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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Japanese White 2 coming in the next week or two, Japanese Platinum coming on Friday. $26-ish total.

I haven't played through Platinum since early 2009 (Was it March?). Really hoping it's at least half as good as I remember it being... EDIT: Wait that was the rest of my gaming budget through Oct. Er... Oops.


Japanese White 2 coming in the next week or two, Japanese Platinum coming on Friday. $26-ish total.

I haven't played through Platinum since early 2009 (Was it March?). Really hoping it's at least half as good as I remember it being... EDIT: Wait that was the rest of my gaming budget through Oct. Er... Oops.

Buying used is great here, the Japanese Black 2 I bought had events, Mewtwos, Keldeos, Meloetta, Genesects, so good.

I use that Meloetta now, she's still in my game though, leveling her up to get CC. She's naughty but I managed to make her work mixed.
We were almost back to it in 2011/2012 with 3DS games before capture cards were a thing :p
Buying used is great here, the Japanese Black 2 I bought had events, Mewtwos, Keldeos, Meloetta, Genesects, so good.

I use that Meloetta now, she's still in my game though, leveling her up to get CC. She's naughty but I managed to make her work mixed.
Oh god, thanks for reminding me to check the save files first. I was gonna just wipe the saves off. ><; Kid me would have been very disappointed in older me for even thinking of just wiping the save right away.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So today's ep will be Ash/Tierno vs Serena/Shauna and Serena uses her shy Eevee, since that will the focus.

Oh and a new anime that replaced Tamagotchi's spot and a new season of Aikatsu.
Thank you, completely unrelated thread, for reminding me of two things:

1) That I vaguely remember a Firestorm on Sleepywood.
2) That I will never reveal my username on Sleepywood ever
Some Gates to Infinity pictures are like that.
Pfft, no w- Oh God no.

It's still significantly better than those DP pics though. Those were really out of place. ><;



I read the bulbapedia article on rocketshipping and apparently there's a picture in the epilogue of The Electric Tale of Pikachu that cements that ship. Which is weird because I don't remember such a thing existed when I read it. So I went and found the issues and there is no epilogue! And the wiki has chapters that are out of order for the standalone issues! What is going on?!

I don't really want to buy volume 4 because they're over $100 on amazon. :lol

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
>reading bulbapedia

there's your error

anyway pretty hilarious episode, it was obvious Ash would stomp them all but they made Serena forfeit because she suddenly had a glimmer of idea of what to do in the performance

also dat shipping bait

and Ash with the Usagi bread gag! Yes!


Wikipedia says the same thing. There is no chapter Type: Wild in the comic book run. There are also bonus chapters in the volume collections. I've been had!


The new Halloween Pikachu are on Pokémon Center.
Unfortunately, most of them are key chain plushies.
Only getting the standard size Golbat this time.
watched the tyrunt episode

god, eureka is like the best kid sidekick ever in this show

they should never give Ash a new one cause we'll always compared them to eureka

also ;_;


Just finished probably the most intricate listing of Collectible Badge Center badges (albeit only for Pokémon) on the Internet. (I actually checked Japanese sites to see how they did it and barely found anything)

I'm hoping that there are more now so the efforts aren't wasted,but then the money drain :p


Wikipedia says the same thing. There is no chapter Type: Wild in the comic book run. There are also bonus chapters in the volume collections. I've been had!

I have Volume 4 somewhere and know the shipping thing you're talking about. iirc it's a pic of James and (I think, it's been a while) a pregnant Jessie together.


I have Volume 4 somewhere and know the shipping thing you're talking about. iirc it's a pic of James and (I think, it's been a while) a pregnant Jessie together.
YES. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Not that I'm a rocketshipper. I just hate it when content gets cut. It's bad enough with the censoring and the breast shaming.


YES. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Not that I'm a rocketshipper. I just hate it when content gets cut. It's bad enough with the censoring and the breast shaming.
Keep in mind this was late 1990s when they printed it left to right.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh yeah XYZ question.

You think they will pull an OS and link the series directly into the Zygarde movie? Core is a main character in XYZ it seems.

Also I wonder how the dub will handle it. Core is nicknamed as Puni-chan, punipuni being squishy. So the dub will name it Squishie?


Oh yeah XYZ question.

