Where is all of these mega Poké speculation coming from? I thought the Coro-coro thing was related to the movie.
I've given up on the mew dream. Darn retail events *shakes hand angrily*
At least most of the mythical events will be done through wifi.
If you're in the NA area, I have a spare code I can give you this evening when I get home from work.
No matter what the reveal is, it's very unlikely they'll have any game to explicitly tie it in to by the time the leak comes around. It'll be a movie reveal in the same way that Perfect Zygarde or Mega Greninja were anime reveals.Where is all of these mega Poké speculation coming from? I thought the Coro-coro thing was related to the movie.
For example, revealed for or by movies
Also a zoner it seems. Nice!
Black Kyurem (revealed for the movie just minutes before Black 2 & White 2)
White Kyurem (revealed for the movie just minutes before Black 2 & White 2)
How did the anime handle it? Kyurem was just able to switch between forms?Black Kyurem/White Kyurem is one aspect the cartoon got better.
Screw fusions.
I'm curious- I obviously wasn't following the promotion of the series right back at its roots, but were Marill, Snubbull, Donphan, Elekid, Bellossom, Ledyba, Hoothoot and Slowking first revealed for their appearances in the first two movies and Pikachu shorts, or were they known about beforehand? I don't really have a handle on how they hyped up Gen II back in the day.
Also, don't forget Wailmer and Azurill!
I'm unsure about the Gen 2 ones so I didn't put them in. I think some were revealed for Pokémon 2 before being in the movie, but it was before my time.
Wailmer, Kecleon and Azurill were revealed at a GameBoy Advance reveal event when Pokémon RS were revealed back in March 2001. It was after that they were confirmed for the movie
Think there's any hope for a Pokemon Stadium/Colosseum U/Nx? I know graphics are already 3D but...something with crazy graphics would be cool, and amiibo support would be a plus. Speaking of which I wonder if Z will support amiibo somehow
Gen VI is the best gen in terms of breeding, battling, and online play. But it lacks in every other department
Don't set yourselves up like this, and you won't have to make a disappointed post when nothing happens![]()
I hope it is. I still want that special Floette
Went to gs, they said they didn't have any mews. Then as I was browsing the store they came up to me and said they found one and handed it to me!
Black Kyurem/White Kyurem is one aspect the cartoon got better.
Screw fusions.
Think there's any hope for a Pokemon Stadium/Colosseum U/Nx? I know graphics are already 3D but...something with crazy graphics would be cool, and amiibo support would be a plus.
Speaking of which I wonder if Z will support amiibo somehow
If NX works like many think you should just be able to play Gen VII on the console anyways.
Assuming that Game Freak will allow that option.
Probably not as what will amiibo offer to the main games?
Now we're talking.Every amiibo unlocks a pikachu outfit and a charizard mega
maybe cosmetics.
XY is my favorite single player Pokemon game actually, certain haters on GAF be damned. I kinda liked ORAS too but it didn't hook me the way XY did (on both playthroughs).Pokemon Y was the most fun I've had with single player Pokemon since Pokemon Pearl. HGSS, BW, BW2, and ORAS were a chore to finish. People can have different opinions.
Still no pic though. Surprised the leaker didn't show the inside.
*boots out of window*Don't set yourselves up like this, and you won't have to make a disappointed post when nothing happens![]()
I thought it was the magazine cover lolit's from a trailer
Did we know about Munchlax and Bonsly prior to Emerald? I vaguely recall that we did.
Z ain't dead yet...
Anyway, my guess for this thing is that its a grass fairy type. I reminds me a lot of Floette, Mega Gardevoir and Lilligant from its shape.
context pls I don't understand
*pokes with leek*Permission to be smug?![]()