?
Drkirby said:No, Zorua is the only Event only Non-legendary. That is why you can bread it!
I don't think so. You can breed them.Teknoman said:Speaking of which, does Zorua/Zoroark count as a legendary?
RepairmanJack said:Is it possible to get a shiny from breeding?