Got my Pichu. I'm a little surprised out how easy it was. Something almost always goes wrong for me.
Dreavus said:Even worse is that in most cases the Pokemon in question becomes friends with their trainer. What the fuck? I could understand some fringe cases where the trainer happens to save it's life, or raise the Pokemon from a young age, but in most cases... That human just tore you away from your home/family and now he's your best friend? There is some serious Stockholm syndrome going on there I think.
What makes things worse is when it happens with Pokemon like you described; the very intelligent ones. Heck almost all Pokemon have the capacity for language to some degree (amongst each other at least) so it's not really like training an animal... Man, I think this universe just falls apart when you think about it too hard. :lol
For tournaments, I expect that we'll either follow Nintendo's ban list or Smogon's ban list. I wouldn't mind banning legendaries altogether, as the OCD-addled players who make sure to soft-reset for good legendaries would have a pretty big advantage otherwise, and I don't really care for that.Teknoman said:EDIT: When it comes time for casual GAF battles/ GAF tournament, would anyone complain if I used Pokemon like Heatran, Groundon, or Mewtwo? I know they are powerful...but they can be taken down just like the rest.
Deoxys (all forms)
You may use UP TO TWO UBERS PER TEAM (probably means Team Sheet as well). This means that you cannot have a team like Kyogre/Palkia/Dialga/Mewtwo. Non-banned Ubers are considered to be:
Nintendo's list seems fair to me.
Balb said:That's a pretty broken list. Smogon rules are a better bet.
Are you interested in trading one of them? It looks like it wont come to Europe, and I would love to be able to unlock the event in HG with it. Send a PM if you want to trade. ThanksBalb said:Got 2 Pichus from GameStop (pearl/platinum). Pumped for some Heart Gold.
So you can have a Mewtwo and a Rayquaza in the same team? That list doesn't seem fair at all.Teknoman said:BANNED POKEMON ARE AS FOLLOWS:
Deoxys (all forms)
You may use UP TO TWO UBERS PER TEAM (probably means Team Sheet as well). This means that you cannot have a team like Kyogre/Palkia/Dialga/Mewtwo. Non-banned Ubers are considered to be:
Nintendo's list seems fair to me.
RPG_Fanatic said:Looks like Americans will be able to Jirachi through gamestop shortly after the pichu event is over.
Why can't these events be through Wi-Fi. It completely screws over us Canadians, since Gamestop see no need to bring this service over the border.![]()
RPG_Fanatic said:Looks like Americans will be able to Jirachi through gamestop shortly after the pichu event is over.
Why can't these events be through Wi-Fi. It completely screws over us Canadians, since Gamestop see no need to bring this service over the border.![]()
Little Green Yoda said:Darn. Time to get off my ass and pick up my Shaymin. I already missed out on the Arceus giveaway; not going to miss Jirachi!
Now to learn/master the art of RNG abusing Wondercard Pokemon lol.
Deoxys (all forms)
You may use UP TO TWO UBERS PER TEAM (probably means Team Sheet as well). This means that you cannot have a team like Kyogre/Palkia/Dialga/Mewtwo. Non-banned Ubers are considered to be:
Nintendo's list seems fair to me.
Shaymin is probably banned because of its alternate form.ivysaur12 said:Why ban Shaymin?
They need to ban all Ubers, honestly.
Llyranor said:Never really played a main Pokemon game, though I enjoyed the CCG on GBC. How's the pacing of the games? Is it worthwhile for players who aren't OCD gamers (or trying not to be :/ ) and aren't in it to collect them all?
As I understand it, you can have up to 6 Pokemon in your active roster, but only 1 at a time in battle. Do you feel that limits the tactical options? Usually, do you regularly switch new Pokemon in and out of your party, leading to diversity of combat, or is it more the case of finding your ideal party and sticking with it (would be much more interested in the former)? if you catch new Pokemon, do they start at low level, requiring you to grind them up?
I'm tentatively interested in the series, and the appeal of constantly finding new Pokemon is nice, but I'd want to be either to switch them into my roster on the fly and just continue on my journey - without having to grind to level them up first, as I'd feel as that might feel a bit too tedious to my tastes (hence the pacing question).
When not going for all pokemons, secrets and stuff, the pacing depends on how many pokemon you are dedicated to. The maingame is made so you almost don't have to grind in order to beat it, less grinding also means tougher difficulty of course.Llyranor said:Never really played a main Pokemon game, though I enjoyed the CCG on GBC. How's the pacing of the games? Is it worthwhile for players who aren't OCD gamers (or trying not to be :/ ) and aren't in it to collect them all?
Sixfortyfive said:Doesn't really matter. Since he's at level 100 already, you can't fully EV train him and his stat potential is more in line with Mew (base 100 for each stat) than a normal Arceus (base 120). The only worthwhile unique move that this Arceus has over the Spear Pillar one is Spacial Rend, and after you factor in the stat handicap, it's not really any better than a normal Arceus w/ Dragon Pulse.
