I want proof!Gravijah said:Of course. You can also get them easier by breeding with a "foreign" Pokemon!
I want proof!Gravijah said:Of course. You can also get them easier by breeding with a "foreign" Pokemon!
Black city has trainers with rare pokemon and white forest has rare low level pokemon. In Black City there are 10 trainers but you only get new trainers when you connect with someone with the entralink. Same with white forest but you get different pokemon to find.Anilones said:Can someone explain how Black City/White Forest work? Are they open fully after you finish the game? From what I have read you need to connect locally to other people to populate them, is this correct?
When you say connect, is that locally? I only ask as I do not envisage meeting someone who has Pokemon for the forseeable future.MatthewB92 said:Black city has trainers with rare pokemon and white forest has rare low level pokemon. In Black City there are 10 trainers but you only get new trainers when you connect with someone with the entralink. Same with white forest but you get different pokemon to find.
ultron87 said:Is there anyway in battle to see the current stat buffs/debuffs that are on your Pokemon? (Ie, can I see whether it's defense has been lowered or whatever?)
And how long do those effects last anyway?
Precisely.Anilones said:When you say connect, is that locally? I only ask as I do not envisage meeting someone who has Pokemon for the forseeable future.
So even if I never connect to anybody else I can still fight 10 trainers in Black or capture exclusive Pokemon in White, just not as many as possible?
Gravijah said:Of course. You can also get them easier by breeding with a "foreign" Pokemon!
Gravijah said:
Yea locally only.Anilones said:When you say connect, is that locally? I only ask as I do not envisage meeting someone who has Pokemon for the forseeable future.
So even if I never connect to anybody else I can still fight 10 trainers in Black or capture exclusive Pokemon in White, just not as many as possible?
Chet Rippo said:Glad that the Pokemart song got in. I was worried that since the shops were merged with the Pokemon Centers that the song would be gone. Such a soothing song.
larvi said:My Amazon order finally showed up!
The DSI's are for my daughters, they both recently had birthdays and I promised them the new pokemon game when it came out as a late present. They don't know yet that they are getting the new DSI's so they will be suprised when they get home. They are both still using an original model DS so they were due for an upgrade, I was waiting for a price drop on the DSI/Lite but figured what the heck an ordered these instead for them.
The additional copies of black and white are for me of course![]()
Teknoman said:I dunno. In an organized online tournament or friendly battles maybe, but randoms online...probably come across full legendary teams and players that dont know how to use them.
Speaking of which, does Zorua/Zoroark count as a legendary?
RepairmanJack said:Sweet shiny Zorua want!
Chet Rippo said:Glad that the Pokemart song got in. I was worried that since the shops were merged with the Pokemon Centers that the song would be gone. Such a soothing song.
Gravijah said:Oh god I can't figure out who to add to my team. Maybe I should just progress more into the game.
Andrex said:Shiny Zorua looks ace but like most unevolved shinies, its shiny form looks lame.![]()
RepairmanJack said:I'm confused, are you saying you like Shiny Zorua but not shiny Zoruark? I think they both look pretty sweet in both shiny and non shiny form.
yeb said:Good morning, pokegaf. Would anyone be willing to help evolve my Gurdurr and Boldore?
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It's because you can record your voice or something.Andrex said:I just noticed Chatot is banned in random matches. Lol.
Shiny Zoroark is lame. Purple = LAME
yeb said:Good morning, pokegaf. Would anyone be willing to help evolve my Gurdurr and Boldore?
1463 5574 1979
I want to keep my names, though.ExtraKr1spy said:Just put them up on the GTS asking for the same pokemon![]()
About to check if someones accepted my Boldore<-->Boldroe trade
Yay, I'll be on in a minute.vid said:Yo, I can help.
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Shopping Mall Nine on route 9Drkirby said:What town has it?
Why?Andrex said:I just noticed Chatot is banned in random matches. Lol.
yeb said:I want to keep my names, though.
Yay, I'll be on in a minute.
Andrex said:Shiny Zoroark is lame. Purple = LAME
Gravijah said:Traded Pokemon bonus + Lucky Egg + Audino = Fufufu
Gravijah said:Holy shit it's purple? I need that.
Kurtofan said:Why?
Kurtofan said:Why?
Every time I try trading with you, it says the connection with the other players has been lost. Why do I keep having problems with this wifi?vid said:Alright, waiting in the Wifi Club. I'm chilling at work right now, so if I get distracted for a moment, it just means that customers came in and I'm helping them out.
yeb said:Every time I try trading with you, it says the connection with the other players has been lost. Why do I keep having problems with this wifi?![]()
yeb said:Every time I try trading with you, it says the connection with the other players has been lost. Why do I keep having problems with this wifi?![]()
Zerokku said:So apparently for some inane reason, Gamefreak has removed auto leveling from non-random wfc online battles.
There goes any interest I had in getting back in to competitive battling.
Yeah, I give up for now. Thanks though.vid said:Yeah, I keep seeing you try to connect, then it says you're gone. Maybe the system is just buckling under the weight of all of the Pokemon being flung to and fro. I'm starting to think that it was for the best that the Game Sync connection isn't available yet, if they're having this much trouble with just the GTS...
Teknoman said:It auto caps at 50, but yeah, if you are under 50...you're out of luck. Not sure why they decided to remove such a helpful feature though. Then again, it's really easy to level up this time around.
yeb said:Yeah, I give up for now. Thanks though.
Zerokku said:So apparently for some inane reason, Gamefreak has removed auto leveling from non-random wfc online battles.
There goes any interest I had in getting back in to competitive battling.