Yep, buying singles is always the best way to spend you rmoney.
Yep I remember buying a ton of 3 packs hoping for rare cards. I could have just used that money to buy them. Lmao.
Yep, buying singles is always the best way to spend you rmoney.
I just want to get like Solgaleo, Incineroar, Umbreon and Lillie. Everything else is irrelevant.
I got to say that as someone who came back to the TCG last year (after being inactive for 15 years) there's something that I find quite perplexing. What's with all the Premium gates?
While looking around and doing research I find it weird that more than often I'm reading an article and eventually I have to stop reading it because I run into a sign that basically says please pay a subscription fee to keep reading or kindly screw off.
Is gating information a common practice with other TCGs at the moment? The closest thing I can think of that was even close to this back in the day were the Pojo's Pokemon Magazines. Yeah there's the argument of supporting the websites/community but some of these prices are quite high in my opinion.
There's also a lack of community tools available for example there's an absence of a good card database (I heard someone is working hard on one right now though) and I keep having to trudge through Bulbapedia which suck on mobile phones and there doesn't seem to be any Deck Building Apps or Websites that I know so I have keep having to open Microsoft Word to make one.
Yeah I can see this card being usedWow wow wow. Tapu Lele-GX is insane
Buy one booster box then loads of packs (just ever other third one)So after seeing that thread in Gaming and now the impressions here what i'm getting is: buy the cards themselves and not boxes or booster packs. Sound about right?
Damn!Bought a few random boosters at a league night my girlfriend too me to
Dunno but it's weirdIs gating information a common practice with other TCGs at the moment? The closest thing I can think of that was even close to this back in the day were the Pojo's Pokemon Magazines. Yeah there's the argument of supporting the websites/community but some of these prices are quite high in my opinion.
There's also a lack of community tools available for example there's an absence of a good card database (I heard someone is working hard on one right now though) and I keep having to trudge through Bulbapedia which suck on mobile phones and there doesn't seem to be any Deck Building Apps or Websites that I know so I have keep having to open Microsoft Word to make one.
Still hoping to find someone wanting to trade TRU promo for Pikachu stamp promo!
Any takers?
I have all 8 Pikachu stamps, sealed and ready.
There's forums such as serebii, here, reddit pkmntcg and a few others. Just like the FGC, keeps notes on your phone.
Use the online game for building decks. You can choose to show cards you don't own in the online game, and build prospective decks that way. It's also good for looking up specific card details.
I got to say that as someone who came back to the TCG last year (after being inactive for 15 years) there's something that I find quite perplexing. What's with all the Premium gates?
While looking around and doing research I find it weird that more than often I'm reading an article and eventually I have to stop reading it because I run into a sign that basically says please pay a subscription fee to keep reading or kindly screw off.
Is gating information a common practice with other TCGs at the moment? The closest thing I can think of that was even close to this back in the day were the Pojo's Pokemon Magazines. Yeah there's the argument of supporting the websites/community but some of these prices are quite high in my opinion.
There's also a lack of community tools available for example there's an absence of a good card database (I heard someone is working hard on one right now though) and I keep having to trudge through Bulbapedia which suck on mobile phones and there doesn't seem to be any Deck Building Apps or Websites that I know so I have keep having to open Microsoft Word to make one.
I'm pretty sure Joe is so tired of hearing this critism/complaint/request but I wouldn't mind browsing through Serebii some more and it's forums if it was Mobile Friendly.
Not to shill but I do have a decent card database, but it may be bad on mobile, my site's not that friendly to mobile.
Also, my girlfriend uses Pokellector to keep track of the cards she has
It's so bloody hard to get the right balance between navigation and mobile friendly
Well first and foremost I will say that despite my single minor qualm with your website I do appreciate all the time, energy and effort that you have poured into the website as I have been going there at least once a week since Generation III.
I won't pretend to know the hurdles of website development so I can't give you an informed opinion on the lack of a mobile website or making your website mobile friendly but you have to understand that zooming and having to recenter a web page every time I open a new link in your website gets old real fast.
A perfect compromise for Pokellector to be a perfect card database is if I'm giving the option to buy a premium version off the app that gets rids of the ads and makes the app work offline and stop being so reliant on a internet connection but I'm not sure if the author is unable or unwilling to do that specially when he would be trading long term ad money for short term gain.
As for your Cardex Joe the mobile issues aside the only thing that's stopping me from using it over Bulbapedia is that I couldn't find a way to look through sets so if for example I wanted to look at every card released on the Sun & Moon set I couldn't find a way to achieve that.
