Nobody seems to like my team but me.Andrex said::lol Sour grapes?
idk my bff lugia *shrug*
Nobody seems to like my team but me.Andrex said::lol Sour grapes?
Firestorm said:Nobody seems to like my team but me.
idk my bff lugia *shrug*
Little Green Yoda said:Probably because everyone is paranoid about crits while setting up and stuff. Plus perfect accuracy Thunder/Blizzard is pretty common.
it is the perfect troll team though
Typically as bad or worse than having a 0 IV.OMG Aero said:Also, exactly how bad to a Pokemon is a hindering nature?
Good point. I had a quick look at Smogon and maybe I could roll with a Super Fang, Endeavor, Thunder Wave and something else. Just so I can get some mileage out of it without having to rely on its Attack stat.Sixfortyfive said:Typically as bad or worse than having a 0 IV.
But Super Fang and Endeavor aren't affected by the attack stat. :3
what does ''uber'' mean? Really, for me is a fucking pokemon that has some trick (jirachi) or is annoying like suicune.Wiseblade said:While Suicune can be rather annoying and my hatred for Jirachi extends far and wide, neither of them are uber.
uber is the banned tier in pokemon. I gave a link to you multiple times.finalozzo said:what does ''uber'' mean? Really, for me is a fucking pokemon that has some trick (jirachi) or is annoying like suicune.
...yes, i know, but someone have made that list (right?). Why are these pokemon banned? Because they have some trick etc... ---^, or have high stat.Firestorm said:uber is the banned tier in pokemon. I gave a link to you multiple times.
Pokemon are placed in OU/UU/NU according to usage stats.finalozzo said:...yes, i know, but someone have made that list (right?). Why are these pokemon banned? Because they have some trick etc... ---^, or have high stat.
Offensive Characteristic
A Pokémon is uber if, in common battle conditions, it is capable of sweeping through a significant portion of teams in the metagame with little effort.
Defensive Characteristic
A Pokémon is uber if, in common battle conditions, it is able to wall and stall out a significant portion of the metagame.
Support Characteristic
A Pokémon is uber if, in common battle conditions, it can consistently set up a situation in which it makes it substantially easier for other pokemon to sweep.
You can use honey in tall grass and it will have the same effect as using sweet scent. THat's the only use of it in HGSS.Andrex said:Is there any point to Honey in HG/SS?
I hate you so much.Lone_Prodigy said:Speaking of Shinies, yesterday at the Bug-Catching Contest I encountered a shiny Volbeat. This goes with the shiny Nincada I got (which evolved to shiny Ninjask + shiny Shedinja <3 ) and the shiny Skiploom in the Safari Zone.
imho jirachi and suicune are in this list.Firestorm said:
Yeah, and? Do I need to take 10000 steps and catch that Pokemon on one day or what?Pureauthor said:Your step count resets at midnight, doncha know.
Considering they're not that hard to beat, I think most people would disagree. If I were you, I'd take away that mental block you have that makes you think every legendary is oh so scary.finalozzo said:imho jirachi and suicune are in this list.
Hasn't been any activity in a while, but I'm usually around for some games.OMG Aero said:Is anyone still doing the gym leader thing?
I think my team is just about ready, I haven't EV trained it or anything yet but all my Pokemon have the right moves so I could test them out.
OMG Aero said:Is anyone still doing the gym leader thing?
I think my team is just about ready, I haven't EV trained it or anything yet but all my Pokemon have the right moves so I could test them out.
finalozzo said:how can i obtain groudon and kyogre?
Yes. You can reduce the number of steps (to about 8,000) if you use the correct type.Milchmonster said:Yeah, and? Do I need to take 10000 steps and catch that Pokemon on one day or what?
now not every legendaries :lolFirestorm said:Considering they're not that hard to beat, I think most people would disagree. If I were you, I'd take away that mental block you have that makes you think every legendary is oh so scary.
clisson switched in Jirachi (lvl 100 Jirachi).
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Umbreon flinched!
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 11% of its health.
Umbreon flinched!
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 11% of its health.
Umbreon flinched!
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Umbreon used Payback.
Jirachi lost 80% of its health.
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 11% of its health.
Umbreon flinched!
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
finalozzo: fucking pokemon
Jirachi used Iron Head.
Umbreon lost 11% of its health.
Umbreon flinched!
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Jirachi used Iron Head.
A critical hit!
Umbreon lost 43% of its health.
finalozzo's Umbreon fainted.
Teknoman said:Anyone know where the best places to EV train for specific stats? About to drop the Elite 4, and its about time I started getting back into EV training. I know i've still got the Kanto region to tackle, but I feel i'm far enough to focus on other things.
Andrex said:
- Surfing in the first level of Slowpoke Well; Slowpoke (1).