You think they will pull an OS and link the series directly into the Zygarde movie? Core is a main character in XYZ it seems.

Also I wonder how the dub will handle it. Core is nicknamed as Puni-chan, punipuni being squishy. So the dub will name it Squishie?

Yeah I'd believe so.


Going through Serebii's DP pages because reasons. Hey remember when he used to use offscreen pictures? Oh man I was like 14 back then and seeing these pages is as nostalgic as fuck. I'm honestly glad we're past those dark ages though. *shudders*

Hey man, I lived for those pictures. Heck I remember rushing home booting up the computer and being greeted by the pictures and having my hype level go through the roof as I was super hyped for gen 4.

Ah good times good indeed.

The new Halloween Pikachu are on Pokémon Center.
Unfortunately, most of them are key chain plushies.
Only getting the standard size Golbat this time.

One day Pokémon Center will ship outside of the US, one day.

Why do you hate us European? ;_;
JP Platinum is confirmed to be arriving tomorrow morning at my house. SO...

Chimchar, Piplup, or Turtwig?

Personally I chose Piplup on my first run through Diamond. He's very defensively reliable and not having to pick up a Surf user later on gives you more team composition opportunities.

On the other hand, I went with Chimchar on my Platinum run and I don't know if I'd ever pick another starter to get through Sinnoh with again. He's a total champ at destroying the early game Pokemon, which is generally where you rely on your starter the most. Plus he's freaking Sun Wukong.


I think that Sinnoh has the strongest Starter trio in the series overall, design wise at least. I also think that the Piplup line is the strongest Water Starter line. Just my opinion though p


YES. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Not that I'm a rocketshipper. I just hate it when content gets cut. It's bad enough with the censoring and the breast shaming.

I'm surprised to hear they omitted that chapter from the comic run. It's an entire epilogue, haha
Got Platinum cart (it came in a box with instructions and everything and it's in such good condition and it's shiny). I'll go with Piplup, thanks guys.

But first I'm gonna trade over some things to my Soul Silver because this guy has some stuff that I don't want to obtain the"hard" way. lol.
Trading between games is such a pain in Gen IV. Looking forward to just dumping everything onto my Japanese Bank with White 2, assuming it also has some stuff on its save file. Should be much quicker. Done now though, traded only two batches of mons over... Including Torterra. Well that sure makes my decision easy. Piplup it is! Thanks for the input guys.

Save file deleted now, time to play for a bit until I cook hamburgers. Looking forward to this!


Decided to write up my experiences with the whole starter Pokémon.

Gen 1,

Bulbasaur: this guy here is the one that taught me the type advantage and weakness. Plus on my yellow team he became a power house with his moveset of Razor leaf, Toxic, Leech Seed and... Cut. -_-;

Charmander: this guy here is my favourite Pokémon and is actually the first Pokémon that I ever chose and in every gen I always trade in a Charmander and use him as my starter.

Squirtle: He's alright and just one of those Pokémon that is just there on my team, not that he's bad just hasn't wowed me or became a powerhouse.

Pikachu: er.... he's cute and I like how he followed me.

Gen 2

Chikorita: raising a Chikorita is brutal as everything is out to kill grass type in Jotho. Chikorita only became useful on my team during Whitney as she was female and had poison power, after that I just dumped her in the PC and replaced her.

Cyndaquil: cute but he couldn't live up to awesomeness of Charizard.

Totodile: probably my favourite of the Jotho starter I just love its design and he was a power house in my team.

Gen 3

Treecko: I love Treecko design and he was amazing on my team as he would hit fast and hard, plus I loved how Sceptile looked using Leaf Blade.

Torchic: I loved Blaziken design and cry but I didn't get to use it much other than my first two play through of Ruby.

Mudkip: I loved how cute Mudkip was but I didn't like the look of Swampert, plus Swampert like Blastoise was just there on my team and didn't really stand out.

Gen 4.

Turtwig: I love Turtwig and Torterra just looks so freaking cool, plus its typing is pretty unique.

Chimchar: I loved using Chimchar and quite honestly Infernape is one of the coolest looking fire starter ever and is my favourite of the Sinnoh starter.

Piplup: Piplup is cute and Empoleon is a great defence Pokémon but again it was just there on my team. Plus raising Piplup was a bit of a pain as it took a while to learn good moves.

