too bad we killed his raticate tho =(Blue > Gary
Never saw Gary slicing any Arboks in two.
too bad we killed his raticate tho =(
You lost. Just like a Chikorita to lose.
But Gary Oak forgot to love his Pokemon and treat them with care! It woulda died out of neglect eventually.
Now the whole time I'm playing Black 2, this is what I'm going to imagine Kingdra saying every time Chikorita is knocked out. Hahaha!
Blue > Gary
Never saw Gary slicing any Arboks in two.
Just got this off Bulbapedia:
In Home Is Where The Start Is!, Gary reunited with Ash and battled him with his Electivire and defeated Ash's Pikachu once more.
That's unfair though. You should start off with Horsea, and Chikorita should be a Meganium by the time Horsea is a Kingdra (Seadra is at Level 32, Meganium at Level 32).
I'm not planning on evolving you or Dwebble. You both are probably getting an Eviolite.
it just dawned to me..... Why cant chikorita and bayleaf learn leaf blade?
I would evolve, but its your game, do what you want.
Have you decided what set you are going to use?[/ig]
Every time Beef disses Chikorita, this image will be posted.[/QUOTE]
Let's hope that nobody reports you for image spam. Although it's not like Chikorita would live long enough in a battle to spam anything, really.
Let's hope that nobody reports you for image spam. Although it's not like Chikorita would live long enough in a battle to spam anything, really.[/ig]
And I don't think anyone will bother to report me for spam, I mean no one bothered to report Digimon for plagiarism.[/QUOTE]
Maybe Pokemon should've plagiarized Digimon in learning how to make a compelling anime, then.
Maybe Pokemon should've plagiarized Digimon in learning how to make a compelling anime, then.
One piece fan here.
and the obvious solution is to cross the digimon and pokemon worlds, there everyone isnothappy
One piece fan here.
and the obvious solution is to cross the digimon and pokemon worlds, there everyone isnothappy
What animes does PokeGAF like?
hmm i've never really watched digimon before now that i think about it.....well then time to give it a shot.......later today.
ahh dbz, SM,YYH...come back childhood toonami -.-
hmm i've never really watched digimon before now that i think about it.....well then time to give it a shot.......later today.
ahh dbz, SM,YYH...come back childhood toonami -.-
What animes does PokeGAF like?
Yeah, SM is my main show, the anime goes downhill when Chibiusa debuts. I love the Toku version though.
You should come visit us in TokuGAF some time. I still haven't gotten around to Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon but I've got it sitting here waiting to be watched. We could do with some discussion outside the weekly Ranger/Rider stuff.
I will. The only Sentai I've seen all the way through is Dairanger, I've seen a lot of KR series. Kabuto is my fav KR series.
Actually, the guy who played Mamoru in PGSM played a Kamen Rider.
Which Rider did he play?
edit: Oh god your new avatar is freaky
I will. The only Sentai I've seen all the way through is Dairanger, I've seen a lot of KR series. Kabuto is my fav KR series.
Actually, the guy who played Mamoru in PGSM played a Kamen Rider.
Chikorita will be missed.
I'll have to go back.
I'll have to go back.
Oh no! He's doing the B2/W2 thread too!Wait why was Chet banned?
Wait why was Chet banned?
Oh wow i didn't even notice the gray![]()
Wait why was Chet banned?
He was posting in this thread about 2 hours ago...he just got banned.
I don't get it, I just checked his last few posts and it seems inoffensive enough.
I don't get it, I just checked his last few posts and it seems inoffensive enough.