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Pokémon Heart Gold/Superior Silver |OT|


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Firestorm said:
sixfortyfive how did you do :eek:
I got paired with mingot in round 1. :lol I'll post a video later. It was a pretty good match though. I'm glad I ditched the Ogretop team at the last minute. It woiuld have felt pointless to compete otherwise.

Spent most of the morning and more just wandering around the convention center challenging randoms. I did pretty well outside of the tournament! Also been hopping in and out of the union room just handing out perfect Dittos to people at random. Pretty cool environment here!

Might post more later. I'm on a friends phone and its a bit of a hassle.


Sixfortyfive said:
I got paired with mingot in round 1. :lol I'll post a video later. It was a pretty good match though. I'm glad I ditched the Ogretop team at the last minute. It woiuld have felt pointless to compete otherwise.

Spent most of the morning and more just wandering around the convention center challenging randoms. I did pretty well outside of the tournament! Also been hopping in and out of the union room just handing out perfect Dittos to people at random. Pretty cool environment here!

Might post more later. I'm on a friends phone and its a bit of a hassle.
Ah that sucks =( Him and his daughter lost early too. At least my dreams of a Canadian US champion will live on another day. We got one contender tomorrow!


Sagitario said:
Has anyone unlocked all the Pokéwalker routes? I mean, seriously, 100,000 watts?

My girlfriend is working at the hospital for the summer, I just roll over and slip it in her pants at 6AM. Later as I'm having breakfast at noon it comes back with over 15,000 steps. I have no idea how a gamer could get 100,000 watts though.
Whoo got Jirachi. Got superior stats too, though it's Lax.

I also borrowed Diamond from the library and started trading the starters over to my HG cart. The existing save file looked like the guy just put all his Pokes on GTS; thankfully he left his Master Ball. :D

Comparing the UI between the two makes HG/SS look a lot better: that Poketch is kinda ugly and useless IMO.

Also, what's the fastest way to get Mystery Gift in Diamond? Go to Jubilife and unlock it?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Lone_Prodigy said:
Whoo got Jirachi. Got superior stats too, though it's Lax.

I also borrowed Diamond from the library and started trading the starters over to my HG cart. The existing save file looked like the guy just put all his Pokes on GTS; thankfully he left his Master Ball. :D

Comparing the UI between the two makes HG/SS look a lot better: that Poketch is kinda ugly and useless IMO.

Also, what's the fastest way to get Mystery Gift in Diamond? Go to Jubilife and unlock it?

Yeah, you have to use the phrases "Everyone Happy" and "Wi-Fi Connection".


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Metroid Killer said:
Finally got 65.000 watt the other day, but at the same time a battery icon started blinking... I guess 6 months of play everyday is around the limit.

If you replace the battery do the watts stay?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Well I'm back home from Indy. VGC was pretty damned awesome. The experience and general competition was so fun that it made me completely forget about my horrible tournament performance and how frustratingly centralizing uber legendaries are.

I also thought I would be completely burned out on Pokemon for months after this, but the opposite has been the case. I'd love to get some more VGC style matches in with my team before I write up a summary or post battle videos with it. If any of you guys have VGC style teams ready and are up for a game send me a PM.

OMG Aero

Andrex said:
If you replace the battery do the watts stay?
From what I've heard, when you replace the battery everything on the Walker is wiped apart from the Pokemon on it. However, since the total number of watts and steps are stored on the game card, you don't have to unlock any of the courses you already have.
Lone_Prodigy said:
Comparing the UI between the two makes HG/SS look a lot better: that Poketch is kinda ugly and useless IMO.

Yeah, I just returned to Pearl after playing mostly Silver and the buttons are so fugly. :lol

Shame that you can't get the Wifi Jirachi on the game paks that already received the Gamestop one though.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Oh god, Firestorm. :lol Your team is terrible once it gets set up.

Safeguard + Swagger is a pretty sweet idea, btw.


