I caught a shiny Caterpie once on Leaf Green. Also, during my Emerald playthrough, I came across a shiny Poochyena during the introduction sequence of the game just before I could obtain any pokeballs.rainer516 said:As in you caught it right? Please let "couldn't let it go" mean "I caught it and am now destroying things with my shiny graveler". I've never caught a shiny other than the red gyarados.![]()
Oh come on. Never saw a shiny in my life and I played the games tens of times. 5 shinies is never a small number.Diffense said:Still, for the number of Pokemon I've run into and bred, 5 shinies is a small number.
Kinda old to quote but I actually just found a level 4 Heracross through headbutting right outside of Union Cave. Not too far in the game, really.isny said:They're only from headbutting trees in mountain areas. I don't think any of us are fare enough to get to a mountainous area yet, lol
viciouskillersquirrel said:I recall reading somewhere that you can't run away from shinies. Is that true?
viciouskillersquirrel said:I recall reading somewhere that you can't run away from shinies. Is that true?
viciouskillersquirrel said:So it's not true then. Figures. It was one of the things I read about back in the day when I was HYPING the original release of G/S (the one I never played).
You can trade over Wifi after the first Gym with friends, I think its the 4th for GTS.Big Ass Ramp said:on the pokewalker, if you get a pokemon down to one health bar, is it a 100% catch?
Also, when are you able to trade over wifi?
For most of them yes. But I've had a few that still got away, and they were all rareBig Ass Ramp said:on the pokewalker, if you get a pokemon down to one health bar, is it a 100% catch?
Delio said:Well i defeated the Elite 4 tonight. After some hardcore training to get my pokemon to lv 40. Aggron being MVP <3
Lugia - #249 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 29 - 31
Def: 29 - 31
SpA: 23 - 24
SpD: 15 - 16
Speed: 25 - 26
Actually, in Platinum and HGSS, you can re-encounter most (all?) legendaries if you KO or run from them in the first encounter, and the next encounter will give you an entirely different nature/IV spread.Chozo said:I really wish Gamefreak would get rid of the "catch this legendary before you can continue!" parts of the game: it's like they're purposely out to kill us poor, OCD IV whores.
Zilch said:Oh my god, the little story told after your pokemon returns from its "stroll" is so fucking adorable and cute. ^_____^
I'm trying not to care too much about natures, so whenever I get one of the natures that don't change the stats, I'm like 'phew ok'. But if I get a bad nature I can't help it and just want to get another pokemon.Gravijah said:So far behind. Still haven't gotten to Union Cave... :lol
Edit: Mild natured Gastly... She's gonna take a hurting from physical attacks.
Metroid Killer said:I'm trying not to care too much about natures, so whenever I get one of the natures that don't change the stats, I'm like 'phew ok'. But if I get a bad nature I can't help it and just want to get another pokemon.
I think it was Evilmario that said that it's hard to go down on all this crap once you know about it. There's some OCD about, you know you can get a better pokemon, and for some reason you just need the best one!
Metroid Killer said:I'm trying not to care too much about natures, so whenever I get one of the natures that don't change the stats, I'm like 'phew ok'. But if I get a bad nature I can't help it and just want to get another pokemon.
I think it was Evilmario that said that it's hard to go down on all this crap once you know about it. There's some OCD about, you know you can get a better pokemon, and for some reason you just need the best one!
Actually, once you get used to it (and it does take a while to get used to it), it takes less time to find and catch a perfect Pokemon in the wild than it would take to breed a halfway-decent Pokemon the normal way. I almost never breed anymore unless I need egg moves.Wiseblade said:[RNG abuse] is a long tedious process that involves counting frames, the DS's internal clock and the coin flip app. Basicially, the random numbers the game uses to pecide pretty much everything aren't really random and can be worked out if you know the DS's time to the second.
I'm surprised that I'm enjoying this aspect of the game as much as I am. Way more detailed and varied than what it was like in Yellow version.Dogenzaka said:I KNOW. The entire companionship thing with Pokemon is adorable in general, now.
When my Pokemon follow behind me, it's hilarious to see otherwise fearsome creatures like Onyx and Quilava dance, run up and hug you, sniff at the ground, smile, etc. when you talk to them.
Metroid Killer said:I'm trying not to care too much about natures, so whenever I get one of the natures that don't change the stats, I'm like 'phew ok'. But if I get a bad nature I can't help it and just want to get another pokemon.
Oh geez. The things they do are so cute![]()
Dogenzaka said:I would be so grossed out if Deoxys gave me a hug. Like Misty-Caterpie style. He and his slimy alien DNA space tentacles....blegh.
Eww imagine Muk or Grimer giving you a hug. Haha I remember that from the anime.
Metroid Killer said:Well it depends on their happiness really. I had a zubat that fainted one too many and he was in a pretty bad mood.
Metroid Killer said:Yup the Pokewalker is really something, and I hope they have something similar to it when releasing the gen 5.
Metroid Killer said:Imagine sometime in the future where your pokewalker will emit a hologram of the pokemon inside, then when meating up with other people with pokewalkers you can watch them fight in front of you! Damn I was born 20 years too early. Oh well I'll just play along with my grandkids then.
Chozo said:I really wish Gamefreak would get rid of the "catch this legendary before you can continue!" parts of the game: it's like they're purposely out to kill us poor, OCD IV whores.
Lkr said:is Pidgeotto shitty for metagame?
Yea, he is better in most if not all ways. That damn nostalgia though, can make a man pick Arbok over Gliscor.Sixfortyfive said:Man, why would anyone use Pidgeot now that Staraptor exists?
He laughs at all of his early-game Normal/Flying predecessors.
Sixfortyfive said:Man, why would anyone use Pidgeot now that Staraptor exists?
He laughs at all of his early-game Normal/Flying predecessors.