After my latest booster box fiasco, today I decided to pick up 5 boosters on a whim on my way home and, uh
Apologies accepted, TCG.
: )
Those are some good GX!!!
After my latest booster box fiasco, today I decided to pick up 5 boosters on a whim on my way home and, uh
Apologies accepted, TCG.
what deck did you play?Went 2-2 at a local here.
Half the decks were Garb, and the other half was Lycanroc so I expected to perform worse. Surprised at no Sylveons or Alolan Ninetales, but that might just be that area.
Got a new mat
Got a new mat
what deck did you play?
Looks so nice, I've seen the pic before, but forgot from where. I'm guessing it's custom.
Yeah it is. Artist has done the art for a lot of Pokemon cards though. Naoki Saito
And I think I just found my next mat
Oh I follow the artist, that explains it.
I was considering getting an Erika mat. There's no official one, nor a doujin circle release so I am passively looking for a great pic for it. I'm not in a rush though.
Yeah, there's like no official japanese pokemon mats at all, it's really weird considering how they'll merchandise the hell out of everything. I see plenty of other anime mats on amiami, etc, so I don't get it. I didn't even know doujin mats were a thing, i've spent a lot of time on mandarake and searching through yahoo auctions and have never come across one. You'll definitely have to order a custom one, as there's literally 0 chance TPCI will ever make a mat of her. It seems that merchandising any of the gym leaders is completely verboten for tpci.
These are the guys I used
Was looking through some pics and decided to try out the site. Do you really have to pay for a mat before even looking at a sample viewer of sorts?
This meta is garbage
Top 32 Seattle Players/Decks
1. Daniel Lynch - Espeon GX/Garbodor
2. Brad Curcio - Drampa GX/Garbodor
3. Warren Younger - Espeon GX/Garbodor
4. Tyler Yu - Drampa GX/Garbodor
5. Jonathan Paranada - Drampa GX/Garbodor
6. Zane Nelson - Drampa GX/Garbodor/Sudowoodo
7. Drew Allen - Drampa GX/Garbodor
8. Tyler Ninomura - Drampa GX/Garbodor
9. Chase Moloney - Decidueye GX/Vileplume
10. Kenny Britton - Drampa GX/Tauros GX/Garbodor
11. Ray Fernandez - M Rayquaza EX
12. Aaron Rozbicki - Espeon GX/Garbodor
13. Matthew Chin - Drampa GX/Garbodor
14. Sam Chen - Drampa GX/Garbodor
15. Alvin Ng - Drampa GX/Garbodor
16. Andrew Gray - Drampa GX/Garbodor
17. Travis Nunlist - Decidueye GX/Vileplume
18. Kyle Stone - Drampa GX/Garbodor
19. Jeffrey Cheng - Vespiquen
20. Joey Gaffney - Espeon GX/Drampa GX/Garbodor
21. Kian Amini - Espeon GX/Garbodor
22. Michael Chin - Drampa GX/Garbodor
23. Caleb Gedemer - Trevenant/Garbodor
24. Jordan Nelle - Drampa GX/Garbodor
25. Kenny Wisdom - Drampa GX/Garbodor
26. Steven Toman - Alolan Ninetales GX
27. Abraham Morales - Drampa GX/Garbodor
28. Israel Sosa - Waterbox
29. Mark Garcia - Drampa GX/Garbodor
30. Spencer Vanderpoel - Alolan Ninetales GX/Decidueye GX/Vileplume
31. Justin Bokhari - Decidueye GX/Vileplume
32. David Tomhave-Alexie - Tauros GX/Garbodor
I got 2nd with Espeon GX/Garb at a league cup this weekend. Played against a Sylveon but beat him when he prized all but 1 of his Sylveons. Glad it didn't do well at Seattle, that deck is cancer to play against. Want to play the Drampa version but Team Magma's Secret Base prices have skyrockted. My local walmart still had double crisis blisters last time I was there, going to have to pick up a couple of packs.
So just 7 decks out of the top 32 don't have some form of Garbodor in it.
Looks like the local that was just half Garbodor was an under representation. I want to see if I can avoid using it. It hasn't been out for long, but because so many are using it, and those that aren't are considering it...I'm tired of it.
