Sixfortyfive if you got our match put it up :lol
Sixfortyfive said:
Oh god, Firestorm. :lol Your team is terrible once it gets set up.
Safeguard + Swagger is a pretty sweet idea, btw.
Yeah it is. It was made worse by the fact that Icy Wind missing (95% acc!) is what let him outspeed Smeargle for the Safeguard

Really bad switch in on my part for Latios but god yeah I loved the comeback :lol Would have been really epic if it was on a screen or something at a regional.
We were kinda holding up the tournament though. IRC was fun during that round.
[12:19:13] [%Alaka] Firestorm v Boomguy
[12:19:54] [skarm] good luck boomguy
[12:19:56] [skarm] see you in 3 hours
[12:20:10] [Boomguy] 3 hours?
[12:40:31] [skarm] lol
[12:40:34] [skarm] firestorm will be a while
[12:40:36] [skarm] you might want to start R2
[12:40:40] [Firestorm] >____>
[12:40:43] Join: (Ditto) (
[email protected])
[12:40:45] [&ExpertEvan] about as good as Pokethan there Dr
[12:40:46] [Sudo] lololol
[12:40:51] [Ditto] HELLO BIZNITCHES!
[12:40:52] [drcossack] is he using the annoying you-know-what?
[12:41:03] [Sudo] voldemort or blissey
[12:41:18] [drcossack] Nah EE, more like Zero losing to Vash at nats last year.
[12:41:31] [drcossack] the same way too.
[12:41:45] [Firestorm] i only have one in-game team
[12:45:41] [&ExpertEvan] any status on other 2 matches?
[12:46:35] Join: (dragonfe) (
[email protected])
[12:46:38] [Firestorm] don't worry i got this
[12:46:40] [Firestorm] it'll be a while
[12:46:45] [Firestorm] i need to save this
[12:48:38] [Boomguy] are really behind every1
[12:48:58] [Boomguy] are we really behind every1
[12:49:10] [Ditto] Yes
[12:54:10] [&mingot] it's been more like 54 minutes since this shit started
[12:54:14] [&mingot] and i have had one battle
[12:54:27] [Boomguy] lol
[12:54:33] [drcossack] lol
[12:54:48] [Boomguy] it depends whose gonna out PP who
[12:54:55] [UltraSkyDive] omg
[12:55:04] [&ExpertEvan] IRL they move you fast through the first 4 rounds at VGCs
[12:55:06] [Boomguy] or he could finish me off
[12:55:11] [Ditto] Skarm, what did you need again?
[12:55:17] Join: (Ferrouswheel) (
[email protected])
[12:55:27] [drcossack] just give Firestorm the damn win
[12:55:35] [UltraSkyDive] lol^
[12:55:38] [drcossack] since it sounds like he's using Double Team...
[12:55:40] [Boomguy] lol
[12:55:41] [Ninahaza] lol merriland is like, f it rock paper scizzor for it, if this was vgc
[12:55:49] [Boomguy] he has max it out
[12:55:51] [Boomguy] lol
[12:55:57] [&mingot] lol
[12:55:58] [Firestorm] no
[12:56:02] [Firestorm] we are not running
[12:56:04] [Firestorm] this shit will end
[12:56:06] [Firestorm] and be epic on youtube
[12:56:10] [Firestorm] this is like the best battle i've had
[12:56:13] [UltraSkyDive] lol^
[12:56:15] [Ninahaza] lol
[12:56:36] [Firestorm] well maybe because it's wifi it feels cooler than the po / nbs ones
[12:56:36] [Boomguy] lol crap
[12:56:51] [Firestorm] ohhh crit
[12:56:52] [Firestorm] damn
[12:56:56] [Firestorm] sorry dude
[12:56:58] [Ditto] SKARM!
[12:56:58] [&mingot] WHAT HAPPEN
[12:56:59] [Boomguy] firestorm is gonna win
[12:57:00] [Boomguy] lol
[12:57:01] [Boomguy] its find
[12:57:03] [Boomguy] fine
[12:57:06] [&mingot] ITS FIND
[12:57:15] [Boomguy] its dark ok
[12:57:18] [&mingot] boomguy, get down with your bad self
[12:57:24] [&mingot] so bored
[12:57:28] [&mingot] lets fucking play
[12:57:29] [&mingot] do it alaka
[12:57:30] [Boomguy] watching australia get owned by germany
[12:58:01] Quit: (Ferrouswheel) (
[email protected]) (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06))
[12:58:05] [Ninahaza] so for indianapolis i am at lost what to do saturday night, what are some of you planing. friday i will probably go to lcq to take pictures with everyone then at night prolly go catch a movie
[12:58:06] [Firestorm] ok dont quit too fast. needs to be saved
[12:58:29] [UltraSkyDive] is it over?
[12:58:31] [Firestorm] yeah
[12:58:32] [Firestorm] i won
[12:58:33] [Boomguy] yes
[12:58:35] [&mingot] we're all going to the bathhouse on state avenue
[12:58:36] [&mingot] be there
[12:58:41] [Ninahaza] lol
[12:58:42] [Firestorm] good
[12:58:43] [Firestorm] game
[12:58:46] [&mingot] gg
[12:58:47] [Eiganjo] lolol germany raping through australia

[12:58:48] [&mingot] alaka
[12:58:50] [&mingot] lets go
[12:58:56] [Jeremy] lol @bathhouse
[12:59:55] [Firestorm] see
[12:59:59] [Firestorm] it wasn't 3 hours skarm
[13:00:00] [Firestorm] more like 1