Do you still have any of those left? I'd like one!I've bred some extra Phione if anyone is missing one for their dex, give us a shout.
FC in my profile![]()
I think I have you added from before. My FC is 2492-5233-0873. IGN: Enzo, throw me a trade.
Do you still have any of those left? I'd like one!I've bred some extra Phione if anyone is missing one for their dex, give us a shout.
FC in my profile![]()
Definitely could use one! :]
FC: 2595-1487-1556
whats your ign?
I'm in-game and ready whenever
Technomancer, I need your FC for a Porygon.
Usobuko and Ultimadrago, I added you both.
Congrats SeZMehK!I finally completed the pokedex. Now I Gotta put together a living pokedex now. Lol.
I finally completed the pokedex. Now I Gotta put together a living pokedex now. Lol.
Welcome to the Shiny Charm club!I finally completed the pokedex. Now I Gotta put together a living pokedex now. Lol.
Not quite. It has one shake check, but still has the preliminary one.
Normal capture is
Original Check
Check after Shake 1
Check after Shake 2
Check after Shake 3 -> Capture
Critical capture is
Original Check
Check after Shake 1 -> Capture
Bulbapedia said:Critical captures make one shake check instead of three, thus it has a higher probability of catching the Pokémon compared to a normal throw -- for example, throwing an ordinary Poké Ball at a full-health Pokémon with a catch rate of 3 (such as Kyurem) normally has only a 0.4% (1 in 255) chance of actually catching the Pokémon, but if a critical capture occurs, the chance of catching the Pokémon is a much-higher 25.03% (1 in 4).
Yes it does, but I think I finally just did it.Breeding for HP is just the worst. Thank god I got a got a good Jolteon and Rotom already (not perfect though). Can't wait to get back to this game once Bank releases
Yes it does, but I think I finally just did it.
Just got a HP ice Rotom with 31/15-19/31/31/31/26-30. I think ill probably just keep it. I dont think its stats can get much better than that.
SF, can I get one too?I've bred some extra Phione if anyone is missing one for their dex, give us a shout.
FC in my profile![]()
Np - Whats your FC?
This is the first gen ive iv bred so I sadly cant do that1. wait for Pokebank
2. transfer over existing HP Ice Pokemon
3. breed them
4. win
Just got a 5IV shiny HA Chimchar with Thunder Punch and a shiny Eevee
Also got another Kyurem which I traded for a Dialga, as well as a Reshiram which I traded for a shiny Latias.
I've run out of legendaries to trade so I need to get new ones. I could wait for PokeBank, but I'm having more fun trying to get them on the GTS
Congrats SeZMehK!
You completed the pokedex?? D:
Welcome to the Shiny Charm club!
Still Masuda Methoding a Whimsicott... I'm dying on the inside but it's okay!
Talk to the boxes in the second floor of the Professor's lab.How do you change Rotoms form in x and y?
This is the first gen ive iv bred so I sadly cant do that![]()
Has there been any news regarding the pokebank?
Round and Round Lumiose we go.
When to stop for Swoobat, nobody knows.
aka fuuuuuck non-luxury ball friendship raising.
What else did you get dude?anyone have Genesect or any legendary ?
i got shiny Latios ( i guess its cloned , because when i showed some one this pokemon he show me the same Latios with the same level too )
he got me , celebi , shiny kyurem and many more
What else did you get dude?
And yeah the shiny Latios is cloned (level 100 right?) and so is the shiny Kyurem.
Oh man! I saw that dude on my passersby listhe have Mew
he put a message "mew 4 trade" , so , i guessed he cloned it and he give it for free
every time i show him a pokemon he send me a Slakoth named "not interested"
they showed updated the trade functionality and include a keyboard to ask for a pokemon
the shiny latios is 47 or 49
This was what I was going to do and why I wanted Pokebank. Got fed up with waiting and asked on Twitter for someone to help. As soon as someone from Japan responded I found out my friend had HP Ice Rotoms -.-;1. wait for Pokebank
2. transfer over existing HP Ice Pokemon
3. breed them
4. win
Oh man! I saw that dude on my passersby list
Cool, thanks.Talk to the boxes in the second floor of the Professor's lab.
Cool, thanks.
Well, I bred a modest hp ice Rotom, but apparently modest isn't that good right now and bold is the way to go...
Nah, man. Bold is for ChestoRest Rotom.Cool, thanks.
Well, I bred a modest hp ice Rotom, but apparently modest isn't that good right now and bold is the way to go...
I believe that means that the Pokémon you obtained was caught/bred out of Kalos.When you are on GTS, what does the Pokemon Ball icon besides your pokemon signifies? Most of the time, it has the Kalo dex icon instead, even for Pokebank pokemon like Chimchar.
I believe that means that the Pokémon you obtained was caught/bred out of Kalos.
When the Kalos dex icon appears that means it was bred/caught in Kalos.
Look at it like this, the game is simple enough for kids to play. There will be things beneath the surface that you miss (and so do most the kids). Be sure to talk to NPCs, for as many flavor text there are tips too.I feel the same way, except Pokemon Y is my first Pokemon game ever, so I might even feel more lost than you. It's why I've been avoiding starting this game for 2 months now.
If I understand correctly also being in a luxury ball* would boost the effects as would using the befriending power before you take the massage assuming the power description is not lies (both of them should increase the amount of points from all effects, I guess it is something which needs more research).I just stick a Soothe Bell on a Poke, get one massage, and then level it during the daily Rival battle and it evolves right after (at least that's how it was for my Umbreon/Espeon).
Even if it didn't if something becomes too much of a threat in the metagame I'd imagine everyone stats up to survive the hit or something which would lead to the change. I guess going by the reply of spindashing, Rotom is just one of those monsters which can be played in many ways???
when did this happen
fc is 2337-4617-3293
Someone please tell me what's in my friend safari
when did this happen
edit: Japanese dudes running scarf Greninja? seems interesting, would be fun to get the jump on scarf Rotoms thinking they're gonna be cool and go first
Alright cool, ill stick with modest then. Should I max out its hp and sp atk? Or a mix of hp, sp atk, and speed?Nah, man. Bold is for ChestoRest Rotom.
Modest is what you want for HP Ice Rotom. Slap on Assault Vest if you want.
Enjoy him. He is fun.
So is the pokebank up yet? that's literally all i care about at this point.
fc is 2337-4617-3293
Someone please tell me what's in my friend safari
Ice: Snorunt and Bergmite.
Anyone looking for 5 IV Eevee, Mawile, or Gible?
A mix. This is the set that I run stolen shamelessly from smogon.Alright cool, ill stick with modest then. Should I max out its hp and sp atk? Or a mix of hp, sp atk, and speed?
I just have to say, i love breeding and ev training, but when I start looking at ev spreads, movesets, and different builds it just gives me a headache. Thats why im glad I have PokeGAF to ask for advice on this kind of stuff.
One of the Gible would be nice, what are u after in return?
Sorry had some stuff to attend to, i'll add the guys who wanted a Phione now who i didn't do before.
Did you max your style?done everything and still cant get hatching power