SlickVic said:LOL the rival's team sucks.Intense fight to say the least.Got to the double battle in Dragon's Den where you fight Claire and Lance. Lance's Gyrados takes down all 3 of his Pokemon in like 5 seconds, leaving me in a 2 on 1 battle for the rest of the way.
Masked Man said:It's because he doesn't train his Pokémon with LOVE! D:
Ondore said:Then how'd he end up with a Crobat?
Damn, been playing too much DQ9; I have less than 24 hours to RNG my Jirachi before I download Entei!Andrex said:Got my three shiny Enteis today. Remember guys you only have one day left!
Yuripaw said:I realize this is probably a lost cause, and my chances of someone doing this for me are slim, but I just thought I'd at least try and ask....
I just picked up a DS yesterday with Pokemon Soul Silver. I hadn't really played the series much since the GBC days, and Silver was my favorite, so I wanted to get back into it with a remake to my favorite one.
I only just started playing, but I was at least able to get the Shiny Entei from gamestop before it ends today...but since I just got the game yesterday, I wasn't able to get the Shiny Raikou =/ I was just wondering if anyone out there might've downloaded more than one, and has one they'd be willing to spare?
I work at a gamestop, and I noticed a lot of people came in with multiple pokemon carts to get the shiny trio, so I'm hoping someone here might have done something similar, and have an extra they won't miss.
In the unlikely event someone is willing to do this, PM me please.
Andrex said:Yeah I have one extra Raikou still left. You'll have to wait about an hour though.
Gravijah said:I forgot to pick up the shiny beasts so I'm gonna have to hope for clones later on. :/
Balb said:I can hook you up with Entei and Raikou right now. They're not clones.
Glix said:You only need one of the shiny cats to get the new guy in Black/White, right?
Anth0ny said:Isn't there gonna be a wifi event for the shiny beasts in February?
Gravijah said:Man, just booting up SS (before my battery died) made me realllllly wanna buy HG. I must resist, I must wait for Black/White.![]()
Andrex said:Lol for the past two months I had the same problem. Paying off White when I got Raikou really helped ease that feeling though.
Gravijah said:Is there a pre-order bonus for Black/White? I've kept myself away from everything BW related.
Andrex said:Not that I know of, no. But I don't wanna be one of those nerds with gaming/anime statues anyways.
They ran out of Lugia statuettes last year.(((
Gravijah said:I day 1 purchased SS at my local Wal Mart and like, a few days later, they put out the versions with the statues. Mother fucker!
Man, I have no idea where my Pokewalker is either.![]()
Andrex said:Yes.
AFAIK, no.
Celebi* is also Gamestop-only and will be given out at the end of February/early March.
Ash's Pikachu, which was a Wi-Fi event in Japan I believe, will be given out for a week starting a week from today at Toy's 'R' Us.
Glix said:Celebi unlocks some awesome time traveling thing in HG/SS, right?
Does Ash's Pickachu unlock anything, or is it just a cool pikachu with special moves?
Anth0ny said:Isn't there gonna be a wifi event for the shiny beasts in February?
Yuripaw said:Are there any distinguishing features to Ash's Pikachu? It'd be cool if he was wearing his hat, lol
Overleveled is far far FAR better than being underleveled. The E4 in HG and SS barely went pass the 40s and only some went to the 50s.Ravidrath said:Man, leveling in HG/SS is terrible.
The whole game everything seems underleveled, and then you get to Kanto, which is 900% worse.
Black and White are sort of the opposite, but it's preferable - everything is slightly overleveled most of the game, and the areas that open up after the Elite 4 are REALLY overleveled.
TacticalFox88 said:Overleveled is far far FAR better than being underleveled. The E4 in HG and SS barely went pass the 40s and only some went to the 50s.
don't remember if it changes from the first time you battle them, but if not then this is false.TacticalFox88 said:Overleveled is far far FAR better than being underleveled. The E4 in HG and SS barely went pass the 40s and only some went to the 50s.
I think the highest leveled Pokemon on the first E4 run is a lv50 Dragonite. Their teams don't get upgraded until you have all 16 badges, IIRC.FootNinja said:don't remember if it changes from the first time you battle them, but if not then this is false.
Sixfortyfive said:I think the highest leveled Pokemon on the first E4 run is a lv50 Dragonite. Their teams don't get upgraded until you have all 16 badges, IIRC.
You're only missing the special Zoroark event (the only way to have a battle with a wild Zoroark, but not the only way to get one).sanji_blue said:I'm a sad panda for living in a country that will never see this event to get the shiny legendary dogs. The only way to capture Zoroark is having one of those special dogs?
Ravidrath said:Seriously.
Would people have really cared if the Kanto Pokemon levels weren't consistent with R/G/Y?
It would've made the game significantly better if they had just focused on making the game good instead of some kind of continuity.
Stage On said:Yah I just got my 16th badge and I had to put the game aside for now since there is NO fast way to level up from 63 to 80.
Why couldn't they have kept some daily battles in the pokemon center like in Platinum? Man that game is so much better balanced in that regard. Sure you can only fight 3 gym leaders a day but it's much less of a pain to get rematches.
The worst decision was not to keep the VS checker. Being able to rematch trainers quickly is one of the fastest ways to level up. I swear I will be pissed if that feature isn't in Black and White. Calling them on the Cell phone thing just dosn't compare since it's not nearly as convenient and they hardly ever call you for a match.
As long as you can connect to Wi-Fi I'm sure there will be someone here that can clone them for you or at least let you borrow a dog to trigger the event.sanji_blue said:I'm a sad panda for living in a country that will never see this event to get the shiny legendary dogs. The only way to capture Zoroark is having one of those special dogs?
Stage On said:The worst decision was not to keep the VS checker. Being able to rematch trainers quickly is one of the fastest ways to level up. I swear I will be pissed if that feature isn't in Black and White. Calling them on the Cell phone thing just dosn't compare since it's not nearly as convenient and they hardly ever call you for a match.
Andrex said:You can call them, though, and they'll always accept if it's the right time.