Hahaha wordRoto13 said:Because they think everyone is Japanese.
Anastacio said:Thanks for your answers Andrex, I'll read through them here in an hour.
I'm signing up for Global Link just to secure my username as well.
Oh, and I tried watching if there were any gifts and to my surprise I just got the Liberty Pass, thought the event ended at April 10th and that it just wasn't updated in the OP yet. But I can't get Victini anymore then, right?
StateofMind said:I saw someone mention in OT2 that they had slowed down the flash player on Global Link to play the Eevee game. While I hate to 'cheat', the game is so laggy that it's pretty much unplayable so if anyone knows how to do that I'd love to know how.
Roto13 said:White is just as bad. You can only catch a handful of Pokemon in White Forest unless you link.
It has to be local.Zzoram said:do you have to local link or can you online link?
If you have a Pokemon waiting for you, you can't go to the Dream Island. When you're finished with the Dream World, sign out and prepare to wake up. It will send the waiting Pokemon to your in-game forest thing. Once it's there, you don't have to catch it right away if you don't want to. I have like five just sitting in the forest. As long as it's in your game and not in your Dream World, you can go to the Dream Island.Mank said:Is there any way to keep going to the island without picking up a pokemon each day? As in, can you stockpile in the dreamworld? It let me do this before I registered my cart, but now it keeps saying I have a pokemon ready for transfer and won't let me go to the island again. Is there any way around this? I only have WiFi access three days of the week, which is making this REALLY annoying.
Renoir said:i huess im stuck leveling my pokemons at the stadium...
man i should have bought white.
Damn, that sucks. So I'm pretty much crippled for having registered my game cart. Thanks Ninty :|Roto13 said:If you have a Pokemon waiting for you, you can't go to the Dream Island. When you're finished with the Dream World, sign out and prepare to wake up. It will send the waiting Pokemon to your in-game forest thing. Once it's there, you don't have to catch it right away if you don't want to. I have like five just sitting in the forest. As long as it's in your game and not in your Dream World, you can go to the Dream Island.
Wow, I've logged like 220 hours in Black and there are a few events I didn't even know about.Vect said:http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/dailyevent.shtml
Check there for other daily events where you can battle trainers.
Leveling up a Deino is time consuming.
O D I N said:Finally beat the game.
/excuse to post and subscribe
I could battle you! I just battled my friend yesterday and it was tons of fun.JVIDICAN said:Nice. Now prove your worth by battling me! >![]()
Yeah, I believe flat rules with 6 pokemon is only available via local connection. Which is a shame. :/upandaway said:I could battle you! I just battled my friend yesterday and it was tons of fun.
By the way can you only do level-snap 6 on 6 locally? Through online we could only do level-snap with 3 on 3. And my Pokemon are all level 74.
Man I couldn't disagree more. It feels like there are literally a dozen secret or hidden caves, paths and routes that I am still finding at 80+ hours logged. I've been on a media and Serebii blackout so I've been figuring it all out on my own.Forkball said:I haven't delved into the post-game a whole lot, maybe that will change my opinion. But overall, I feel that this game did a great job when it came to the actual Pokemon, but failed when it came to an interesting world.
Articalys said:My biggest complaint about the world was how incredibly linear it was. Yes, I know Pokemon games usually have a railroading plot, but at least the routes would cross each other at some points or have some closed loops or something. Unova is almost literally a straight line from home to the Pokemon League, moreso than any game before it.
Fair enough, I guess -- the endgame made up for a lot of the simplified world design, at least.isny said:It seems like more of an introductory Pokemon game. Something to hook the new generation of kids who have never played a Pokemon game before. (As opposed to Heart Gold and Superior Silver which was total fanservice)
I'm sure the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire will be totally amazing compared to B/W, as they're probably going to be 3DS enhanced.
Forkball said:Black and White didn't do anything to the series that really changed the way we play the game.
Forkball said:There are also now cool caves or huge labyrinths to explore.
Forkball said:Think about all the cool places D/P had. Mt. Coronet. Valley Windworks. Stark Mountain. Great Marsh. Solaceon Ruins. The Underground. Old Chateau etc.
Forkball said:Also, this generation probably had the best Pokemon to battle with.
... What?Forkball said:The jump from each gen was pretty enormous, and always introduced something that completely changed how Pokemon played.
Speaking of Dream World moves, can you get a Pokemon with more than one DW move? I have never seen a DW Pokemon that knows more than one move and, while I might not be that good at the other mini-games, I think I am getting pretty much the best score I can in the Pelipper game.upandaway said:Got a male Tangela with Leech Seed today so I just went with that. Besides him and a Shinx knowing Magnet Rise, the rest of the Pokemon knew shitty DW-only moves.
Ability-wise I've stopped caring. It's way harder to get a good move, so when you do it takes priority.
By the way, unless I'm mistaken somewhere just today I got something like 600 points. That even possible? By this rate I'll unlock the new area tomorrow.
OMG Aero said:Speaking of Dream World moves, can you get a Pokemon with more than one DW move? I have never seen a DW Pokemon that knows more than one move and, while I might not be that good at the other mini-games, I think I am getting pretty much the best score I can in the Pelipper game.
Roto13 said:... What?
Not through the DW as far as I know. I once found the missing Pokemon in 4 seconds (it was 1:26) including the lost item, and got one move. I'm not even sure if the move was a DW one.OMG Aero said:Speaking of Dream World moves, can you get a Pokemon with more than one DW move? I have never seen a DW Pokemon that knows more than one move and, while I might not be that good at the other mini-games, I think I am getting pretty much the best score I can in the Pelipper game.
Don't forget Hold Items in Gen 2, and abilities in Gen 3.Ondore said:Gen 2: Special split, Dark/Steel types
Gen 3: New EV/IV system, natures
Gen 4: Correction of physical/special to per-move
Gen 5: ... Dream World?
Hold items sucked in Gen II, that hardly counts.Mank said:Don't forget Hold Items in Gen 2, and abilities in Gen 3.
Ondore said:Gen 5: ... Dream World?
Do you happen to know where this Name Rater is?Ondore said:You have to go to the Name Rater and have him rename it, then put in the regular name for the new nickname.
If it's traded though, you're out of luck. You have to be the original trainer.
The big city, Castelia. Go to the northernmost street, and he'll be in a building on the left.Anastacio said:Do you happen to know where this Name Rater is?
Oh that's great, because I just got my second badge and is slowly on my way there.yeb said:The big city, Castelia. Go to the northernmost street, and he'll be in a building on the left.
xSL4INx said:I'm almost done breeding for Solosis, after I pick the one I want I'll have tons left over. If anyone wants Solosis at Lv 1, with a quiet nature, let me know.