Andrex said:Anime totally makes Oshawott superior.
you can ask pretty much anything about pokemonTunavi said:Is this pokemon black/white only or is this general pokemon discussion as well?
TheSeks said:Honestly, in terms of anime none of the Gens after the 1st's starters do anything for me. Sure, Piplup is cute, but I'd still take a Charmander/Squirtle/Bulbasaur over it.
Andrex, man, why you gotta diss Charmander.Andrex said:How's your dancing Charmander? Oh wait it can't dance. HA HA HA
but some Pokemon are more equal than others.upandaway said:Andrex, man, why you gotta diss Charmander.
All Pokemon are born equal. It should not come to this.
Frost_Ace said:gen1 starters>>>>the others>>>>gen3
Fixed.Andrex said:Gen 4 > Gen 1 > Gen 3 > Gen 5 >>>>> Gen 2
Frost_Ace said:WTF gen Iv starters are the worst EVER
love empoleon though <3
Andrex said:Gen 3 starters are definitely the worst.
When people say the Gen III starters suck, they're talking about this one in particular.goldlion054 said:![]()
myself and the greatest Pokemon in the history of the game respectfully disagree
Bros don't give up on one another
Roto13 said:When people say the Gen III starters suck, they're talking about this one in particular.
Two Pokemon with the same IVs (inherent strengths that are annoying and hidden) and the same natures and the same number of EVs (stat points you get just for fighting) will have the same stats at the same level. The lvl 19 will have higher EVs when it reaches level 29 than the one you caught at 29, but it's not hard for the level 29 one to catch up. (EVs max out after a certain number.)Tunavi said:in terms of stats, is it better to catch high level pokemon or level them up from lower levels?
I caught a level 19 duglett and a level 29 dugtrio, which one should I train? The level 19 will level up faster, will its stats be higher by the time its level 29?
Roto13 said:When people say the Gen III starters suck, they're talking about this one in particular.
Furry.goldlion054 said:Don't hate. You'll never understand our bond
So i herd u liek awesomeGravijah said:how can anything from gen 2 be better than swampert. WATERFALL AND EARTHQUAKE, FOOLS.
No UTheSeks said:No, we're talking about the bird one. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Then again, it's better than Fire Monkey Butt.
Gravijah said:gen4=gen3>gen5=gen1>gen2
there will be no arguments.
I skipped Gen 2. I'm glad I did, since it's terrible.Tunavi said:Did anyone here stop playing Pokemon at a certain gen? I stopped at Gen 3.
You really have the weirdest taste in pretty much everything.Wiseblade said:I skipped Gen 2. I'm glad I did, since it's terrible.
I know, right? But tell me, which part of this is wrong:Roto13 said:You really have the weirdest taste in pretty much everything.
Wiseblade said:Pokémon Gold and Silver
By far the worst games in the series. Johto is absolutely miniscule and the new pokemon are among the worst ever designed. The gym leaders are forgettable and the challenge is non-existent(apart from maybe one fight).
The oft-praised post-game content is pretty pathetic too. Kanto is a shell of its former self, with pretty much every dungeon or point of interest shrunk drastically or removed entirely. I understand that this is down to space limitations, but in that case why bother? It way better to have one large, fleshed out region compared to two neutered ones. GSC suffer largely as a result.
Tunavi said:Did anyone here stop playing Pokemon at a certain gen? I stopped at Gen 3.
Yeah, a fighting cock ... makes no sense at all.TheSeks said:No, we're talking about the bird one. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
Black-Wind said:Yeah, a fighting cock ... makes no sense at all.
Lots of it. Johto is bigger than Kanto. The Johto Pokemon designs are miles better than the Hoenn designs. Kanto is missing a lot of the stuff it had in Red and Blue but that's because it's a side quest. If they had just made a new subregion with the exact same amount of content, you wouldn't be complaining now. The gym leaders are pretty forgettable, though, I'll give you that. (But I don't remember a single Hoenn or Sinnoh leader, and while it's probably not fair to compare them because I played HeartGold since the last time I played Emerald or Pearl, but at least a few Johto leaders pop into my head.)Wiseblade said:I know, right? But tell me, which part of this is wrong:
Oh that?TheSeks said:I'm more talking the awkward design more so than the meaning behind it.
Speed breed and join the tourney! >:OKyzer said:Just finished running through SS again, about to start a new file in Black. Probably my 8th time playing through either B/W. I think this one I'm gonna stick to this time and start breeding a competitive team..I havent done that since HG/SS!