Trying to remember my OG gold team. Typhlosion, Xatu and Sneasel are the only 3 I can recall for sure. Man I loved Sneasel :/
I keep getting messed up with my SoulSilver team in my head, which was actually pretty great. Togekiss, Mamoswine, Crobat, Red Gyarados, Typhlosion and Skarmory. Huge electric weakness, but Mamoswine laughs at Electric Pokemon.
Piloswine and Togetic just don't cut it like their bigger forms do.
I'm also kind of bored of Crobat. Ruby, Soul Silver and Black 2.
The dream team would have Scizor, but I don't have any way of getting him. Scyther isn't too bad, I guess, and I can get him early enough. Heracross is pretty good as well and not too late game.
Maybe I'll do
Red Gyarados (it's a tradition at this point for me)
HM Slave (Furret or Raticate or whatever)
I know that feeling, it's hard creating a team in gen 2 when some Pokémon you want aren't available till late in the game with some having meh stats or pitiful move set.
Or you get them at an obnoxiously low level. Wooper can be found early, evolves early and learns Earthquake early, but it'll be 10 levels below every trainer, so I'll have to grind to get him up to speed.