If you haven't used this Pokemon in any battles yet, then all of its EVs are zero. If you have used it in battle and haven't been keeping track of the EVs you've earned (they are invisible and cannot be discerned without manually counting them as you play), then you need to use the EV-reducing berries to lower them back down to zero.Axis said:How do I calculate my IV's using the calculator? I have no idea what effort points are =/
Sixfortyfive said:If you haven't used this Pokemon in any battles yet, then all of its EVs are zero. If you have used it in battle and haven't been keeping track of the EVs you've earned (they are invisible and cannot be discerned without manually counting them as you play), then you need to use the EV-reducing berries to lower them back down to zero.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=390158Axis said:ok so what exactly should i be keeping track of? if you don't mind breaking it down for me
Ben2749 said:That's definitely true; Staraptor walks all over Pidgeot in terms of stats. He also has a much better ability too.
Though I always preferred Fearow over Pidgeot. Faster, and a higher attack. He was more frail, but I didn't mind the tradeoff.
Staraptor is still leagues better than both of them, however.
Sixfortyfive said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=390158
Basically, if you haven't completed the main quest already, don't worry about EVs/IVs. You're not going to be able to easily manipulate them until then.
EvilMario said:The real King of Normal/Flying types is..
Bulkier than Noctowl, and hits as hard as Staraptor thanks to its monstrous Special Attack and Nasty Plot, and it receives one of the most annoying abilities in the game.. and the moves to abuse it.
Air Slashing a Paralyzed Pokemon, while you Roost off damage and proceed to Nasty Plot in their face thanks to your bulk is just dirty.
Although technically, he's not your generic 'starter' Normal/Flying
Togekiss > staraptor in competitive play.Ben2749 said:He's not really comparable, as he serves a completely different purpose. Instead of going for Physical damage as fast as possible, Togekiss goes for Special damage, and requires some setting up first. Also, in order to make that tactic work, you only have one damage-dealing move, which really throws things off if you come across something that cannot be paralysed or resists Flying.
Togekiss is still great, especially if you give him a good item (off the top of my head, I think Leftovers is a good choice, or maybe something that raises evasion), but he's ver situational.
Anyone?Lyphen said:A question: is there any way to invert the controls for lefties? The touchscreen interface seems like such a huge improvement, but I can't really make use of it.
Lyphen said:Anyone?Kinda silly, but I'm desperate for some magical code to change it.
Ben2749 said:He's not really comparable, as he serves a completely different purpose. Instead of going for Physical damage as fast as possible, Togekiss goes for Special damage, and requires some setting up first. Also, in order to make that tactic work, you only have one damage-dealing move, which really throws things off if you come across something that cannot be paralysed or resists Flying.
Togekiss is still great, especially if you give him a good item (off the top of my head, I think Leftovers is a good choice, or maybe something that raises evasion), but he's ver situational.
TheSeks said:AFAIK, no. Nintendo hates us Lefties.
EDIT: I also want to play this game, but no Gamestops have a copy of it in for 100 miles.Guess that's a good sign for sales, but damn it. :lol
Sixfortyfive said:All I said was "Staraptor is the best early-game Normal/Flying," and you motherfucks have to start showing off by telling me stuff I already knew anyway!
Sixfortyfive said:All I said was "Staraptor is the best early-game Normal/Flying," and you motherfucks have to start showing off by telling me stuff I already knew anyway!
FootNinja said:Anyone else get wrecked by ponyta in the pokewalker? that guy knows exactly when to evade and when not to :\
FootNinja said:Anyone else get wrecked by ponyta in the pokewalker? that guy knows exactly when to evade and when not to :\
Ookami-kun said:Is Voltorb Flip generally mix and match?
Door2Dawn said:Just ran into Raikou , he out leveled my entire team by 6,so I couldn't really do anything to him. He eventually ran away after he destroyed half of my team. Will I be able to catch him again?
Door2Dawn said:Just ran into Raikou , he out leveled my entire team by 6,so I couldn't really do anything to him. He eventually ran away after he destroyed half of my team. Will I be able to catch him again?
No, it's more like a weird sudoku knock off.Ookami-kun said:Is Voltorb Flip generally mix and match?
more steps you get, the more you unlock.funkmastergeneral said:how do i unlock more pokewalker courses? I've been shaking this thing for like an hour...
You unlock them by getting a certain amount of Watts sent back to the game (Watts spent on Pokeradar and Dowsing don't count.) It'll tell you how many you need on the DS game when you send everything back.funkmastergeneral said:how do i unlock more pokewalker courses? I've been shaking this thing for like an hour...
Inferno313 said:You unlock them by getting a certain amount of Watts sent back to the game (Watts spent on Pokeradar and Dowsing don't count.) It'll tell you how many you need on the DS game when you send everything back.
Please tell me you figured it out seconds after postingSixfortyfive said:Holy shit, can you really not scroll through PC boxes while holding a Pokemon anymore? If not, I don't even know if I'm ever going to bother trading over all my stuff from Platinum. Sorting it all was tedious enough already.
Yeah, but unless I'm retarded (possible), you can't hold onto the Pokemon while you're doing this. It just drops it in the first blank space in the new box.FootNinja said:you go to move pokemon, then select a poke and go to "move" from there you can press the arrows next to the box headers up top to choose which box you want to put them in. You just drag the pokemon to the header.
Miltank in the right hands is pretty great.Eteric Rice said:At this point I don't know why they don't just make the entire PC drag and drop.
Anyway, Miltank any good? I was thinking of getting one. >_>
Drowsee too.