You can't just buy Stealth Rock in Celadon's gym?SolarPowered said:I've just IV bred all of the necessary(I've got some I'd like to try!) pokemon and I just need a couple of TM's to be on my way. I'm looking for three Earthquakes, at least 1 thunder wave and one stealth rock.
I've got options on what I can offer.
fire stones
thunder stones
Moon stone
Multiple heart scales
Dusk stones
Dawn stones
Sun stones
Leaf stones
Sword dance
Ice beam
EV reducing berries:
Any of them if you need them.
I had no idea. I've been so busy breeding that I haven't gotten that far into Kanto yet. I'll definitely move into Kanto in a big way starting on Monday though.:lolviciouskillersquirrel said:You can't just buy Stealth Rock in Celadon's gym?
I could get ready for a trade right now if you're game. Heart scales on every one of my pokes.Jin34 said:Solarpowered, I can give you those all of those, pretty much just wan heart scales in exchange.
SolarPowered said:I had no idea. I've been so busy breeding that I haven't gotten that far into Kanto yet. I'll definitely move into Kanto in a big way starting on Monday though.:lol
I could get ready for a trade right now if you're game. Heart scales on every one of my pokes.
My platinum FC: 0646 8089 9860Jin34 said:Alright FC 4082 8134 1574. Going to get the TMs now.
SolarPowered said:My platinum FC: 0646 8089 9860
I'm putting five Heart scales in my party.
GreatJin34 said:I got 2 thunder waves so if you got another spare scale put it in. Thats 3 earthquakes, 2 thunder waves and 1 stealth rock.
SolarPowered said:Great
I'll meet you in the wi-fi room.
I'm waiting around in trade mode.Jin34 said:There now.
SolarPowered said:I'm waiting around in trade mode.
Thanks for the TM's. You just made my life a whole lot easier.Jin34 said:Weird, I just got out to make sure I got the FCs right, going back in.
Axis said:i love you guys
does anyone need anything?!?!?!?!
Jin34 said:Do you have some good Ditto's for breeding?
Axis said:nope but is there a certain thing you were trying to breed? i have a ton of egg move shit
Ice fang is probably way more useful. If you can get to a move deleter you can get rid of surf(waterfall is much better on a physical attacker like Gyarados). Bite is great to have if you want to avoid trouble with psychics or ghosts so I wouldn't get rid of that one.Blu_LED said:Is Hype Beam worth teaching to Gyardos? Right now mine has Bite, Dragon Pulse, Surf and Waterfall.
Yeah, you should be able to. I trade between my platinum cart and my SS cart all the time. If you still need the piplup let me know.kafka rock opera said:Hmm so can you trade from D/P to HG/SS? because if so id be willing to offer up my palkia for a turtwig or piplup if you are willing to bear with me in figuring out how to trade and get my friend code and all of that.
<3Axis said:i love you guys
I'm at work so it would have to wait until at least tomorrow. I might also be busy either tomorrow or Saturday though.Jin34 said:Alright SixFortyFive I need your help with some super Dittos. Adamant, Modest, Jolly, Timid, Impish and Bold. Adamant and Modest have priority and impish and bold can be subbed for Relaxed and/or Sassy if you don't have them.
Special moves (Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, Surf) are kind of a waste on Gyarados.Blu_LED said:Is Hype Beam worth teaching to Gyardos? Right now mine has Bite, Dragon Pulse, Surf and Waterfall.
I'm always up for a doubles match when available.xSL4INx said:Does anyone need any help with trading Pokemon/TM's, or need anything specific? I'm up for a few hours and can help out. If anyone is up for battles (preferably doubles) I'm up for it.
Sixfortyfive said:I'm at work so it would have to wait until at least tomorrow. I might also be busy either tomorrow or Saturday though.
Sixfortyfive said:I'm at work so it would have to wait until at least tomorrow. I might also be busy either tomorrow or Saturday though.
Special moves (Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, Surf) are kind of a waste on Gyarados.
I'm always up for a doubles match when available.
I just work night shift from 11PM-7AM most days of the week.Jin34 said:No problem man, I take it you live in Europe from the time you are working. Just make a post whenever you have time and I'll keep my eye out on the thread.
Also does anyone know of anyway to affect the IVs or Nature of the baby Dialga, Palkia or Girtatina you get?
Probably not. Maybe if I find somebody to carpool to Indy. Not really motivated enough to get around to doing that though.xSL4INx said:Are you going to any of the VGC's 645?
Kyogre is everywhere too, but it actually hasn't been that uncommon to see two weather-inducers on the same team so far.Wiseblade said:I might have to now. I would have thought that with two legendaries allowed, Kyogre powered rain dance teams would run rampant. What with specced water spout killing virtually everything...
a lot of legendaries, it's disgusting...Sixfortyfive said: have a Politoad. Good job!Rocksteady33 said:Well I beat the Elite Four. About time!
I had a team of about all level 42.
Shadow Ball and T-Bolt are your bread and butter. For support, Will-o-wisp, Confuse Ray, and Pain Split. Flash is pretty iffy. Mix and match as you please. (I'm assuming this is Normal Forme?)Slermy said:Anyone willing to give advice about a Rotom I'd like to put together?
He's Timid and I want to run Pain Split and Endure.
I'm having touble with the other two slots. I'm currently thinking Flash, and Discharge. Though Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt are temping as well as well. Thoughts?
Slermy said:Anyone willing to give advice about a Rotom I'd like to put together?
He's Timid and I want to run Pain Split and Endure.
I'm having touble with the other two slots. I'm currently thinking Flash, and Discharge. Though Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt are temping as well as well. Thoughts?
The trick is to get it to 11HP remaining, then switch in Tyranitar/Hippowdon/Abomasnow. The catch rates at 11HP are mostly the same as at 1HP (unless you use Heavy Ball). The hail/sandstorm cancels Aqua Ring exactly.Lone_Prodigy said:EDIT: whoo, that was close. Seeded Kyogre to counteract his Aqua Ring, only to realize Leech Seed drained 1/8 while AR restored 1/16. With a sliver of HP left I tossed a Dusk Ball and nabbed him. Now to wait for my brother to get Groudon so I can get Rayquaza.
yeah, good team!Rocksteady33 said:Well I beat the Elite Four. About time!
I had a team of about all level 42.
What are you talking about? The sooner you burn out, the luckier you are.Andrex said:Can't believe I'm still so into this game. *Knock on wood*
upandaway said:What are you talking about? The sooner you burn out, the luckier you are.
upandaway said:What are you talking about? The sooner you burn out, the luckier you are.
Two ubers allowed per team so of course there will be.finalozzo said:a lot of legendaries, it's disgusting...
so it's a rule, anyway i don't like themFirestorm said:Two ubers allowed per team so of course there will be.