Going to make a straight Espeon deck.
Also thanks @johnsmith. I've narrowed it down to two options.
Also thanks @johnsmith. I've narrowed it down to two options.
Two questions. Is Shaymin-EX still a staple? How good is Sceptile-EX these days? Skimmed through the latest sets and saw Poison Barb; looks good for Sceptile. Haven't played in a long ass time.
Both are really nice, but I think I like the top one a bit more
Wow I did not realize Garb was so prevalent. I've got a friend who's building a psychic deck with a couple and we slid two into my electric/psychic deck with pretty decent results. But man if everyone is gonna be running them maybe it'd be best to try to figure out a way to counter it.
Maybe straight energy denial but considering it only takes one energy I can't see that being too effective. Any ideas?
Picked it
Gardevoir EX takes cards out of the discard, Heatmor does too. Just the former will be viable unless something unprecedented in Burning Shadows makes the latter worth the space.
In short, it has no direct counter which is the reason it's in almost all decks. One could argue Glaceon, but Garbodor is never alone and Glaceon otherwise isn't that great, at least to me.
Doesn't help that Muscle Dumbbells increases his hp too.
I was just showing my friend who got me back into the TCG that list of decks and he seems pretty confident with his Zygarde deck that he could just outdonk most on that list. And I've played his Zygarde set up many times. It's ferocious. Between all cells burn doing well over 200 damage with fighting special energies and Taurus GX to buy time I'd like to see if an all out attack strategy would work.
Sceptile EX isn't a competitively viable deck. I've never seen it do well at any large event. But if you're just playing at locals I guess it can do all right. Someone st the store I play at plays it sometimes. I'd still rather play it with Ariados though.
Why they choose Garbador to be the mascot of a broken ubiquitous card, that is ugly in both name and appearance, and not something at least nostalgic but ugly (e.g. Muk, Weezing), or more appealing like Banette, is beyond me. I would not run Garbador even casually for aesthetic reasons.
Well I did see a deck that does counter garb.
Passimian of all things does.
Garbodor and Espeon aren't weak to Passimian.
Passimian is weak to Garbodor and Espeon.
And it's an item heavy deck, which doesn't get the OHKO.
Garbodor absolutely destroys it.
Yeah I could see passimian working. You can hit for weakness against Garb, espeon, drampa, and Tauros. KOs vs their GXs let's you get ahead on prizes. I'm going to build it and see how it does. It got a big boost with choice band too.
Garbodor and Espeon aren't weak to Passimian.
Passimian is weak to Garbodor and Espeon.
And it's an item heavy deck, which doesn't get the OHKO.
Garbodor absolutely destroys it.
You're forgetting about mew. Every good Passimian list runs mew also. And Garb needs to evolve, which makes it slower than passimian. Both decks are going to be getting a KO each turn, but I think passimian/mew wins in consistency since it's easier for its attackers to get set up.
Thanks. I'll have a league challenge today. Might try this out if I can put it together in time. Pretty sure I have all the cards needed.Right, here's a friend's decklist vid. I think it works fine, he's going to use it at a local tonight so we'll see how it does.
Thanks. I'll have a league challenge today. Might try this out if I can put it together in time. Pretty sure I have all the cards needed.
Was thinking of jumping into the card game. since when i was young i collected the cards but never got a chance to play. How is the game when it comes to beginners and teaching the rules? Vs with friends and such? also do i need to buy the card packs or are they generous enough with the free coins?
Was thinking of jumping into the card game. since when i was young i collected the cards but never got a chance to play. How is the game when it comes to beginners and teaching the rules? Vs with friends and such? also do i need to buy the card packs or are they generous enough with the free coins?
So we got the Charizard. It's as to be expected, good hp, and a powerful attack at the cost of I'd argue too much energy.
the GX attack is surprising though...mill 10? It's a stage 2 which means the opponent can grab their staples as needed before it's setup right? Even with Ho-Oh I don't think it'll be that great from what we know so far, but it might still be a fun deck to make.
Decided to gamble on some double crisis blisters while walmart still had them in stock online. Not bad. I can't believe these things are going for $20+. Regret not buying 4 when they were only $5.
no idea what's wrong with my phone camera