If you want to train a competitive Arceus, wait for Nintendo to distribute the Azure Flute via Mystery Gift. Just grab this one for the HGSS unlock it gives you.
Bold isn't good at all. The IV's aren't too bad, especially the near perfect speed IV, but bold is kind of wasted on a special attacker. All in all it is ok.MagniHarvald said:I spent my afternoon reading up on EV training, IVs, SID, RNG, and pokéradar chaining :lol
Decided to profile one of my pokes for the first time, here's my Azelf freshly caught yesterday (0 EVs):
Azelf - Bold (Def + / Atk -)
HP: 8
Att: 28
Def: 30
SpA: 24
SpD: 15
Spe: 30
Hidden Power:
Type: Steel
Power: 57
Is this good?
I know how it worked (the Box Trick) in Gen 1. The EVs of Gen 1; stat experience (or at least thats what they used to call it) was gained each time you killed an enemy (the enemies highest base stat was stat experience for that stat), however you wouldn't see any stat gain until the stats were re-calculated. There are 3 (maybe 4) ways this happens:EzLink said:I read that in Diamond and Pearl that there is some PC box trick you can do to give level 100 pokemon all of their EVs. I also read that it was taken out of platinum. Do you (or anyone else) know what I'm talking about? I wasn't able to find specifics on how the trick works, but if its true I can just ev train in pearl and use some TMs to give it good moves.
Glad you're back! You should take over the tournament, in my opinion.Firestorm said:RE: Smogon vs Nintendo
Smogon's ban list is based on their battling ability. Nintendo's ban list is based on the mythology of the games. You can see why Smogon's might be more widely accepted. Nintendo's is also meant for 2v2 with 4 Pokemon each while Smogon's is 1v1 with 6 Pokemon each.
If you do decide to give it away, I'd love it, feed it, take care of itZilch said:Picked up 2 Pikachu-colored Pichus today. I guess I can probably give one away sometime, but that would mean switching my router to WEP and blah...
There's a tournament?FootNinja said:Glad you're back! You should take over the tournament, in my opinion.
Surgeon Rocket said:I want a game where the main character has a bandanna like in TCG.
Glass Soldier said:I just want a new TCG.
Bit-Bit said:This. Why won't Nintendo release one for the DS? It's perfect for it. PERFECT.
For this topic yes.VOOK said:Is the news about no Game Corner Slot Machines in the PAL versions new?
Serebii is saying that the Game corner machines in the English versions of the game are replaced by minesweeper-like games. He's probably talking about the US version, but I would guess that they have done this to get around gambling restrictions that were in other countries.VOOK said:Is the news about no Game Corner Slot Machines in the PAL versions new?
OMG Aero said:Serebii is saying that the Game corner machines in the English versions of the game are replaced by minesweeper-like games. He's probably talking about the US version, but I would guess that they have done this to get around gambling restrictions that were in other countries.
VOOK said:The PAL version has it too![]()
Gabling is fine the problem lies in the fact that the PEGI ratings will give the game a rating of 12+ if there is any gambling content. Obviously given the main audience of Pokemon being under 12 its best not to tick that box over potential sales impact (though PEGI ratings are only guidances and not legal parents might not buy the games).MagniHarvald said:Are "gambling" (no real money involved afterall) prohibited in Europe now? That sucks =(
Darkrai - #491 (Lax)
HP: 3
Att: 3
Def: 6
SpA: 8
SpD: 1
Speed: 4
Darkrai - #491 (Lax): 3 / 3 / 6 / 8 / 1 / 4
The following Hidden Power Types are possible:
The following Hidden Power Attack Powers are possible:
MagniHarvald said:Concerning the Pokémon Sunday footage that's coming up, is there any way to watch the show out of Japan? Live-streams? How much time should I expect to have to wait to see vids popping up online?
There's no need to watch it live, Serebii will have the news as it hits and videos of it will be up within the hour.MagniHarvald said:Concerning the Pokémon Sunday footage that's coming up, is there any way to watch the show out of Japan? Live-streams? How much time should I expect to have to wait to see vids popping up online?
Yeah really. Holy Shit! Great help, much easier to browse compared to bulbapedia. Must have taken a lot of work to make.EzLink said:EDIT: Also, holy shit. Serebii just launched their comprehensive itemdex. Awesome
As I've said in other Pokemon topics, I'll run a Shoddy Battle 2 tournament for sure. I think HG/SS depends on my mood. I won't be playing it with making a competitive team in mind so chances are low. We'll see about Gen 5 =)FootNinja said:Glad you're back! You should take over the tournament, in my opinion.
I don't think it's a discount, I went to preorder at Nintendo World and they had the price at $34.99. Amazon probably had $39.99 as just a placeholder.barnone said:Amazon updated their price to $34.99USD, not sure how long it'll be discounted, but it's usually til release.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:I don't think it's a discount, I went to preorder at Nintendo World and they had the price at $34.99. Amazon probably had $39.99 as just a placeholder.