Ooooh. What event was that?Gravijah said:Manaphy comes in an egg when you get it.
Andrex said:If Manaphy breeds it makes a Phione, how did you get a Manaphy egg? o_0 Should be impossible.
Andrex said:Ooooh. What event was that?
Slermy said:Anyone know the best way to find my secret ID in a game I don't have a shiny in (Diamond/Platinum)? I want to try hatching a shiny Eevee with a few egg moves. I see that there's some tomfoolery one can do with Action Replays, but would that mess up my save file? Is it worth going out and buying one just to find my secret ID?
4 times better, IIRCbiggyfries said:Sorry, but Ive only done it once, and did not have much luck with that.
For shinies, my luck has always been this: get your two daycare pokemon from two different countries, and breed until you get a shiny.
My setup is to use a JPN ditto, with my regular US games and pokemon. Got a shiny piplup after my first set of eggs, but then stopped trying to get a shiny dratini after 100 eggs. YMMV, but it is has better odds than finding one in the wild, if I remember correctly.
Sixfortyfive said:EDIT: Actually, I take that back, as you can get it via enough Pokeradar chaining if you have the right tools.
Gravijah said:What legendaries is it that you need?
parasight said:Anyone know exactly how you get the WiFi events at GameStop? Do you have to ask them to turn something on, or do you just receive the gift without asking?
I think I have a few event Deoxys floating around, I just have to find my games later.Balb said:Deoxys, Manaphy and Arceus.
Sixfortyfive said:Except that if you're obtaining shinies with the specific purpose of using them to discover your secret ID, those methods that increase your odds of getting them are useless.
EDIT: Actually, I take that back, as you can get it via enough Pokeradar chaining if you have the right tools.
Balb said:Looking for a few Pokemon to finish off my Pokedex:
Mime Jr.
I won't push my luck with the few legendaries I need. I'd appreciate any of these Pokemon, and I have a lot of Pokemon available for trade, so let me know if you have any of these.
FC: 4297 5213 1585
I can give you spiritomb and mantyke. I also could probably breed those pre-evo's for you since I have the incense/evos needed.Balb said:Looking for a few Pokemon to finish off my Pokedex:
Mime Jr.
I won't push my luck with the few legendaries I need. I'd appreciate any of these Pokemon, and I have a lot of Pokemon available for trade, so let me know if you have any of these.
FC: 4297 5213 1585
FootNinja said:I can give you spiritomb and mantyke. I also could probably breed those pre-evo's for you since I have the incense/evos needed.
In other news: Anyone have a spare shieldon? be willing to trade just about any poke. I just hatched a few 31 speed 31 special attack + all around great IV timid ghastly's to sweeten the deal.
give me a few minutes please (like 20). 0689 - 7478 - 1629Andrex said:I got a Shieldon. All I need is a Luxio. 0560 - 9071 - 3586
FootNinja said:Andrex! I am prepared! heading online soon.
FootNinja said:Sorry I didn't add an item, I am use to trading with selfish people. Much appreciated!
Ravidrath said:So I just caught a shiny Golbat on Victory Road in Heart Gold!
Looking for name suggestions for its eventual evolution into Crobat.
It's got an ugly color scheme, so something that makes light of that might be cool.
Teknoman said:Theres my vote.
Whats the best place to level up after obtaining all 16 badges? I keep getting destroyed by Red and my levels are between 56-61.
Teknoman said:Going to keep doing E4 rematches in that case. Does the game actually tell you about gym leader rematches or is that sort of a secret?
Fantasy Final said:I posted this on Black/White but I'll repost here
Looking for a GameStop shiny Raikou. Have a Shiny Entei. I missed the Raikou event.
Andrex said:Serebii has a list. Remember you can challenge a gym leader multiple times a day, and night means both 12 am on in the morning and whenever it starts again in the evening.
I can give you one. 0560 - 9071 - 3586
Teknoman said:Oh yeah, I know there is a list, I just dont remember any npcs giving a hint or something about gym leader rematches, or is it just something they expected players to find out on their own.
Fantasy Final said:I posted this on Black/White but I'll repost here
Looking for a GameStop shiny Raikou. Have a Shiny Entei. I missed the Raikou event.
barnone said:I can trade. I am not going to be able to make it to the Entei event so I would appreciate this.
Edit: sorry I saw this completed. But I am still looking for an identical trade. My Shiny Raikou for a Shiny Entei
Alright then, Add me 2536 6024 7616barnone said:I can trade. I am not going to be able to make it to the Entei event so I would appreciate this.
Edit: sorry I saw this completed. But I am still looking for an identical trade. My Shiny Raikou for a Shiny Entei
Teknoman said:Theres my vote.
Whats the best place to level up after obtaining all 16 badges? I keep getting destroyed by Red and my levels are between 56-61.
Thanks to you toobarnone said:Added; I am headed to the wifi room if you are ready? My FC is above your post if you missed it
Edit: Thank you very much!
Anth0ny said:I have a system:
1) Exp share train your Pokemon against elite 4 until level 40 or so. Shouldn't take too long.
2. Gym leader rematch against the gym leader you have a type adventage against. With lucky egg. Do this over and over and over til level 60 or 70 I'd say.
3. Elite 4 grind until level 100, with lucky egg. If you have a horrible type disadvantage against, keep a backup Pokemon ready to take any certain member out.
4. Always lose to Lance cause the fucking post game takes too long lol
I've used this method a bunch of times, works well =)
I have both. I don't need any Pokemon really, though I could use help transferring 6 of my Pokemon from Pearl to HeartGold (I only have one DS).FootNinja said:Anyone have a spare Zangoose or Azurill? Name your poke price.
Wouldn't mind helping you transfer 6 pokemon.Reticent Rhino said:I have both. I don't need any Pokemon really, though I could use help transferring 6 of my Pokemon from Pearl to HeartGold (I only have one DS).
Pearl: 1074-7345-1906
HG: 4684-0933-7370
PM me for details.