Sixfortyfive if you got our match put it up :lol
Sixfortyfive said:
Oh god, Firestorm. :lol Your team is terrible once it gets set up.

Safeguard + Swagger is a pretty sweet idea, btw.
Yeah it is. It was made worse by the fact that Icy Wind missing (95% acc!) is what let him outspeed Smeargle for the Safeguard :( Really bad switch in on my part for Latios but god yeah I loved the comeback :lol Would have been really epic if it was on a screen or something at a regional.

We were kinda holding up the tournament though. IRC was fun during that round.

[12:19:13] [%Alaka] Firestorm v Boomguy
[12:19:54] [skarm] good luck boomguy
[12:19:56] [skarm] see you in 3 hours
[12:20:10] [Boomguy] 3 hours?


[12:40:31] [skarm] lol
[12:40:34] [skarm] firestorm will be a while
[12:40:36] [skarm] you might want to start R2
[12:40:40] [Firestorm] >____>
[12:40:43] • Join: (Ditto) ([email protected])
[12:40:45] [&ExpertEvan] about as good as Pokethan there Dr
[12:40:46] [Sudo] lololol
[12:40:51] [Ditto] HELLO BIZNITCHES!
[12:40:52] [drcossack] is he using the annoying you-know-what?
[12:41:03] [Sudo] voldemort or blissey
[12:41:18] [drcossack] Nah EE, more like Zero losing to Vash at nats last year.
[12:41:31] [drcossack] the same way too.
[12:41:45] [Firestorm] i only have one in-game team


[12:45:41] [&ExpertEvan] any status on other 2 matches?
[12:46:35] • Join: (dragonfe) ([email protected])
[12:46:38] [Firestorm] don't worry i got this
[12:46:40] [Firestorm] it'll be a while
[12:46:45] [Firestorm] i need to save this
[12:48:38] [Boomguy] are really behind every1
[12:48:58] [Boomguy] are we really behind every1
[12:49:10] [Ditto] Yes


[12:54:10] [&mingot] it's been more like 54 minutes since this shit started
[12:54:14] [&mingot] and i have had one battle
[12:54:27] [Boomguy] lol
[12:54:33] [drcossack] lol
[12:54:48] [Boomguy] it depends whose gonna out PP who
[12:54:55] [UltraSkyDive] omg
[12:55:04] [&ExpertEvan] IRL they move you fast through the first 4 rounds at VGCs
[12:55:06] [Boomguy] or he could finish me off
[12:55:11] [Ditto] Skarm, what did you need again?
[12:55:17] • Join: (Ferrouswheel) ([email protected])
[12:55:27] [drcossack] just give Firestorm the damn win
[12:55:35] [UltraSkyDive] lol^
[12:55:38] [drcossack] since it sounds like he's using Double Team...
[12:55:40] [Boomguy] lol
[12:55:41] [Ninahaza] lol merriland is like, f it rock paper scizzor for it, if this was vgc
[12:55:49] [Boomguy] he has max it out
[12:55:51] [Boomguy] lol
[12:55:57] [&mingot] lol
[12:55:58] [Firestorm] no
[12:56:02] [Firestorm] we are not running
[12:56:04] [Firestorm] this shit will end
[12:56:06] [Firestorm] and be epic on youtube
[12:56:10] [Firestorm] this is like the best battle i've had
[12:56:13] [UltraSkyDive] lol^
[12:56:15] [Ninahaza] lol
[12:56:36] [Firestorm] well maybe because it's wifi it feels cooler than the po / nbs ones
[12:56:36] [Boomguy] lol crap
[12:56:51] [Firestorm] ohhh crit
[12:56:52] [Firestorm] damn
[12:56:56] [Firestorm] sorry dude
[12:56:58] [Ditto] SKARM!
[12:56:58] [&mingot] WHAT HAPPEN
[12:56:59] [Boomguy] firestorm is gonna win
[12:57:00] [Boomguy] lol
[12:57:01] [Boomguy] its find
[12:57:03] [Boomguy] fine
[12:57:06] [&mingot] ITS FIND
[12:57:15] [Boomguy] its dark ok
[12:57:18] [&mingot] boomguy, get down with your bad self
[12:57:24] [&mingot] so bored
[12:57:28] [&mingot] lets fucking play
[12:57:29] [&mingot] do it alaka
[12:57:30] [Boomguy] watching australia get owned by germany
[12:58:01] • Quit: (Ferrouswheel) ([email protected]) (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06))
[12:58:05] [Ninahaza] so for indianapolis i am at lost what to do saturday night, what are some of you planing. friday i will probably go to lcq to take pictures with everyone then at night prolly go catch a movie
[12:58:06] [Firestorm] ok dont quit too fast. needs to be saved
[12:58:29] [UltraSkyDive] is it over?
[12:58:31] [Firestorm] yeah
[12:58:32] [Firestorm] i won
[12:58:33] [Boomguy] yes
[12:58:35] [&mingot] we're all going to the bathhouse on state avenue
[12:58:36] [&mingot] be there
[12:58:41] [Ninahaza] lol
[12:58:42] [Firestorm] good
[12:58:43] [Firestorm] game
[12:58:46] [&mingot] gg
[12:58:47] [Eiganjo] lolol germany raping through australia :D
[12:58:48] [&mingot] alaka
[12:58:50] [&mingot] lets go
[12:58:56] [Jeremy] lol @bathhouse
[12:59:55] [Firestorm] see
[12:59:59] [Firestorm] it wasn't 3 hours skarm
[13:00:00] [Firestorm] more like 1


