Whoa, the only game I haven't played has the coolest end game stuff. I really need to play B2W2. That sounds so awesome.Black: Explore the east side of Unova
Black 2: Pokémon World Tournament
X: Looker's thing
AS: Delta Episode
That's it I believe
Black: Explore the east side of Unova
Black 2: Pokémon World Tournament
X: Looker's thing
AS: Delta Episode
That's it I believe
they should really stop using miiverse posts of terrible players playing RBY as a sign of "old games being hard"
Bleh, oh well. Anyways GAF should I got X/Y before diving into OR/AS? I wasn't ever interested in X/Y beyond "oh Mewtwo gets a mega," however, OR/AS I really wanted at release (didn't have a 3DS back then) due to nostalgia but I heard OR/AS borrow some story beats from X/Y, will I get confused if dive into OR/AS first?
Bleh, oh well. Anyways GAF should I got X/Y before diving into OR/AS? I wasn't ever interested in X/Y beyond "oh Mewtwo gets a mega," however, OR/AS I really wanted at release (didn't have a 3DS back then) due to nostalgia but I heard OR/AS borrow some story beats from X/Y, will I get confused if dive into OR/AS first?
Bleh, oh well. Anyways GAF should I got X/Y before diving into OR/AS? I wasn't ever interested in X/Y beyond "oh Mewtwo gets a mega," however, OR/AS I really wanted at release (didn't have a 3DS back then) due to nostalgia but I heard OR/AS borrow some story beats from X/Y, will I get confused if dive into OR/AS first?
All you need to know is that Kalos is where mega evolution originated.
Pre-ordered Pokémon Sun and Moon, remembered that Pokkén is out in 2 weeks, planned a new team for Pokémon Soul Silver and Pokémon X which has me excited and then to top it off I rewatched the trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon which got me hyped up.
Then my Zelda side is like "hey man erm Twilight Princess is releasing this week." but my Pokémon side is just drowning it out.
Actually you will be fine with OR/AS as the games acts like it predated the event of Pokémon X and Y.
Mega Rayquaza is like "nope I did it first and that Lucario bitch like totally copied me and not even in a good way as he needs a mega stone to go mega whereas I don't because I am a god...kinda just don't tell the folk of Hoenn as I have a good thing going on here."
The Hoenn from ORAS is in an alternate universe though.
Hideous isn't it? *shuddersChesnaught. What the fuck design IS that?
Some one as XY.
People shitting on Chesnaught are heartless people
I kind of thought it seemed to be in the same world as XY. They reference AZ planting the tree outside the cave of origin (could be different world AZ I guess though).That's not the way the game portrays it.
I kind of thought it seemed to be in the same world as XY. They reference AZ planting the tree outside the cave of origin (could be different world AZ I guess though).
I love Chespin and like Chesnaught a lot. Quilladin though? *shudders*
Greninja is fantastic.
Chespin is boring. What IS it?
First Sylveon and now Chespin. What's with you guys hating good Pokemon lately?
Look at it!
First Sylveon and now Chespin. What's with you guys hating good Pokemon lately?
Chespin is cool but its evolutions are so bad ;_;
Whoa whoa whoaGen 6 has the worst final form starters and worst Eevee evolution in the series IMO.
It seems we have polar opposite taste when it comes to Pokemon haha. Let me guess, you hate the Vanillite line?
Are you telling me you don't like looking at this?
A platypus with a leaf hat?
Chespin is horrible!
Whoa whoa whoa
You gotta be crazy. I see disgust at the helm here a lot on these forums, but I don't get the context of how it's used majority of them time. How does gross apply to Greninja to you?
I thought the designs were getting worse for the longest and still sort of do, but when I saw Greninja I couldn't hate on that shit. That shit is fly as a motherfucker.
The tongue scarf mostly. If it was a scarf of foam like Frogadier has I think I would like Greninja.
The tongue scarf mostly. If it was a scarf of foam like Frogadier has I think I would like Greninja.
I see the criticism, but I still don't see the line of thinking for the word choice. Why does it inhibit emotion of disgust rather just being critical of a design choice?