yes it's true, and i have a togekiss in my shoddy team, but i've never done a thing like that.Firestorm said:As far as everything else, Togekiss can do the exact same thing to you with a higher SpAtk and SpDef stat.
yes it's true, and i have a togekiss in my shoddy team, but i've never done a thing like that.Firestorm said:As far as everything else, Togekiss can do the exact same thing to you with a higher SpAtk and SpDef stat.
Wolves Evolve said:I'm pretty new to this, but I head on the GTS to find me like.. some basic level one Charmander and people want 100 level Celebi? Am I missing something?
Wolves Evolve said:I'm pretty new to this, but I head on the GTS to find me like.. some basic level one Charmander and people want 100 level Celebi? Am I missing something?
Welcome to the wackiness of the Internet. You're going to be better off finding Pokemon forums or dedicated Pokemon threads on forums and just asking around.
Andrex said:Just offer another starter or version exclusive and ask for a Charmander. You'll get it within a day.
What type of Togekiss do you use? Mine was Thunder Wave or Body Slam / Air Slash / Roost / Encore or something I'm not sure. Basically set up to do what that Jirachi did to you. A lot of people run the same one.finalozzo said:yes it's true, and i have a togekiss in my shoddy team, but i've never done a thing like that.
Firestorm said:There were two DP tournaments. The first was successful, the second fizzled fast.
Andrex said:And one Platinum tourney too, right?
I just want us to strike while the iron is still at least lukewarm. :/ Especially since lots of people are getting hyped over B/W.
uhm mine with: roost - aura sphere - air slash - nasty plot.Firestorm said:There were two DP tournaments. The first was successful, the second fizzled fast.What type of Togekiss do you use? Mine was Thunder Wave or Body Slam / Air Slash / Roost / Encore or something I'm not sure. Basically set up to do what that Jirachi did to you. A lot of people run the same one.
I offered a skarmory for a bulbasaur, got it within the next couple of days, then used lv.1 bulbasaurs to get the other two starters.Wolves Evolve said:I'm pretty new to this, but I head on the GTS to find me like.. some basic level one Charmander and people want 100 level Celebi? Am I missing something?
Try #gaf_wfc?finalozzo said:anyone up on #pokegaf?![]()
If the Battle Hall taught me one thing, it's to not rely on 95% accuracy. >_>Metroid Killer said:I don't know what makes me go back to the Battle Hall again and again.
Just used 3-4 hours today and made no progress at all. It's pretty easy to breeze through the many battles with a choice banded Garchomp outraging all opponments away. But it seems like it's impossible to have luck on your side for all 170 battles: Focus scarf fuckers, defense wall fuckers, status fuckers. It seems impossible to avoid the ineviteble enemy that'll bring your down, making the Battle Hall into one big luck fuck!
The worst thing is that after being angry at Battle Hall for a few days, I'll return and try again once more... It's torture I tell ya!!
I think most of my strategy is going to boil down to finding an ideal spot in line. :lol From what I've heard, you tend to play people next to you in the queue unless you call buddy rule on any of them.Firestorm said:or don't prepare and get 2nd like the case was in Newark!
Metroid Killer said:I don't know what makes me go back to the Battle Hall again and again.
Just used 3-4 hours today and made no progress at all. It's pretty easy to breeze through the many battles with a choice banded Garchomp outraging all opponments away. But it seems like it's impossible to have luck on your side for all 170 battles: Focus scarf fuckers, defense wall fuckers, status fuckers. It seems impossible to avoid the ineviteble enemy that'll bring your down, making the Battle Hall into one big luck fuck!
The worst thing is that after being angry at Battle Hall for a few days, I'll return and try again once more... It's torture I tell ya!!
I definitely don't have the time to dedicate to a tournament now so yeah I'm not doing it. Go ahead.Andrex said:I can organize it if Firestorm or someone else isn't feeling up to it. I made a couple D/P and Smash tourneys back on G4's boards when they came out.
Should I recycle your Competitive thread or make a new one? Then you could just link to it.
Yep. Get there early, but stay in the middle of the queue rather than the beginning. The players dedicated enough to get there super early are probably better than the average person. You just don't want to not be able to compete due to them hitting the 768 cap.Sixfortyfive said:I think most of my strategy is going to boil down to finding an ideal spot in line. :lol From what I've heard, you tend to play people next to you in the queue unless you call buddy rule on any of them.
where? In Game Surge is empty.Firestorm said:Try #gaf_wfc?
Andrex said:How does the 25th sound for everyone?
Andrex said:How does the 25th sound for everyone?
Little Green Yoda said:What kind of tournament is it going to be?
irc.globalgamers.netfinalozzo said:where? In Game Surge is empty.
Sixfortyfive said:If the Battle Hall taught me one thing, it's to not rely on 95% accuracy. >_>
That's the same weekend as the national championship.Andrex said:How does the 25th sound for everyone?
I was looking at the Smogon LCQ attending list and there are about a dozen people I want to make top 16 and qualify for Nationals. There's no way in hell everyone is making it ;_;Sixfortyfive said:That's the same weekend as the national championship.
Sixfortyfive said:That's the same weekend as the national championship.
I'm around if you're still up for it.Hatchet Man said:Anyone up for a battle?
SolarPowered said:I'm around if you're still up for it.
SolarPowered said:That battle was so much fun XD. I can't believe I actually won!
God bless Wrex and Alucard!
Yeah, I mentioned it in my PM.Hatchet Man said:Yeah, that was a fun battle.
Plat biking is better because of the gear shift.Andrex said:Man, the dousing machine in Platinum sucks compared to HGSS's. Also, I'm pretty sure biking is a LOT smoother in HGSS than Platinum.
Still I love Platinum. <3 6th badge get.
Sixfortyfive said:Plat biking is better because of the gear shift.
HGSS itemfinder is better just because you can actually use it while walking, but it still incites left-handed rage.
I've just learned to settle for the most part. One of my pokemon who I had to breed moves onto came out with 6 attack IV, but I just decided it wasn't worth it to waste my time breeding.Lone_Prodigy said:Spent a long time EV training three Pokes in Attack and Speed, only to plug in their IV's later and cry.
Pinsir - #127 (Serious): 31 / 25 / 18 / 30 / 24 / 29
Bagon - #371 (Hasty): 23 / 21 / 4 / 31 / 18 / 28
Dratini - #147 (Adamant): 14 - 15 / 3 / 29 / 28 / 27 / 30
3 IV's in attack for Dratini, and 4 Defense IV's for Bagon.
Right now it's massively in favor of tedious work, but that probably has to do with E3 that has slowed PoliGAF to a crawl lately.:lolMetroid Killer said:I wonder how big a precentage of our playtime is tedious work compared to fun and giggles...