Gen 5

Snivy: I like Snivy and Servine design and while having a fast bulky Pokémon is interesting but Serperior attack stats is not that great and had mine not known Leaf Blade while holding a Scope Lens, I would have dumped it for something else.

Tepig: Oh boy... I don't like Tepig or Emboar design, Pignite is okay, it being another fire/fighting hurt it more than helped it and quite frankly I found it to be weak and slow.

Oshawott: My favourite of the Unova starter, I mean it's just sooo damn cuuute plus its' final form is a freaking Samurai this Pokémon was made for me. I loved my little Oshawott in my White team and while he didn't became a powerhouse on my team he did at least stand out.

Gen 6

Chespin: I was originally going to use this Pokémon on my Y team until I found out that its' typing would end up being Grass/Fighting. Chespin is cute but its evolution just don't gel with me and I didn't find Chesnaught to bulky as I expected it to be plus it was just too slow, had too many weakness and wasn't hitting hard enough.

Fennekin: Not used it and probably won't as I don't really like Delphox design but at least its isn't fire/fighting. Braixen is cool though.

Froakie: Oh god Protean Greninja is so freaking amazing and really opens up Greninja move pools and typing probably one of the best Pokémon that I had on my team.

Trading between games is such a pain in Gen IV. Looking forward to just dumping everything onto my Japanese Bank with White 2, assuming it also has some stuff on its save file. Should be much quicker. Done now though, traded only two batches of mons over... Including Torterra. Well that sure makes my decision easy. Piplup it is! Thanks for the input guys.

Yeah Trading in gen 4 is a pain, thank goodness gen 5 allowed the option of trading from the PC but I still wish for an option to allow bulk trading not just for Pokémon but for also items.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Starter Opinions, huh?

Generation 1...well, I mean, they're the classic ones, you can't really bash them.

First of all, I like how all of them were similar animals (reptilian), gave them a nice cohesion that some of the later Generations lacked. We've never had this again---Gen II has two reptiles, and a mammal, Gen III has two reptiles (well, I guess an amphibian, but close enough) and a bird, Gen IV has all different animals, and Gen V and Gen VI have two mammals, and a reptile/amphibian. I'd like to see Gen VII go with all mammalian Starters, personally.

Individually, it's sort of random trivia I think a lot of people forget that our first ever Starter Bulbasaur was dual-type...Grass/Poison...something that hasn't been done since then. Of course, that's probably because it perhaps muddies up the Type Triangle a bit---most dual-types would offset it---and new players might've wondered what relationship Poison had to the Type Triangle way back when. Anyway, Bulbasaur is an extremely solid design, resembling a real animal slightly but with enough imagination behind it to make it interesting and a neat gimmick that I think set the stage for Pokemon. I feel like Bulbasaur is the Starter fans appreciate more as they grow-up.

Charmander is the most-loved one, and no surprise---it's Fire, a "cool" type, and a reptile that becomes a dragon, it's pretty much an extremely safe design, and while I think the Pokemon has gotten a bit too much publicity lately for my taste, I'll admit as a child I picked him easily as my first Starter.

Squirtle's kind of weird. The other Starters in Generation 1 have a nice, cohesive evolutionary path---Bulbasaur's bulb sprouts, and Charmander grows horns and wings (although the color shift to red for Charmeleon, and then back to orange for Charizard, sort of bothers me) but Squirtle's is kind of murky. It grows these ears and tail which is pretty weird (it's based on a Japanese folk creature and all, but probably confused many kids), and then just loses them in place of realistic cannons? Blastoise is a Pokemon that has a very solid, instantly likable design, but I gotta say he's kind of weird.

Generation 2 suffered the same issue Johto as a whole did, it just couldn't live up to Kanto. The Johto Starters aren't bad, but they're easily overshadowed by the Kanto Starters in every way...it's no surprise at this point they went with the Legendaries to advertise the games over the Starters. My biggest issue? All monotypes. I think it's what made them feel very dull. I guess you could say there's a nice cohension in them all being pure, unlike Generation 1 which had a weird division with two dual-types, one which was dual-type the entire way through, and a monotype, but I still wish they were given a secondary type. On the other hand, while I think Feraligatr being Water/Dark would easily fit given how Bite and Crunch switched over to being Dark-type attacks (but perhaps they didn't want to grant a new Type to a Starter), I don't know what Types you'd give Meganium or Typhlosion as they're designed now except perhaps re-using Grass/Poison for Meganium.

