Why does he wear the mask!?
Did you max your style?
It's either that or you are missing one O-Power.
ive done everything, guys still selling mega stones for 150k though
Did you max your style?
It's either that or you are missing one O-Power.
ive done everything, guys still selling mega stones for 150k though
To easily max your style, go to the Poke Ball shop and buy Premier Balls one at a time.
Deoxys is quickly becoming one of my faves. I just keep him in Attack Forme, and just have him demolish half a team before he gets taken out, himself.
I've always had an affinity for psychic type Pokemon, though.
Anybody up for a flat single battle?
Just keep going until the stones are at 50K or less. Feel free to go down to 10K if you many?
Just keep going until the stones are at 50K or less. Feel free to go down to 10K if you want.
5 perfect IV Scythers everywhere, none of them shiny so farI really want to play 3D World :'( Hurry up Masuda method!
You'll get it one day.![]()
So today I started EV training the team I am most likely to use for the upcoming GAF tournament and the Oregon Regional Championship. While doing so, I came across a Shiny Axew in a horde. I was going to run because ain't nobody got time for EV reducing berries, but my friend told me I could just let the Pokemon I'm training die and catch it! As this was the first shiny since Red Gyarados in GSC I had encounted in the wild, I did it.
Turned out it had 0 Attack IVs![]()
Hey, I have your Scyther, he is waiting lol
New year off to a good start:
Oh, well I am online right now. ^^
What's your IGN?
Shinies are overrated.
How the heck are you guys getting all these shiny legendaries?
I captured a shiny durant today, does that count?
It's because they are hacked.How the heck are you guys getting all these shiny legendaries?
Anyone here want a Skarmory w/ Stealth Rock/Brave Bird/Whirlwind/Drill Peck? Have a handful with good IVs.
Anyone here want a Skarmory w/ Stealth Rock/Brave Bird/Whirlwind/Drill Peck? Have a handful with good IVs.
I also has Totodile with w/ IcePunch/DragonDance/AquaJet/Crunch.
Anyone here want a Skarmory w/ Stealth Rock/Brave Bird/Whirlwind/Drill Peck? Have a handful with good IVs.
I also has Totodile with w/ IcePunch/DragonDance/AquaJet/Crunch.
It's because they are hacked.
Anyone here want a Skarmory w/ Stealth Rock/Brave Bird/Whirlwind/Drill Peck? Have a handful with good IVs.
I also has Totodile with w/ IcePunch/DragonDance/AquaJet/Crunch.
Alright, give me a sec. I'll add you all right now. My FC's 5284-2206-1177 and my ingame name is Serena.
Scrafty, I'll send you a PM and OceanBlue, I'd like a Rotom if you don't mind.
Ooh, I'll take one!
Also, anyone who's interested in Timid Hustle Nidoran or Luxury Ball Scraggies: I'm givin' 'em away right now. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
I was mad and just ran away from the next shiny I found a few minutes later.:lol :lol :lol
(would be perfect if it was Modest nature too)
too bad you can't transfer shininess in breeding or transfer IVs between Pokemon
It's the same to me either way; if you're going to game the system, just flat out cheat, or does it make one feel better that they took the half-ass approach.I dunno about flat out hacked, unless you mean RNG'd in White and then cloned here in X/Y.
No problem! Thanks for Klefki; been wanting to try one.Thanks for the Skarmory, TWILT!
No problem! Thanks for the Rotom!Thanks TWILT! I really wanted a Skarmory but none of my Friend Safaris have them, so this really saved me.
Thanks for the Scraggy, Scrafty!
It's the same to me either way; if you're going to game the system, just flat out cheat, or does it make one feel better that they took the half-ass approach.
Not much happened today in terms of filling up my Pokedex. I did trade my one Reshiram for a shiny Latias, but I was able to get back a Reshiram. I then got another Terrakion which I swapped for Suicune. I guess I'll work on getting Entei and Raikou now. I also got a Dialga for a spare Kyurem which I was lucky to get using a spare Xerneas.
I was also able to swap some of the shinies I got from chain fishing. I approached a random Japanese passerby and he gave me a shiny HA Thunder Punch Chimchar and a shiny Eevee.