- Surfing in Ruins of Alph; Wooper (1) and Quagsire (2).
- Surfing in Cliffs Edge Gate; Wooper (1) and Quagsire (2).
- Using the Super Rod in the first floor of Mt. Silver; Gyarados (2) and Seaking (2). You can encounter Goldeen (1) and Seaking (2) surfing on the same level.
- Surfing on Route 42; Goldeen (1) and Seaking (2).
- Surfing everywhere in Mt. Mortar; Goldeen (1) and Seaking (2).
- Surfing in Cerulean City; Goldeen (1) and Seaking (2).
- Surfing on Routes 24 and 25; Goldeen (1) and Seaking (2).
- Rock smash boulders in Ruins of Alph; Geodude (1).
- Rock smash boulders in Rock Tunnel; Geodude (1).
- Rock smash boulders in Cerulean Cave; Geodude (1) and Graveler (2).
Special Attack:
- Surfing on Route 35; Psyducks (1) and Golducks (2).
Special Defense:
- Surfing in Cherrygrove City; Tentacool (1) and Tentacruel (2).
- Surfing in Olivine City; Tentacool (1) and Tentacruel (2).
- Surfing in Pallet Town; Tentacool (1) and Tentacruel (2).
- Surfing in Cinnabar Island; Tentacool (1) and Tentacruel (2).
- Surfing on Routes 20 and 21; Tentacool (1) and Tentacruel (2).
- Surfing on Route 30; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2). Using any type of fishing rod, you can encounter Magikarp (1) and Poliwag (1).
- Surfing in Violet City; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2). Using any type of fishing rod, you can encounter Magikarp (1) and Poliwag (1).
- Surfing in Ilex Forest; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing in Ecruteak City; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Using any type of fishing rod in Cliffs Edge Gate; Magikarp (1) and Poliwag (1).
- Using the Old Rod in Lake of Rage; Magikarp (1)
- Surfing on Route 43; Magikarp (1).
- Surfing on Route 44; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing on Route 45; Magikarp (1). You can also use the Super Rod to encounter Poliwag (1) and Magikarp (1).
- Surfing in Blackthorn City; Magikarp (1).
- Surfing on Route 28; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing in Mt. Silver (outside the cave); Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing on Route 22; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing in Viridian City; Poliwag (1) and Poliwhirl (2).
- Surfing in Fuschia City; Magikarp (1).
- Diglett Cave; Diglett (1) and Dugtrio (2).
ReiGun said:Alright. I want to get in on this competitive battling thing, but I need a little help. Where exactly do you guys start as far as team building goes? I've read smogon and understand how most of the systems work, but I have no idea which pokes to dedicate my time to raising. I'd hate to put my time into a team that's not going to work. :/
a) Build around a theme (weather, Trick Room, etc).ReiGun said:Where exactly do you guys start as far as team building goes?
Critical hits go past all stat boosts on the opposing Pokemon. Criticial Thunder and to a lesser extent Blizzards are the biggest problems to my CM / DT Lugia VGC team =(finalozzo said:now not every legendaries :lol
Anyway, that is jirachi on shoddy, smogon server:
My umbreon with 3 CURSE. WHAT THE HELL? And not just this time, every players with jirachi and iron head do this. Then smogon want to ban salamence and not this pokemon trick :/
Sixfortyfive said:a) Build around a theme (weather, Trick Room, etc).
- OR -
b) Pick 2-3 cool Pokemon, then fill the remaining slots to cover their weaknesses.
Teknoman said:I know this probably isnt the most popular way, but I say EV train pokemon you like, and leave it at that.
You should be able to whittle that down.Pureauthor said:Guys, anyone willing to help me IV battle 19 (yes, that's 19) Gibles?
Can't Togekiss do the exact same thing?finalozzo said:My umbreon with 3 CURSE. WHAT THE HELL? And not just this time, every players with jirachi and iron head do this. Then smogon want to ban salamence and not this pokemon trick :/
Firestorm said:You should be able to whittle that down.
Go to 5. Pokémon Characteristics (DP only)
Also, do you have any rare candies? Just save, then rare candy + enter pokemon levels into metalkid's iv calculate at
ReiGun said:Another question: Will using Ditto as the mother mess my stats up really badly or am i good to go?
I don't think a tournament may be the answer. I just think that more frequent battling and in depth talk would bring more people back.Andrex said:Sixfortyfive I think it's time me do another tournament before all interest dies completely. This is probably a good time since we have Teknoman back (yays!), and maybe it'll inject some more interest into this thread and the games.
How many DPPt tourneys were there? Two?
SolarPowered said:I don't think a tournament may be the answer. I just think that more frequent battling and in depth talk would bring more people back.