I completely missed that for some reason because I had previously accessed your Cardex through a Google search instead of navigating to it through your website and it didn't occurred to me that you listed the sets the same way you listed the video games in the video game section of the tool bar.Toolbar on the left hand side, in the TCG section, it lists sets.
You can select English sets for a list of all the English sets which then takes you to that set, or you can just select Sun & Moon as the most recent sets are also in that toolbar![]()
I'm pretty sure Joe is so tired of hearing this critism/complaint/request but I wouldn't mind browsing through Serebii some more and it's forums if it was Mobile Friendly.
Six Prizes and Pokebeach are good sites too but they suffer from a lack of Mobile Website support and they both gate a bulk of their articles via subscriptions.
60cards it's an alright website and I visit the Reddit page nearly every day.
As for YouTube I mostly just follow PTCGRadio but I occasionally watch content by other PTCG Youtubers but I don't subscribe to them.
The Pokellector App would be a perfect database if it wasn't for the constant adds (I wouldn't mind buying the app to get rid of them) and the fact that everything in that app is web based so it needs a constant cellular/wifi connection to work and it's not a snappy responder whenever you click or open anything.
I'm aware that I can use the game but I wished something similar to the Decked Builder app (Used for Magic) was available for the PTCG.
Will show the results soon
YOOOO! Make a video or something.
Will post my pulls later
This must NEVER happen again
Will post my pulls later
Im from México, those are mexican pesosWhy it cost you $800 are these from another country?
The box was a waste of money, out of 8 packs I got a Break, 2 reverse holos and 2 holos
It is only worth it for new players and collectors. Like any other TCG it's always better to buy the singles you need (i have learnt this the hard way)
Well Im new since before this I only had the Lucha Pikachu and Suicune trainer kit plus a single evolutions pack and I still feel my money got stolen
Never mind, wasn't a booster box.
That sucks but as I was saying before, the Elite Trainer Box is good if you don't have all the tokens and stuff. Did you get any of the cards stated earlier? Talonflame, Talonflame Break, Sycamore, Ultra Ball, Yanmega, Hawlucha, Ninja Boy, Joltik and so much more ! Steam Siege is one of the most solid sets out there. So many damn good cards that I would honestly consider it the best set out there to purchase and get going. Even Roaring Skies has less decent cards in that set. Outside of shinies and Breaks, I'd be surprised if you didn't get some amazing pulls you might not have noticed. What did you pull?The box was a waste of money, out of 8 packs I got a Break, 2 reverse rares and 2 holos
Check out the trading thread on Reddit or simply eBay and Amazon.I have a huge collection of X and Y gen cards I am looking to sell, does anyone have a recommendation of where to sell them? Looking for somewhere to sell them as a set.
Mallow – Trainer
Choose 2 cards from your deck and shuffle the rest of your deck. Put the chosen cards on top of your deck in any order.
You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
(It's a reprint of Oracle from Skyridge!)
From those you said I got Hawlucha, Ninja Boy and Joltik, nothing else , my holos were Infernape and Hydreigon, the Break was Yanmega(didnt get the normal one....) and the reverse rares were Bastiodon and ToxicroakThat sucks but as I was saying before, the Elite Trainer Box is good if you don't have all the tokens and stuff. Did you get any of the cards stated earlier? Talonflame, Talonflame Break, Sycamore, Ultra Ball, Yanmega, Hawlucha, Ninja Boy, Joltik and so much more ! Steam Siege is one of the most solid sets out there. So many damn good cards that I would honestly consider it the best set out there to purchase and get going. Even Roaring Skies has less decent cards in that set. Outside of shinies and Breaks, I'd be surprised if you didn't get some amazing pulls you might not have noticed. What did you pull?
