Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
all these people hating on the cutest grass final evo
oh well, more Chesnaught for me

oh well, more Chesnaught for me
Gen 6 has the worst final form starters and worst Eevee evolution in the series IMO.
It seems we have polar opposite taste when it comes to Pokemon haha. Let me guess, you hate the Vanillite line?
Eh, needs more muscles.all these people hating on the cutest grass final evo
oh well, more Chesnaught for me
Eh, needs more muscles.
No matter how much you hate any of them no way Gen 6 starters are worse than Gen 5 starters.
No matter how much you hate any of them no way Gen 6 starters are worse than Gen 5 starters.
I can agree with this. The Tepig line drags the Gen 5 starters down.No matter how much you hate any of them no way Gen 6 starters are worse than Gen 5 starters.
I really feel like its in-game model makes it look worse than it actually is. It looks fine most of the time.The only starter whose design I'm really not keen on is Delphox.
And even I thought what I saw of it in the show looked okay, but it's idle pose in the games is really offputting to me.
No matter how much you hate any of them no way Gen 6 starters are worse than Gen 5 starters.
I've played through one game of every generation at least once, and for the life of me, I cannot remember anything about how X/Y ended. Like, at all. Every other game I can remember.
It ends with the parade and you battling that AZ guy. The "It's been 3,000 years" moment where he reunites with his Floette has since become a meme, lol.
@doggie: People were disappointed on the info we got starting out for Gen VI compared to this new Gen, which is why they're looking for SOMETHING to satisfy them
I love the Gen VI starters. Best in a while. IMO Greninja is just one of the coolest Pokemon ever.
Anyway, it just occurred to me that Detective Pikachu came out in Japan about a month ago and I haven't heard anything in the way of impressions. How was it received in Japan? Anyone know? I did a google search but there's been like 0 articles about it after the trailer. I would have expected someone capable of giving impressions to have played it already...
And I'm not getting hyped for Sun/Moon info tomorrow. Really don't see them talking about anything Pokemon beyond Pokken.
"The Detective Pikachu Saga, coming later this year"
That's all I'm hoping for Pokémon wise in the direct.
It's quite well received. It's consistently in 3DS charts (Currently #6 on the eShop).
I wrote this for NintendoLife:
lolI'm going to cry if another F2P Pokémon game is announced
F2P Pokémon pinball incoming.
I don't get Chesnaught. Like, I don't understand its design. I don't get how Chespin could turn into... that thing.
So basically they did it backwards? Instead of slowly evolving out of the shell it evolves back in?A guy slowly develops an armor.
The problem with Chesnaught's evolution is that it's a bit harder to catch since it covers shit like ripening chestnuts and the concept of armoring. Lots of people think he only has a "back shield" when in fact he is a paladin wearing an armor, and said armor is inspired by layers of the nut
Notice how Chespin and Quilladin feature brown bodies? That's pretty much the "inside" of a chestnut. Hence why I always say jokingly that if people wanted a brown Chesnaught, they have to strip him since he is wearing an armor, much like how you need to remove the shell of a cnestnut to see the brown nut.
It's one of those Pokemon that's hard to grasp and harder to realize due to the more intricate and subtle takings on the design, but once you do, it suddenly sparkles interest. I personally like Chesnaught (my favorite grass starter) because it's the most unusual out of all the starters.
So basically they did it backwards? Instead of slowly evolving out of the shell it evolves back in?
Sounds hot. <3see here's the thing a lot of people miss with Chesnaught's design
he is wearing armor, the lines on his body reflect that, his lack of brown fur reflects that, he is wearing a full suit of armor
if you want to see Chesnaught's muscles, you have to strip him
The idea is that it is "ripening" its armor to develop a shell. But otherwise yeah.
But I'd argue it's not backward. It's only backward if you view it as though you are eating a chestnut. I mean, why would it be backwards for a nut to develop a shell :P
I honestly prefer XY over ORAS
I also prefer xy if it helpsIs this a common sentiment?
GBA Ruby version is probably my most played game of all time. Would be kind of cool to jump back in.
Was it a bad remake? Or you simply like Kalos more than Hoenn?I also prefer xy if it helps
Kalos was more interesting to me yea. Add in the character customization, a bunch of fun lil rivals that pop up here and there as well as a main rival.Was it a bad remake? Or you simply like Kalos more than Hoenn?