Thanks to another awesome friend, got all starters!
So my current party consists of:
-Oshawott (my main)
-Lillipup (a now favorite I captured

-Munna (thought it was cute, so captured it)
-Tepig (fire starter that friend gave me)
-Snivy (plant type that frend also gave to me)
-Deino (a dragon type that friend gave too)
Since those 3 were acquired through trades, they get experience faster. All came from eggs, so they have some extra abilities ...Deino surprised me, because "she" has this move called Dragon Rage that even at Level 1, was beating Pokéon with just one hit! :O!
Now negotiating with him (or the other one); since Pikachu is my favorite since day one; and I want one..even if it's a Pichu I have to raise. But they're reluctant and don't want to.
Well, one friend caved..and gave me a Pichu!
Now I'm worried about its "authenticity" again...Guess I should just be happy that I have one. Apparently from a Gamestop; though he said that he took the item he was holding. XD
Though is kinda funny that while trading with them I'm like "lol keep giving those Hackémon" and "Can I has moar hacked eggs please!!"..and they get angry. XD
Oh well, Pichu's mine!

..Level 30, so can't use him yet.
Guess the "Dex No." been '0' is because I don't have the Pokédex updated with the "classic ones" yet...right?