Real Men Pick Fire.Odious Tea said:Has anybody settled on a starter? I keep going back and forth between Cyndaquil and Chikorita.
Real Men Pick Fire.Odious Tea said:Has anybody settled on a starter? I keep going back and forth between Cyndaquil and Chikorita.
It's a scientific fact that the fire starters are always the best.Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
OMG Aero said:It's a scientific fact that the fire starters are always the best.
vectorman06 said:Fixed![]()
Unfortunately, my girlfriend just called dibs on Cyndaquil. I'll either give her the business and settle this like adults with some rock-paper-scissor, or stick it out with Chikorita.Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
Hoenn starters are the worst.Galang said:Don't really care for any of the johto starters final forms so it's a toss up for me. Might just go with Totodile since I love water pokemon so much.
Odious Tea said:Hoenn starters are the worst.
Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
I knew there was a reason I liked you.Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
I already switched Pokemon before you could use surf.Gravijah said:WATER STARTER USES SURF!
Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
AzureJericho said:Only if we're talking about Gen 2 & 3. Sorry man, but Squirtle was the business back in the R/B days for me. :lol
Then came Cyndaquil & Blaziken.
You're actually catching them? There has to be an easier way to tell at the start of the fight.MagniHarvald said:How are Natures decided when encountering a wild Pokémon? Is it 4% chance for each of the 25 Natures? I've been catching female Dewgongs for the past dozen hours, searching for a Mild or Rash one, should be 8% chance, no? Well, 16 Dewgongs later, no dice =( And fuck Floatzels.
edit: 18 now, also fuck Pokémon that use recoil moves after you've False Swiped them ><
upandaway said:You're actually catching them? There has to be an easier way to tell at the start of the fight.
Does Ditto switch nature when he copies a Pokemon?
If not, that could be a damn good evolution to Ditto. Copies EVERYTHING
Damn you! Quilava's the best Pokémon everOdious Tea said:Unfortunately, my girlfriend just called dibs on Cyndaquil. I'll either give her the business and settle this like adults with some rock-paper-scissor, or stick it out with Chikorita.
I'll admit that Cyndaquil's evolution line is pretty hilarious "He's bigger, has more fire, and is way angrier!"
Surely it'd be easier to just breed until you got to the correct nature?MagniHarvald said:Saved while surfing with a 5 poke team. Raichu's first up with Thunder Wave/Smoke Ball.
Female Dewgong = Paralyze => Scyther = whittle down to 1 HP
Catch, check nature, reboot because it NEVER is Mild or Rash
Also, does Paralysis have an effect on Accuracy/Evasiveness? Seeing my Scyther get hit by six straight Take Downs from a paralyzed Dewgong while missing six straight False Swipes gets pretty infuriating..
Never mind my last point, just realized I could teach my Scyther Defog (what a useless move..)
Little Green Yoda said:You should lead with a Synchronize Pokemon that's Mild/Rash. That should give you better than a 50% chance of getting a Mild/Rash wild Pokemon. PAR doesn't affect evasion/accuracy to my knowledge.
Surely it'd be easier to just breed until you got to the correct nature?
MagniHarvald said:I don't have a Mild/Rash with Synchronize..
Female Mild/Rash means the egg has 50% chance of being Mild/Rash, which is why I'm doing this. Wouldn't be shorter to breed to get a Mild/Rash, would it?
Brazil said:Damn you! Quilava's the best Pokémon ever![]()
MagniHarvald said:How are Natures decided when encountering a wild Pokémon? Is it 4% chance for each of the 25 Natures? I've been catching female Dewgongs for the past dozen hours, searching for a Mild or Rash one, should be 8% chance, no? Well, 16 Dewgongs later, no dice =( And fuck Floatzels.
edit: 18 now, also fuck Pokémon that use recoil moves after you've False Swiped them ><
Fumetsu said:Has anything been found yet to transfer from say Platinum on a DSi to Soul Silver on the same DSi?
With the Pichu give away at Gamestop I would think that it were possible but I have no idea.
I would say he drew it. I don't remember seeing any official artwork like this.selig said:wow, no i want a full 3d-toon shading pokemon game even more badly
Did he draw that picture by himself, or is it from an official source?
Firestorm said:Real Men Pick Fire.
check your pm.OMG Aero said:That poster is awesome.
On a slighty unrelated topic, I'm trying to complete the National Dex on Platinum before HG/SS come out, so if there is anyone who can trade me a Kangaskhan, Delibird, Torchic and help me evolve a Politoed, Slowking and Gorebyss, that would really help me out.
Pick the version with the cooler exclusives if you aren't gonna trade for themmoop2000 said:So... I've decided to wade into the pool of Pokemon with this latest game coming out. I just have one question... which version should I get? I've never played before so any input would be valuable. Thanks and let the bagging begin....
Soul Silver is for pimps and playas. Fuck dat Heart shit mess, sonmoop2000 said:So... I've decided to wade into the pool of Pokemon with this latest game coming out. I just have one question... which version should I get? I've never played before so any input would be valuable. Thanks and let the bagging begin....
Shiggie said:Anyone wants to help me evolve my Magmar and Rhydon? said:Well shit. I forgot you can't catch both Latios and Latias in game. This throws a wrench in my catching em all plan
Oh well
Also, could someone kindly explain what the pokewalker courses are all about? As in, what all can you do with the walker besides just walk to level up your pokemon?
Shiggie said:
There's likely going to be a wi-fi event for the one that you normally can't get. Pretty sure there already was one for Japan.EzLink said:Well shit. I forgot you can't catch both Latios and Latias in game. This throws a wrench in my catching em all plan
Yeah I edited it:EzLink said:D'oh :lol No clue why I didn't check serebii
Sounds interesting enough. I doubt I'll use it much beyond leveling up my pokemon though. I wonder if there are any pokemon that are only obtainable via pokewalker courses? If not then the whole capturing aspect seems a bit useless