Garbodorzoukka said:Gothitelle is the ugliest Pokemon of all time.
Roto13 said:Garbodor
zoukka said:It's supposed to look like crap.
Gothitelle looks like a hooker version of the michelin man. Misdreavus has the same concept and pulled it off way better.
zoukka said:Gothitelle is the ugliest Pokemon of all time.
HomShaBom said:Meh. I've been playing White for a few weeks now and I'm just feeling it at all. I'm at badge 7 and I barely have motivation to go on. I keep going to Serebii and looking at how awesome Silver/Gold remakes are and I wish I had gotten one of them. Seriously thinking about trading in White and buying Silver. So much great nostalgia with them. I have no interest in any of these new pokemon.
Victrix said:Someone please tell me that GTS trades for 'Lv 9 and under pokemon that can't be level 9 and under' weren't present in DPP
Because if so how can Japan still be so dumb at online
Riposte said:Two questions...
1) Okay, I saw my online code or w/e when I first "game sync". I didn't write it down, now I can't seem to find it. What do I do?
The Broken Ska Record said:LOLNO
She's not that bad. Not as bad as this:
The types have always been like that. Some types resist attacks of their own element, some don't, some are weak to it. It's not just using an attack against a target of the same type either, there's basically a total disconnect between offense and defense. Example: Water is SE against Rock/Ground, but doesn't resist them. Rock resists normal, but isn't SE against it. Imagine how broken Steel would be if they were actually connected.Sagitario said:
Riposte said:Two questions...
1) Okay, I saw my online code or w/e when I first "game sync". I didn't write it down, now I can't seem to find it. What do I do?
General consensus seems to be that the best Dream World Eevee evolutions are either Vaporeon (Which will auto heal any status effect in the rain so you can abuse rest with it) or Espeon (Which will automatically reflect any status move your opponent uses back on them).Anastacio said:Finally caught a Victini! And with a normal Pokéball, but it took a lot of tries.
Next up, I want one of the Eevee evolutions from the Dream World, was the fire type recommended? Does it matter which Pokémon I tuck in and how I play the minigame in order to get a specific Eevee evolution?
zoukka said:That's still cute.
This right here...
Is just wrong.
Anastacio said:Great explanation "OMG Aero", I greatly appreciate that answer! I need to tuck in a Pokémon to Global Link first, right?
Bankoiia said:Any other trainer besidesusing a Spiritomb? I need to see one to be able to request it at the GTS.Cynthia
Yes, please! Anything particular you want in return? I don't have a whole lot to offer, though.Xavien said:I can trade you one if you want.
Bankoiia said:Yes, please! Anything particular you want in return? I don't have a whole lot to offer, though.
Bankoiia said:fc: 2494 3918 7496
I'll be waiting inside the wi-fi room.
Shinies are a lot harder to come by than any other kind of Pokemon. You probably won't find anyone here that's willing to part with one.AzureJericho said:No one here has spare shiny Litwick family members? I'm hurting for a shiny Chandelure and GTS is trolling me with offers for them in exchange for lvl. 9 or under legendaries. >:|
I have a shiny Litwich I'm willing to trade.AzureJericho said:No one here has spare shiny Litwick family members? I'm hurting for a shiny Chandelure and GTS is trolling me with offers for them in exchange for lvl. 9 or under legendaries. >:|
Roto13 said:Shinies are a lot harder to come by than any other kind of Pokemon. You probably won't find anyone here that's willing to part with one.And if you do, I want it, and will trade another shiny for it, so there.
You're a bad person.Busaiku said:You know what isn't the ugliest Pokemon ever?
This guy!
I'm never going to catch Victini. :/Finally caught a Victini! And with a normal Pokéball, but it took a lot of tries.
Trading items via Share Shelf 1 Point
Picking berries 10 Points
Watering a friend's berries 10 Points
Winning a minigame 10 to 30 Points
Sending a new Pokémon to Entree Forest 50 Points