Chikorita I think suffers the most from feeling like a second banana to the Kanto Starter. It's the first Starter I think you could say is "gendered" as a female...from a design standpoint, it has a much more stereotypical feminine appearance, and the anime ran with this. And, I think for a lot of fans, that was probably sort of a negative for them. The Starters in Kanto all became pretty tough looking and intimidating, and Chikorita offsets that by being very cute. It also sort of just does the whole "dinosaur creature + plant element", and doesn't really do anything to stand out. I like Grass-types, but Chikorita has never done anything for me.

Cyndaquil is pretty weird. Back in Johto, it didn't stand out too much, but now it feels pretty off-kilter compared to the rest of the Fire Pokemon in its color design, going with a dark Blue you wouldn't expect to see paired with the Type. It's also the first Starter to ditch the reptilian theme (although at first some might mistake it for some weird lizard if they're not familiar with what it's based on, as I did as a kid when I first saw it), which makes it unique compared to Charmander. It has the simplest design throughout its line, basically just getting bigger, and perhaps might be a bit too dull for a Starter? It's a nice Pokemon that has fans, but it almost feels like a Pokemon you'd find in the wild as opposed to a Starter.

Totodile is my personal favorite Johto Pokemon, but doesn't really stand-out either as it feels like Squirtle 2.0, just with a different animal. It's the most colorful of the Johto Starters...the other two are pretty dull colored in their base forms, but Totodile has a really bright and colorful scheme that is like what a lot of Johto Pokemon went with. Its design feels a bit more fluid than Squirtle's, evolutionary-wise, as it doesn't randomly add anything than drops it, except perhaps the "caveman" pattern on Croconaw which goes back to the chevron Totodile had with Feraligatr. But yeah, I think if they made him Water/Dark, that would've been neat.

Generation 3's Starters are pretty cool, I feel like most people can agree on that. Perhaps some might even say they're the highlight of Generation 3? They feel more unique than the Generation 2 Starters overall, with a return to some neat Dual-typings (except Sceptile till ORAS came around), and some pretty interesting designs, for better or worse. It also helps they each got signature moves---Leaf Blade, Blaze Kick, and Muddy Water---and were the first Starters seen with Abilities to stand out more.

Treecko is my favorite, and it's not hard to see why...like Charmander he goes for an easy "cool design", a gecko with leafy appendages, and it works. Yet he's managed to avoid being too overexposed for me to not feel dorky liking him. Like Chikorita though, he suffers from Grass-type Starters being a bit less creative than the others, for years basically being a reptile + a plant element. He's different enough from the past two visually though to curb this a bit...Venusaur and Meganium both give off sort of a passive impression with their plant features being seen as more decoration, while Sceptile's plant elements are much more aggressive in appearance. Unlike the other Starters, seems like everyone agrees Grovyle is cooler than Sceptile.

Torchic I think gets a lot of mixed feelings. It feels more traditional for a Fire Starter than Cyndaquil (and started the notion that Fire Starters were the most fluctuating of the Starters in terms of basis), but also introduces a major change for Starter Pokemon overall that causes a lot of feelings to this day...the humanization of Starter Pokemon. Before Blaziken, every Starter had a very animalistic appearance, but after he appeared, it seems humanoid animal Pokemon became the norm for Starter Pokemon, culminating in Generation VI of course, and Pokemon in general seemed to include more of these types perhaps due to how popular he proved to be. Pokemon has had humanoid Pokemon since Day 1, and I don't mind them, BUT typically the older humanoid Pokemon were specifically humanoid and didn't really resemble any animal. Alakazam, Hypno, Mr. Mime, Machamp, have animal-like elements, but you can't really look at them and say they're a specific animal that's been humanized. Blaziken is a humanoid rooster, Lucario is a humanoid wolf, Greninja is a humanoid frog, etc. I don't mind this too much, but I can understand while it bugs some folks. Blaziken though is fairly inoffensive and in retrospect is fairly benign, and has at the time a really neat dual-type, Fire/Fighting, and design that's also a pretty good pun on a "cockfighter".