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Little Green Yoda said:
Your hax team almost got undone by parafusion :lol

I wonder if there's an upper time limit for the Battle Recorder.

But the VS. Recorder is based on events, not time. :3


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Firestorm said:
Sixfortyfive if you got our match put it up :lol
Here you go!

645 vs Firestorm

Complaining about luck is one of the most immature things that a Pokemon player can do, imo. I understand that people might need to blow off some steam after putting a lot of work into a team or driving a long way to get to a competition only for things to blow up in their face due to circumstances outside of their control, but that's a known risk going into it and something you just have to live with. I tire of bad beat stories in poker as well.

That said, sometimes I completely understand the feeling. :lol

Andrex said:
But the VS. Recorder is based on events, not time. :3
I do wonder if you could run over some kind of limit if both sides were paralyzed for so many turns in a row, though.


Fjord said:
My girlfriend is working at the hospital for the summer, I just roll over and slip it in her pants at 6AM. Later as I'm having breakfast at noon it comes back with over 15,000 steps. I have no idea how a gamer could get 100,000 watts though.

On gym day I do about that too, but no way I'll be getting closer to 100,000 any time soon...
Nintendo should just unlock them via Wi-Fi... :p
Ugh. Been spending all afternoon RNGing Jirachi. I finally land a Timid one and got over-excited and saved right away.

Turns out I was 1 frame off and now I'm stuck with a Timid Jirachi with 2 Speed IVs. :(

Still have one on SS to get but fuck this is frustrating.


So I was on the GTS yesterday and I got a Hitmontop for a level 4 hoot hoot. It was also carrying a swords dance TM and I noticed it was caught with a master ball. Smells a bit fishy to me. Anything I should worry about with this guy? Don't bring him to a tournament or don't bring him online at all?
Fjord said:
So I was on the GTS yesterday and I got a Hitmontop for a level 4 hoot hoot. It was also carrying a swords dance TM and I noticed it was caught with a master ball. Smells a bit fishy to me. Anything I should worry about with this guy? Don't bring him to a tournament or don't bring him online at all?
Sounds like a hackjob. I'm pretty sure you can't get 'top in the wild.

It would be banned from online play.


