Unicorn said:What's this event about? How do I get it???
viciouskillersquirrel said:I know I gave up on Pearl waaaay too soon after defeating the Elite 4 (weeks of nothing but transferring from Leaf Green and Emerald, breeding and berry harvesting got me down), but what in the hell are that bat thing and that noseless monstrosity?
Fumetsu said:In prep for gettingSoul Silver I will see again if anyone might have a female Eevee that I can get for breeding purposes as well as event Arceus (won't hold my breath :lolSuperior
:lolkyo_daikun said:Would have given you the Arceus but you blew yourself away with the silver comment, bitterly dissapointed.
:lol @ using Ash "Constantly nerfs himself" Ketchum as a representative. You gotta come harder than that, Golds.Aaron Strife said:Ash Ketchum endorses Heart Gold
Sweet. Thanks for the tip. Gonna make Faulkner my bitch later tonight.EvilMario said:Mareep is located just south of Violet City, and there's a house where you can trade Bellsprout for an Onix if you're desperate. Geodudes can also be found in a nearby cave.
Balb said:As someone who got the original gold on day one, it's great to play HG and see how they modernized everything. It could have been a lazy remake/port like lots of other companies make.
btw, I'm almost positive one of the translators is a goon
:lolkyo_daikun said:Would have given you the Arceus but you blew yourself away with the silver comment, bitterly dissapointed.
kyo_daikun said:Would have given you the Arceus but you blew yourself away with the silver comment, bitterly dissapointed.
Huh, I wonder who the translator(s) are for HG/SS. Also, K-Mart was a terrible terrible failure. Next up, seeing if Wal-Mart actually gets new games.Ondore said:He was - Nob Ogasawara. He left just after Platinum wrapped and is responsible for "A WINNER IS YOU", "n00b" and threats of massive damage being issued in Diamond and Pearl.
Zilch said:I think one of my favorite things about these games is how EVERY menu is touch-screen based and nicer looking. Especially the PC menus.
BGBW said:Donno, looks kinda bulky and ugly to me, rather have GAME's figurine or pay a fiver less at Amazon.
survivor said:Damn it where can I find Gastly? I have been looking for one in Sprout Tower for half an hour and still can't find one.
It should be 7:30 on my DS. Shouldn't that be considered night time?Jeels said:It has to be night time.
survivor said:It should be 7:30 on my DS. Shouldn't that be considered night time?
moop2000 said:So how do we get those cool straps that IGN got ?
red shoe paul said:So this game is fucking impossible when starting out with Chikorita. I can't even beat the first gym battle unless I level up my guys really high..
Dude, Farfetched can get it on with Nidoqueen.Salaadin said:How can a Drowzee fall in love with a Clefairy....
rainking187 said:Walmart. It's been posted a couple times.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Dude, Farfetched can get it on with Nidoqueen.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Dude, Farfetched can get it on with Nidoqueen.
That's why you always make sure to have a good gender balance in your team. Genderless monsters are also good for that.Salaadin said:This is ridiculous. My Onix is in love with a Miltank now. Ive spent the majority of this gym battle immobilized by love....
survivor said:It should be 7:30 on my DS. Shouldn't that be considered night time?
viciouskillersquirrel said:That's why you always make sure to have a good gender balance in your team. Genderless monsters are also good for that.
Lkr said:Whitney is my least favorite gym leader. And you guys level up your Pokemon way to easily. How the hell do you have an Onix capable of taking on a Miltank already? I have a level 16 Totodile and a level 5 geodude. I don't even know where to level up besides wild pokemon which takes forever. fucking grinding
also, pokewalker takes forever to level up. can you only get 1 level per 'stroll'?
Went again for another half hour and I still get Rattatas. I seriously think the game considers night time when it's after midnight.Jeels said:i see what you mean now, all im getting are ratatas
times like this make me wish I had a second DS. I have a lvl 30 Pichu but thats not Platinum and I need a way of getting it over.EvilMario said:I never grind (in fact, I ABUSE repels), but I do fight every available trainer. By the time I met Whitney I had Quilava with Fire Blast (bought next door) at level 20, and the only other Pokemon I had been raising was a Staryu I traded over (originally at level 1) which was also nearing 20.
If you don't have a Pokemon that can 2HKO Miltank, I suggest using something really bulky like Flaffy with Rock Smash. It will lower her defense, and likely paralyze her via Static when she keeps stomping you. Eventually, her defense will be -3 to -6, and you'll be able to 2HKO her with a decent physically based Pokemon.
where is this NPC located? And are there wild bellsprouts in the sprout tower?Salaadin said:Theres an NPC that traded me the Onix for a Bellsprout. He has the added XP since he came from the trade so he was quite easy to level.
Then you find yourself some genderless monsters. Otherwise, you leave yourself open to annoyers who'll inflict paratraction, attrafusion or the triple-whammy, parattrafusion.Salaadin said:And what if Im sexist and only want males? Then what?![]()
Salaadin said:Theres an NPC that traded me the Onix for a Bellsprout. He has the added XP since he came from the trade so he was quite easy to level.
red shoe paul said:So this game is fucking impossible when starting out with Chikorita. I can't even beat the first gym battle unless I level up my guys really high..