Mudkip has the meme on his side, but I always thought most people didn't really care for him beyond that, going with Sceptile or Blaziken. Like Venusaur, I've grown to like Swampert perhaps more than the others, especially since I legitimately dig his Mega and think it almost should've been the normal design, but I can see why he might have put people off. He's weird as a fuck looking, and it's hard to know what he is exactly. In my opinion, people, especially kids, will probably move towards the Pokemon they can quickly decide which animal it is...Charmander and Squirtle have the advantage over Bulbasaur, for example. Mudkip is an axolotl-salamander creature, which isn't exactly mainstream. He's the first Water Starter to be dual-type, Water/Ground (which while not overused by Starters, is pretty common---in fact Johto had a Water/Ground salamander in Quagsire, and there's another Water/Ground line in Hoenn in Barboach and Whiscash) which was neat, and since the anime pushed the idea that Electric is the natural enemy to Water Pokemon, it's neat having a Water-Pokemon that resists that to me.

I'll do Gen IV, V, and VI in my next post.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I can bash Charmander line if you want. :3

Easily the most uninspired out of all the three. Just as bad as Totodile.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well it does prove one thing - you don't need creativity as long as you can tickle a child's sweetspot.

Like, it'd be great if Charmander evolves into a larger lizard with gas tanks on its back.
*dusts off three-year post from the last time everyone rated starters*
Hope that's a confirmation of Tepig~

Best: Bulbasaur
Worst: Chikorita

Best: Totodile
Worst: ...Mudkip? I don't really dislike water starters.

Best: Charmander
Worst: ...Chimchar. Maybe.

This is solely based on basic forms, though. 1st and 2nd stage would have different rankings.
Let's see... if I were to update this with G6 rankings:

Best: Chespin
Worst: Chikorita

Best: Totodile/Froakie <-- Really close
Worst: ... Mudkip?

Best: Tepig
Worst: ...Chimchar. Maybe.

I don't hate any of them though :)


Chikorita is the best, in addition to being super adorable it forced me to completely change my play style to a much more meticulous approach with status conditions, all hail Chikorita, the pokemon that reeeeeally wanted a piece of ash

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So Omode tweeted that after the Eevee trilogy of episodes, the atmosphere of the anime will change. Next week is the final ep of the Eevee trilogy.

I guess she's referring to XY&Z, but there's still eps before that, like the pre-Anistar gym ep and the actual fight itself.
So Omode tweeted that after the Eevee trilogy of episodes, the atmosphere of the anime will change. Next week is the final ep of the Eevee trilogy.

I guess she's referring to XY&Z, but there's still eps before that, like the pre-Anistar gym ep and the actual fight itself.

well the pre-Anistar episode sounds like it could be intense so maybe it's the start of the shift


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I am too hyped for Super Mystery Dungeon.
I just bought a copy of Explorers of Sky since I never actually owned it. Found a great deal (only $24 with case and manual)
I just started playing Alpha Sapphire. Man, the graphics in this are super impressive (although the frame rate goes to shit if you turn 3D on but I don't use 3D anyway) I'm really enjoying 3D Pokemon way more than I thought I would honestly.

treecko forever


I'll go really in-depth!

Best starter - Pikachu, Oshawott otherwise
Worst starter - Chimchar

Best Fire - Charmander
Worst Fire - Chimchar

Best Water - Oshawott
Worst Water - Squirtle

Best Grass - Snivy
Worst Grass - Turtwig

Best 2nd Form - Dewott
Worst 2nd Form - Quilladin

Best 3rd Form - Serperior
Worst 3rd Form - Emboar

Best Kanto - Pikachu, Charmander otherwise
Worst Kanto - Squirtle

Best Johto - Cyndaquil
Worst Johto - Totodile

Best Hoenn - Torchic
Worst Hoenn - Treecko

Best Sinnoh - Piplup
Worst Sinnoh - Chimchar

Best Unova - Oshawott
Worst Unova - Tepig

Best Kalos - Fennekin
Worst Kalos - Froakie

Worst Example Of Good First Form With Bad Final Form - Chespin to Chestnaught
Best Example Of Bad First Form With Ok Final Form - Froakie to Greninja

Best Single Stage Pokemon - Pikachu
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