Sixfortyfive said:

Complaining about luck is one of the most immature things that a Pokemon player can do, imo. I understand that people might need to blow off some steam after putting a lot of work into a team or driving a long way to get to a competition only for things to blow up in their face due to circumstances outside of their control, but that's a known risk going into it and something you just have to live with. I tire of bad beat stories in poker as well.

I completely agree. It's understandable that someone might feel burned by a case of bad luck, but it's part of playing the game. I'd say apologising for/complaining about criticals is probably one of the most annoying things about Pokémon.

I do wonder if you could run over some kind of limit if both sides were paralyzed for so many turns in a row, though.

I wonder if insane PP stalling could acheive the same thing. Just hack 6 blissey with splash on all four move slots and go to work.


Woo! I can finally play again in peace.

It was awesome beating Claire underleveled. I was so damn afraid of that Gyarados but I ended up with almost full life on everyone just because I was so careful.
Got my Kingdra with Draco Meteor as my secret weapon for Lance.

OMG Aero

biggyfries said:
Sounds like a hackjob. I'm pretty sure you can't get 'top in the wild.

It would be banned from online play.
According to Bulbapedia you can catch Tyrogue via the Pokeradar on routes 208 and 211 in DPP.
Does it say where it was caught?


Arceus Mecha.

Also Grawchomp can Fly/Glide in the anime/pokedex.
Alright, so I'm finally going to let go of my Alt color/Shiny Pikachu because I don't have the patience to rack up BP. I want to start asking for 2 Choice Bands in exchange for it.

Is that a fair bargain, GAF?
upandaway said:
Woo! I can finally play again in peace.

It was awesome beating Claire underleveled. I was so damn afraid of that Gyarados but I ended up with almost full life on everyone just because I was so careful.
Got my Kingdra with Draco Meteor as my secret weapon for Lance.

I just beat her yesterday with a full 6 ranging from 30-37, lots of hyper potions later and I finally did it, Gengars 'Curse' came in handy plenty of times (love that move). Also got round to catching Ho-Oh with a timer ball after 4 attempts, saving my master for Mewtwo I think. When you get to Kanto are all the gyms at the level they would be when you start a game or are they scaled up already?
MikeDub said:
When you get to Kanto are all the gyms at the level they would be when you start a game or are they scaled up already?
The former, but most of the gyms are actually pretty similar in terms of levels, which made it really easy for me due to being a bit too high-level.

Off to catch Lugia and Mewtwo... probably the last thing I'll do in the game O_O


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Busaiku said:
So I totally missed out on the last Pokewalker course.
Will there be any way to get it in the future?

Champion's Path or whatever? By "last" I thought you meant Quiet Cave. :lol

Anyways if someone you know locally still has the ticket or whatever they can share it with you. You can hold up to two tickets.


Lone_Prodigy said:
Night Sky's Edge is kind of lame. 10,000 steps for a 1% chance at TM29 (Psychic)? I managed to get one though.

A lot of the chances in the Pokéwalker are lame... You know what's worse? Only 3 items allowed and if you transfer them, you "lose" all the watts...
Catching Lugia and Mewtwo was a breeze compared to some of the other legendaries, took me less than 20 mins for both of them.

Anyway this means that I finally got 292 pokemon!! I'm only missing Celebi, but hopefully it'll be possible with the events coming in the future. It also means that I got the 4th Star on my trainer card. The last one missing is the 100 win streak in the Battle Tower(where I'm at 50..), but I don't really feel like trying. I've played 725 hours which is more than enough...

I guess I'm finally done with the game, yes, I think it's a good note to go out on. An epic journey should have an epic ending.

The biggest reason that made this journey incredible was defintely this thread and the incredible friendship and support from the members. It's the first time I decided to be part of a 'gaf-community', but I would've never expected it to be this awesome. There are too many names to name, but all of you were a part of one my best modern gaming experiences.

