The remakes coming first make those comparisons matter less. How many months between R/S and E is the one to pay attention to in this case.
Pokémon on NX will happen eventually. Imagine those graphics.
More like if you bond evolve and lose your save file is erased.the proper balance is that if you Bond Evolve and lose, you wipe out.
If nothing is announced in Feb-March, the ship has sailed. 7th gen is next. CoroCoro leaks should be out any moment though.
If nothing is announced in Feb-March, the ship has sailed. 7th gen is next. CoroCoro leaks should be out any moment though.
I'd say the chance of us getting Gen 7 are still ridiculously slim to none.
There is way too much evidence that can't be ignored for a new Generation 6 game.
Could we get a new Pokémon revealed this month? Yeah, we could as it happens. Does it mean Generation 7 this year? No.
And this is exactly what seems fishy. All of these hints on Z are out for months. We even have an anime show called XY & Z. And yet, still nothing, not even a namedrop. This could happen as in Emerald, as you said, but I'd still not get what they were trying to do.
And yeah, you're right about CoroCoro. I'm pretty sure these world news are about a game.
The upcoming period is admittedly busy. With Pokkén and GO soon being the focus as active events, the whole 20th Anniversary being celebrated with monthly distributions and releases, and even Detective Pikachu seemingly being the start of a new series, it might be a bit hard to have Gen 7 coverage along with all that. And then you have the recent rumors of the next-gen handheld indeed releasing in 2016.
A lot of the things that were discussed months ago are still true. Zygarde and Kalos are getting real old, real fast, and the metagame and ecosystem are in desperate need for a revitalization. However, I have to admit that a solution other than Gen 7 is becoming more and more probable as they slowly reveal their other plans. Unless they somehow skip Holidays 2016 and pull a BW in March 2017, it seems a Gen 6 game is more likely. And they can't do that without the fandom imploding on itself, so...
I guess we'll see. 'Z' won't be enough after all this time, but I take it they'll stay true to their pattern of being unexpected and do something new even without introducing a new generation.
I'm not talking about Gen VII releasing this year, for the record.
If Z isn't happening, I don't expect any mainline game this year.
Also the gap between XY and supposed Z isn't long yet. Wasn't DP to Platinum longer?
Diamond/Pearl was... 2 years? Maybe a little less? 07 to 09. Then ORAS to Z is 15 months so far.
In Gen 7 gamefreak needs to settle on one style of 3d model for characters.
Aw man, I didn't know about this, someone should really translate those!Is there anyone who is translating the Game Freak Facebook page's Pokemon posts? It seems like they are talking about Pokemon from the original 151 with developers behind the game and we're missing out on some good stuff. I notice them talking about Eevee and why it didn't evolve with the Leaf Stone, but my Japanese isn't good enough to understand the whole thing.
Detective Pikachu is gen VII.
Makes me wonder what kind of announcement could make people meltdown. Must be something really out of the left field...
Still having a hard time what would be megatons.
Makes me wonder what kind of announcement could make people meltdown. Must be something really out of the left field...
Still having a hard time what would be megatons.
I think we may see the speculated gen 6.5. A sequel to X and Y, with a new kalos area with a few new undiscovered mons. Some thing like 10 - 15. They did say they want to keep surprising us with what they do next, and the game has taken an odd amount of time for just an enhanced version. Really though, a few new Megas, an new area or two, and a few new mons is all I want. I really doubt gen 7 is happening, they need the swan song version what is so far the best gen first.
Or maybe Gen VII is actually a crossover.![]()
I think we may see the speculated gen 6.5. A sequel to X and Y, with a new kalos area with a few new undiscovered mons. Some thing like 10 - 15. They did say they want to keep surprising us with what they do next, and the game has taken an odd amount of time for just an enhanced version. Really though, a few new Megas, an new area or two, and a few new mons is all I want. I really doubt gen 7 is happening, they need the swan song version what is so far the best gen first.
Did you really just call Gen VI 'the best gen so far'?
Gen 7 or Gen VII?
Gen VI has Tyrantrum.
All arguments are invalid.
Tyrantrum is boss, BUT Gen V has Haxorus.
If both Haxorus and Tyrantrum get a Mega in the same game my heart will explode.
I don't think we need a friggen Gen war in this thread.
Did you really just call Gen VI 'the best gen so far'?
O so theres no discrimination in here? I can comfortably say gen V has my favorite mon designs without getting crucified? Im home!I thought I was in Gaming for a second there. I never expect to see stuff like this on this thread.
I feel like it will be back. From what I can tell it was a pretty well liked feature. Can only get better as they expand upon customization options.Do you guys think customization will be back in genvii or will they really stick that feature to kalos?
Haters gonna hate. That is the law of the Internet.I dream of a world where all gens can peacefully coexist. Fortunately it's never really a problem in this thread.
Druddigon could use a mega. I hope the eventual Hydreigon mega gets a fourth head, even if it makes no sense.
Hopefully they'll keep it, the reaction to it was overwhelmingly positive and they heard the big backlash from its absence in ORAS. I'd say it has more than a 50/50 chance of making it into Gen VII, maybe like 80/20.Do you guys think customization will be back in genvii or will they really stick that feature to kalos?
Some will even agree with you!O so theres no discrimination in here? I can comfortably say gen V has my favorite mon designs without getting crucified? Im home!
That backlash was well deserved too lol. The reason they gave was so stupid. Hopefully its back. Go all out with gen vii!Haters gonna hate. That is the law of the Internet.
A Mega for Druddigon would be nice, but he's one of the few Pokemon I'd rather get an actual evolution first.
Hopefully they'll keep it, the reaction to it was overwhelmingly positive and they heard the big backlash from its absence in ORAS. I'd say it has more than a 50/50 chance of making it into Gen VII
That backlash was well deserved too lol. The reason they gave was so stupid. Hopefully its back. Go all out with gen vii!
*pokemon following you
+different modes of transportation(i know people hated them but i loved them skates)
*A nice big region,colorful, beautiful no heavu reliance on one thing.
*100 Pokemon minimum.
Gamefreak- "we thought it'd be best soaring stayed in hoenn as a special thing for latios and latias please understand"I agree with all of this, though I honestly don't care about different modes of transportation, Running Shoes and a Bike are all I really need, anything else is just icing. Though I want Soaring to return, that shit is just too cool.
I hope that when you start the game they give you some basic customization on your trainer's actual features, like have a few head shapes, eyes and noses to pick from, maybe even let you fiddle with the height and width of your character a little bit.
I'm curious to see how many Pokemon we get next Gen, even numbered gens tend to have the fewest new Pokemon, while odd numbered tend to have a lot. If the continue to follow that trend we could see something in the range of 120-150, maybe a little lower or higher.
O so theres no discrimination in here? I can comfortably say gen V has my favorite mon designs without getting crucified? Im home!
First episode of the XYZ dub is titled "From A to Z!". Pokemon A/Z confirmed