Jeez 700. o_0 I thought I've exhausted a lot and I'm at like 240.
I still have these to do:
- Battle Frontier ribbons
- 100 streak in Battle Tower
- Still tons of Safari Zone stuff to do
- Pokewalker courses (won't finish those for a while)
- Shiny leaf quest
- Buy last three or so records at Pokeathalon
- Do the Wi-Fi Plaza with someone
- Upload a box snapshot to WFC
- Get all gym leader's phone numbers (just waiting on Blue, only two tea times left)
- Biggest Magikarp guy (still haven't done this, gave up a few days ago :lol)
- Get all the trendy phrases (I think I have like 10 now)
- Complete the National Pokedex (at 355 right now, hopefully Celebi event will happen soon)
- Finish my competitive (challenger) team
- Four stars on trainer card (dependent on some of the above)
- Edit: Oh! And the Arceus plates thing on the SS Aqua
This is a pretty exhaustive list of what I hope to have done by the time I put the game down for good, which I think will encompass everything anyone can do in the game. I think that right when that happens, B/W will be out in the States. :lol
I was amazed the first couple days, and still am, at the amount of things to do in this game. I've already completed tons of stuff and still have so much to do. Things like, that guy who gives you box backgrounds for random passwords. It's like, who does Game Freak expect to do that? :lol You'd pretty much have to use the internet, and it's kind of out of the way. But still, there's like six backgrounds you can unlock. And I got em all, of course.
Metroid Killer said:
But nevertheless it's awesome to have all these tools and items now, making it really easy to help others and make it easy to enter the next pokemon game.
Yeah, exactly. I went less than halfsies on Pearl and it was still a decent benefit playing SoulSilver (especially the one-per-game items.) I'm going to be ready as hell when B/W roll around.