Thanks, thanks a lot!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Metroid Killer said:
Catching Lugia and Mewtwo was a breeze compared to some of the other legendaries, took me less than 20 mins for both of them.

Anyway this means that I finally got 292 pokemon!! I'm only missing Celebi, but hopefully it'll be possible with the events coming in the future. It also means that I got the 4th Star on my trainer card. The last one missing is the 100 win streak in the Battle Tower(where I'm at 50..), but I don't really feel like trying. I've played 725 hours which is more than enough...

I guess I'm finally done with the game, yes, I think it's a good note to go out on. An epic journey should have an epic ending.

The biggest reason that made this journey incredible was defintely this thread and the incredible friendship and support from the members. It's the first time I decided to be part of a 'gaf-community', but I would've never expected it to be this awesome. There are too many names to name, but all of you were a part of one my best modern gaming experiences.

Thanks, thanks a lot!

I hope to follow in your footsteps, Pokemon Trainer Red MK.


Metroid Killer said:
Catching Lugia and Mewtwo was a breeze compared to some of the other legendaries, took me less than 20 mins for both of them.

Anyway this means that I finally got 292 pokemon!! I'm only missing Celebi, but hopefully it'll be possible with the events coming in the future. It also means that I got the 4th Star on my trainer card. The last one missing is the 100 win streak in the Battle Tower(where I'm at 50..), but I don't really feel like trying. I've played 725 hours which is more than enough...

I guess I'm finally done with the game, yes, I think it's a good note to go out on. An epic journey should have an epic ending.

The biggest reason that made this journey incredible was defintely this thread and the incredible friendship and support from the members. It's the first time I decided to be part of a 'gaf-community', but I would've never expected it to be this awesome. There are too many names to name, but all of you were a part of one my best modern gaming experiences.

Thanks, thanks a lot!
Didn't you choose the Jap version to learn moon better? How did that go?


Metroid Killer said:
Catching Lugia and Mewtwo was a breeze compared to some of the other legendaries, took me less than 20 mins for both of them.

Anyway this means that I finally got 292 pokemon!! I'm only missing Celebi, but hopefully it'll be possible with the events coming in the future. It also means that I got the 4th Star on my trainer card. The last one missing is the 100 win streak in the Battle Tower(where I'm at 50..), but I don't really feel like trying. I've played 725 hours which is more than enough...

I guess I'm finally done with the game, yes, I think it's a good note to go out on. An epic journey should have an epic ending.

The biggest reason that made this journey incredible was defintely this thread and the incredible friendship and support from the members. It's the first time I decided to be part of a 'gaf-community', but I would've never expected it to be this awesome. There are too many names to name, but all of you were a part of one my best modern gaming experiences.

Thanks, thanks a lot!
good job for the 4th Star :D
Metroid Killer said:
Catching Lugia and Mewtwo was a breeze compared to some of the other legendaries, took me less than 20 mins for both of them.

Anyway this means that I finally got 292 pokemon!! I'm only missing Celebi, but hopefully it'll be possible with the events coming in the future. It also means that I got the 4th Star on my trainer card. The last one missing is the 100 win streak in the Battle Tower(where I'm at 50..), but I don't really feel like trying. I've played 725 hours which is more than enough...

I guess I'm finally done with the game, yes, I think it's a good note to go out on. An epic journey should have an epic ending.

The biggest reason that made this journey incredible was defintely this thread and the incredible friendship and support from the members. It's the first time I decided to be part of a 'gaf-community', but I would've never expected it to be this awesome. There are too many names to name, but all of you were a part of one my best modern gaming experiences.

Thanks, thanks a lot!

I've had tons of fun playing and trading pokemon for the first time in nearly a decade and this thread and it's posters were also a gigantic part of the whole experience. I just kind of wish that I had more time to put all those EV trained/IV bred pokemon to the test.

I guess this is how this thread slows down and finishes.

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