1. Lawrence Xu - Turbo Darkrai EX
2. Ryan Sabelhaus - M Mewtwo EX/Garbodor
3. Daniel Lynch - Vespiquen/Herdier/Zoroark
4. Jimmy Pendarvis - Yveltal EX/Garbodor/Tauros GX
5. Ahmed Ali - M Rayquaza EX/Giratina EX
6. Azul Garcia Griego - Yveltal EX/Garbodor/Tauros GX
7. Igor Costa - Yveltal/Garbodor/Tauros GX
8. Drew Kennett - Lurantis GX/Solgaleo GX
9. Mark Garcia - Turbo Darkrai EX
10. Isaiah Williams - Turbo Darkrai EX
11. Christopher Collins - M Mewtwo EX/Garbodor
12. Jeffrey Cheng - Vespiquen/Zoroark
13. Alex Bobenrioth -Turbo Darkrai EX
14. Rahul Reddy - Vespiquen/Zoroark/Eevees
15. Connor Finton - Vespiquen/Zoroark/Zebstrika/Vaporeon
16. John Pham - Turbo Darkrai
17. Tony Jimenez - Turbo Darkrai EX
18. Kenny Britton - Darkrai EX/Giratina EX
19. Noah Sawyer - M Gardevoir EX STS
20. Wade Oliver - M Mewtwo EX/Garbodor
21. Logan Fleming - M Mewtwo/Garbodor
22. John Kettler - Decidueye GX/Tauros GX/Lugia EX/Vileplume
23. Travis Nunlist - M Mewtwo EX/Garbodor/Espeon GX
24. Edgar Garcia - Lapras GX's Water Box
25. Armando Barron - Volcanion EX
26. Michael Del Rosario - M Rayquaza EX/Volcanion
27. Geoffrey Well
28. Raymond Umali - M Rayquaza EX
29. Josh Fernando - Turbo Darkrai EX
30. Jose Marrero - Gyarados
31. Andrew Munoz - Volcanion EX
32. Ross Cawthon - M Mewtwo EX/Garbodor
This is coming in April.I can't wait to see what the sun and moon raichu card looks like. It has to be a full art gx for sure I would think.
Something like this. for shiny cards. The binders come in a variety of styles and sizes, so I bought smaller versions for my kids that they can bring in to school. For commons/uncommons and staples that might be useful I'll throw them in some cheap sleeves and store them in the box that comes with the elite trainer boxes.Anyone have any tips as the most cost effective way to sort/organize a collection of cards?
My son's too young to play but suuure loves to collect. I just want to organize things for if he(or I) ever do want to get into playing.
This is coming in April.
Is that Missingno in that tiny sliver?
yep that's a cock. Thanks
Yeah, people weren't sure what 1 guy was playing, turned out to be Rainbow Road.
Top 8 Anaheim (winner hasn't been decided yet)
Lawrence Xu (32) - Turbo Dark
Igor Costa (32) - Yveltal/Tauros
Ryan Sablehaus (31) Mewtwo
Rahul Reddy (31) - Vespiquen/Zoroark
Kenny Britton (31) - DarkTina
Jeffrey Cheng (30) - Vespiquen/Zoroark
Tony Jimenez (30) - Turbo Dark
Travis Nunlist (30) -M Mewtwo/Espeon
yep that's a cock. Thanks
This is just the beginning for Decidueye GX. That card is incredible.
Im playing Decidueye/Lugia/Tauros in standard and Seismitoad/Decidueye in expanded and they are both a lot of fun.Totally netdecked.
I have three copies Decidueye, do I need a fourth? Seems unnecessary in the limited time I've used them.
When a single Wailord EX wins by doing nothing but laming you out like it's Street Fighter x Tekken. Love it. Salt.
Do it for fun. It's a stupid good deck. I think Lugia works because of the Stadium Bonus but I think using a Ninja Boy is an unused tech for this which works amazingly with Tauros.
Just did this online
When a single Wailord EX wins by doing nothing but laming you out like it's Street Fighter x Tekken. Love it. Salt.
Reaction when you play Ninja Boy + Tauros on an unsuspecting player:
Solgaleo I kinda want Hyper Rare but i know that's gonna cost me a pretty penny. Same for Umbreon. Lillie i'm looking for that full art. Incineroar i just want a GX. I'm just in it to collect the cards I like, don't really want to play so I want to get the best looking version of those cards.Which versions are you looking for, and how much are you looking to pay for those? I have versions of all of those on eBay right now.
I buy booster boxes with the intent on selling whilst also keeping the cards I want for building decks. However it sucks having to pay eBay's fees. I'd sell them privately, but not sure of a good, consistent way of doing so where I could could get the same kind of prices I would on eBay.
Are there rules against listing them and their prices here?
For the record, I've bought some booster boxes and performed the trick to pull all the Ultra Rares. I have listed the remaining booster packs on eBay, but I've clearly indicated that they've been "weighed" and are unlikely to contain Ultra Rares as I don't want to fuck people over.
Decidueye might be good after rotation but I doubt it'll be competitive until then.