Hahaha. Oh my God! :lol
I threw out a Ninetales and a Typhlosion.
Never once used Hydro Cannon!
I threw out a Ninetales and a Typhlosion.
Never once used Hydro Cannon!
The AI has this quirk where it will use non-effective moves when your Pokemon is at low health. I think it's a lazy way of "predicting" a switch on your part or something.SuperAngelo64 said:Hahaha. Oh my God! :lol
I threw out a Ninetales and a Typhlosion.
Never once used Hydro Cannon!
barnone said:Anyone have a pokerus pokemon I can trade for? I can trade a morning sun growlithe (male) since I'd been breeding those for myself.
Edit: I've got a few male growlithes with morning sun if anyone else wants to trade some heart gold pokemon/hard to find pokemons for one. Took me a while to catch a wurmple, breed for one that is silcoon, level the silcoon up to learn morning sun, sketch the morning sun onto a male smeargle, and then breed for the nature/ability I wanted. Also getting a growlithe onto my soul silver in the first place![]()
Lone_Prodigy said:Chikorita
All I need for a full Johto Pokedex.
Pureauthor said:Can get you a Chikorita (and I guess you can evolve it to Bayleef+ yourself) if you want.
I could get ya Porygon 2 in like a week once I get my Platinum back, if I have an Up Grade on there.Lone_Prodigy said:Now down to Porygon2 and Charizard.
Lone_Prodigy said:Yeah that'd be great, since that's the only 3 I haven't seen.
Now down to Porygon2 and Charizard.
Fjord said:Does anyone have a Gible/Garbite/Garchomp or Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence for trade? Or a leveled up safari zone containing one? Trying to put together a Battle Tower team to start racking up some points. said:Question about breeding.
It's pretty jumbled up in my head so work with me... m = male f = female. My sister has a Pokemon (Am) she bred with another pokemon (Bf) and together they had a baby pokemon (Cf). The new pokemon Cf knows a knarly move from pokemon Am, iirc drill-peck. Now my sister wants another baby move added to that one. How could she do this? Mating with, say, pokemon Dm only passes down Dm's moves, and Dm's move it passed down, but drill-peck is lost. Is it possible to "chain" this so that each generation of baby gets another move?
I had a similar problem earlier, but I resolved it so I was hoping there'd be another trick I'm missing.
Sixfortyfive said:
Pick desired species and moveset. It will tell you how to obtain them. Pretty sure it's up to date and accurate.
Kodiak said:My friends who had this game wore the pokewalker on their belts. I have no desire to make the fact that I have the poke walker public. Does it work just as well in your pocket?
I think that Veekun's breeding calc is a lot easier to read, but then again, it's only one move at a time. And has a weird furry image in the backgroundSixfortyfive said:
Pick desired species and moveset. It will tell you how to obtain them. Pretty sure it's up to date and accurate.
Fits pretty perfectly in that space in your jeans that's for change.Kodiak said:My friends who had this game wore the pokewalker on their belts. I have no desire to make the fact that I have the poke walker public. Does it work just as well in your pocket?
I've had it in both, and think I get 1.5x or 2x when I place it in my pocket instead of belt.Kodiak said:My friends who had this game wore the pokewalker on their belts. I have no desire to make the fact that I have the poke walker public. Does it work just as well in your pocket?
Wichu said:Tyracroc = Croconaw, right? Looks good to me; I don't think you'll have any major problems with that team.
Here is the Noctowl I'm using:Glass Soldier said:Yeah, sorry, playing the German version and missed that. But in the long-run, which Pokemon should I ditch? Noctowl seems to be the obvious choice...
Edit: Yeah, it's been over 6 years since I've played Pokémon.
Edit 2: I fuckin' love Heracross. I don't remember him being so strong when I played the original Silver.
Wolves Evolve said:My Pokedex is 290 after 150 hours. I have no idea what people need but I would like a Gible at some point. I've emptied out the Safari Zone of everything else.
Wolves Evolve said:That would be lovely. Do you need anything in return? I don't know what's rare or useful; everybody wants a 100 level Arceus. I'm guessing if you're giving away Gibles, I don't have anything you need..
I'm 0389 2626 7198
If anybody wants Pokerus, a lvl 45 Skorupi, the Magikarp with Bounce in case nobody has that, the Winner's Path pokes. I guess I'm more use to beginners who want a helping hand.. not so great on the super popular competitive ones.
Lone_Prodigy said:Arghhhhh I keep missing you Pure. Need that Chikorita.
EDIT: if anyone has a Chikorita, I'll be in the Wi-Fi Room for the next 30 minutes or so.
1591 7555 9620
Yeah you nailed it.Sagitario said:Questions about EV:
I often see something like 252/252/4, so 510 is the max total of EV you can get, right?
Some places list 252 as the max per stat and other says 255... Which one is true?
I'm guessing that the stat can get 255, but only use 252 [252 is divisible by 4] so that would mean 2 EV are being wasted, right?
I'm pretty sure I've got some extra swords dance TMs lying around.SuperAngelo64 said:Is there anyone out there who wants to trade a Swords Dance TM?
I'm sure there's someone here with a Japanese game who can get it relatively easy in comparison to the absolute shit we have to go through to get it in the NA/EU versions.
Yes, this is how it works.Sagitario said:I'm guessing that the stat can get 255, but only use 252 [252 is divisible by 4] so that would mean 2 EV are being wasted, right?
upandaway said:Holy shit Blue was a huge pain in the ass. I had to use one revive because I only had Heracross left and he had Pidgeot, so I just revenge killed it with Kingdra.
For the record all my Pokemon were at 50 (his were around 58 with Gyarados at 52). I'm so glad I skipped over all the trainers in the sea. Blaine was a joke.
Anyway fuck yeah all gyms done.
Edit: So now I can just go to the E4 rematch right? If I just beat Blue they're all stronger?