No copy of D/P/P? You can get them over Wifi right now.MadraptorMan said:Anyone got a "Pikachu-colored Pichu" they can trade to me?
Is there a summery of what each of the event pokemon traded into HG/SS unlock in the game?
No copy of D/P/P? You can get them over Wifi right now.MadraptorMan said:Anyone got a "Pikachu-colored Pichu" they can trade to me?
Drkirby said:No copy of D/P/P? You can get them over Wifi right now.
Is there a summery of what each of the event pokemon traded into HG/SS unlock in the game?
mrkgoo said:What is a good place that I can read more about this remake? The first post doesn't have much useful info.
Drkirby said:No copy of D/P/P? You can get them over Wifi right now.
Is there a summery of what each of the event pokemon traded into HG/SS unlock in the game?
Eteric Rice said:So, is there a way to tell if your Pokemon have good or bad IVs in this game?
Not going to do the IV and EV thing yet, but just wondering if they made it any less of a PITA.
Fantasy Final said:Whats up with the Wii interaction in this game? There's an option in the main menu but don't know what this is.
Donno, looks kinda bulky and ugly to me, rather have GAME's figurine or pay a fiver less at Amazon.kyo_daikun said:A note to Uk Gafer's, HMV are giving away a dsi/ ds lite case with Ho oh or lugia on depending on which game you buy, it also has a space for the pokewalker as well.
Edit: Mine is ordered, look at that awesomeness!
vectorman06 said:Yellow Forest Event has been announced for the US, April 1-29, it unlocks 6 pika's![]()
My Cyndaquil just evolved into a Quilava and I still haven't faced the first gym leader yet.
BTW there was a guy standing next to the gym and I think he was a parody of Yoda. His speech pattern is way too similar.
kyo_daikun said:Is it Wifi event? (So everyone can get it) Or is it Gamestop instore rubbish?
CoolS said:Wi-Fi Event, and according to it will also be for Europe since both regions run on the same server![]()
Rockin' a gastly on my pokewalker right now at work. Hell be ready to be a haunter by the time I get homeRoboManus said:picked up heartgold today and im currently at sprout tower trying to catch a ghastly. Next im gonna check out that pokewalker!
Kyzer said:idk what happened to the Pokemon appreciation thread so I'll just say it here:
The localization is top-notch.
Oh yeah, his sprite looks awesome.Animatik said:My Cyndaquil involved a little too fast aswell, at the bellsprout tower, but am really digging the Quilava sprite though. Heading to the first gym now.
Unicorn said:Rockin' a gastly on my pokewalker right now at work. Hell be ready to be a haunter by the time I get home![]()
Fumetsu said:Do you think there will be an event in the US to get Arceus?
What? You mean to say I imported the game for nothing? >:-(VOOK said:If anyone cares the Aussie version is the US one, it has the ESRB warning and says Mom instead of Mum. Also Voltorb flip.
ReiGun said:Been playing about 90 minutes. Team so far is Spearow, Sentret, Weedle, and Chikorita. Trying to level them so I dont have to take Faulkner's crap when I get to him. Always hated fighting him as a kid.
Yeah, you keep the superior version, GOLD.Fuzzy said:I ended up placing two orders on for HG and SS because trying to order both together doesn't get the $8 saving on both of them. I'll be giving SS to my cousin's son for his birthday because I know he'll love it and I can steal all his good Pokemon.![]()
I completely blame Firestorm for me buying these after all the posts he has made encouraging us to buy HG.
I also picked up the guide from since I had a $25 credit there that they gave me for canceling my Mega Man and Mega Man X Complete Works books even though they did ship the books to me.![]()
kyo_daikun said:Yeah just hunted for it, flying pikachu get!
Details of event:
Unlocks Yellow forest where you can find 6 different pikachu
Level 15 with Shuca berry (10000+ steps)
Attacks: Fly, thunder, growl and tail whip
Level 14 with lum berry (9500+ steps)
Attacks: Surf, thunderbolt, thunder wave and quick attack
Level 13 with leppa berry (2000+ steps)
Attacks: Flail, helping hand, shock wave and thunder wave
Level 12 with sitrus berry (5000+ steps)
Attacks: Volt tackle, fake out, thundershock and growl
Level 10 with tiny mushroom (0 steps)
Attacks: Thundershock, growl, tail whip and thunder
Level 10 with oran berry (0 steps)
Attacks: Thundershock, growl and tail whip
Aaron Strife said:Ash Ketchum endorses Heart Gold
EvilMario said:It's such a shame that the Flying Pikachu won't have Volt Tackle, which would have made a humorous physical Raichu set possible at last.
kyo_daikun said:Come and gone im afraid, it was beginning of january I beleive.
They may still give out the azure flute item to get him but I dont think they even released it in japan... (they should tho as the event level 100's are stupid, I would like to actually ev train him nintendo)
I know I gave up on Pearl waaaay too soon after defeating the Elite 4 (weeks of nothing but transferring from Leaf Green and Emerald, breeding and berry harvesting got me down), but what in the hell are that bat thing and that noseless monstrosity?Aaron Strife said:Ash Ketchum endorses Heart Gold
What's this event about? How do I get it???EvilMario said:It's such a shame that the Flying Pikachu won't have Volt Tackle, which would have made a humorous physical Raichu set possible at last.