Are mega evolutions needed this gen? i feel so lost haven't started battling yet.
Are mega evolutions needed this gen? i feel so lost haven't started battling yet.
So if rejecting an egg really does reset the RNG, how do you guys do it? I can't help but think that egg might be the shiny, 6IV egg of my dreams!
This sucks :: You can have mine if you still need it as I'm done with itJust spent the last hour leveling up Cacnea to breed with Ferroseed... And I just now realized that its a female, and spikes isn't an egg move for Cacnea so I have to start over with a male. Dammit. I want to cry lol.
Mich, hopefully when I get on tomorrow you'll have a male that I can borrow... I just kind of have a useless level 48 female now lol.
YESSS! AT LAST! 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini w/ Extreme Speed
I have so many 4 IV ones if anyone wants one
Now what to work on next...
Oh please tell me you still have one of these available.
FC (since most of PokeGAF needs to re-add me): 4828 - 5479 - 7054
I have some. FC's 0404-6055-6338. I'll like a Sun Stone if you have spares. Super Secret Training sucks.
I don't have sun stones on hand, but I do have 4-5IV Technician Scythers, a 4IV Speed Boost Torchic and a few 4IV Protean Froakies I could part with.
Aw yeah. 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Natural Cure Roselia w/ Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm and Spikes GET!
I only have two extras to give out so I'm gonna breed a few more. If you're interested please let me know so I know how many to breed
Can I get the other?Aw yeah. 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Natural Cure Roselia w/ Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm and Spikes GET!
I only have two extras to give out so I'm gonna breed a few more. If you're interested please let me know so I know how many to breed
I'll like one.
Ok I bred some more. I have two female and four males. All are in luxury balls.Can I get the other?
I don't have anything for trade though atm
I got tired of losing to OU Pokes in free battle, so I put Kangaskhan in my party and swept three teams in a row. Now I feel like a terrible human being
Does anyone wanna battle? (I won't use Kanga)
Shouldn't you be more tired of people leaving so any amazing play / comeback you made can't be saved on video![]()
Ok I bred some more. I have two female and four males. All are in luxury balls.
What do you want? I need your FCs and IGNs too
I still don't get 3v3. Seems like a crapshoot most of the time.
Personally, the good thing about 3 v 3 is it's bite size matches and much easier to fit the random EV trained Pokemons you have than a full 6 v 6 battle where you build dedicated teams. On the other hand, it's also almost offensively slugfest where a single crit, miss ( despite using a high accuracy move ), secondary effects etc. screw you up heavily.
Maybe that's why I prefers 6v6 on stimulator. Easier to choose what you want to use, pace of the battle is faster as well.
Sure! You're Nick, right?MicH, I would like:
The perfect Larvesta :>
Female Bagon
and Larvitar please
Sure. I just finished breeding an ES Dratini yesterday, so I don't, but you can just send me whateverCan I get a Tynamo? Do you need ES Dratinis?
Sure. I just finished breeding an ES Dratini yesterday, so I don't, but you can just send me whatever
It's time for me to clean up my boxes, so I am trading away all of this. Let me know what you want and please include your FC and IGN.
I would love to get some of your breeding rejects in return, but anything is fine, really.
Let me know what you want
Unless there is a pre-evolution move past lvl 50, there really shouldn't be a problem since there really is no point in making any Pokemon evolve till they are at level 50 or just a few levels away from it.Pre-evolution moves are the worst. They should just give Pokemon who evolve using stones all of their pre-evolution moves at level 0. I don't care if that means you can have level 5 Starmies running around with Hydro Pump. :|
Unless there is a pre-evolution move past lvl 50, there really shouldn't be a problem since there really is no point in making any Pokemon evolve till they are at level 50 or just a few levels away from it.
This Impish Eevee just came out of an egg (in Pokemon Black 2!)
Very nice stats for a Foul Play Umbreon. The Umbreon will never be able to learn Wish however, so that kinda sucks![]()
Sure. Give e a minute to add you and I'll be onlineCan I have a female Trace Ralts, Scrappy Kanga, female Roselia and female Inkay? FC is in my profile, trainer name is Neo0MJ.
Just let me know which and they're yoursIm at work but I can take a few of those off your hands MiCH...
Thanks, that's great! I have saved a Roselia for you as wellIve now got a Ferroseed with leech seed, stealth rocks, and spikes. Im going to work out, then afterwards im going mass breed it. Mich and mackelol are first on the list for one.
Anyone up for some battles? I want to try out my newly bred Pokémon![]()
.. -.-If you trade with me first![]()
Yeah it can a bit overwhelming at firstShit late as hell reply but i meant battling against another person haha , don't know what mega to choose.
It's time for me to clean up my boxes, so I am trading away all of this. Let me know what you want and please include your FC and IGN.
I would love to get some of your breeding rejects in return, but anything is fine, really.
5x 5 IV (not ideal) female Timid Trace Ralts w/ Mean Look and Destiny Bond (in luxury ball)
1x 5 IV (not ideal) female Timid Synchronize Ralts w/ Mean Look and Destiny Bond (in luxury ball)
1x 5 IV male Naive Sheer Force Bagon w/ Hydro Pump and Dragon Dance
1x 4 IV male Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/ Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock
4x 4 IV female Adamant Contrary Inkay (in luxury ball)
4x 4 IV male Adamant Contrary Inkay
1x 5 IV (not ideal) female Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch and Fire Punch
6x 5 IV (not ideal) male Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch and Fire Punch
1x 4 IV female Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch and Fire Punch
12x 4 IV male Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar w/ Thunder Punch and Fire Punch
2x 4 IV female Timid Flame Body Larvesta
1x 4 IV male Timid Flame Body Larvesta
3x 4 IV female Timid Natural Cure Roselia w/ Spikes, Sleep Powder and Leaf Storm (in luxuy ball)
8x 4 IV male Timid Natural Cure Roselia w/ Spikes, Sleep Powder and Leaf Storm
3x 4 IV female Adamant Intimidate Mawile
1x 4 IV male Adamant Intimidate Mawile
1x 4 IV male Jolly Mold Breaker Pinsir w/ Quick Attack and Close Combat
2x 4 IV male Adamant Guts Larvitar w/ Pursuit and Dragon Dance
3x 4 IV female Adamant Scappy Kangaskhan (in luxury ball)
3x 4 IV female Adamant Early Bird Kangaskhan (in luxury ball)
3x 5 IV (not ideal) female Modest Levitate Tynamo
3x 5 IV (not ideal) male Modest Levitate Tynamo
2x 4 IV (not ideal) female Modest Levitate Tynamo
1x 4 IV (not ideal) male Modest Levitate Tynamo
2x 5 IV (not ideal) female Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist and Dragon Pulse
4x 5 IV (not ideal) female Bold Oblivious Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist and Dragon Pulse
1x 6 IV (not ideal) female Bold ObliviousFeebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist and Dragon Pulse
1x 5 IV (not ideal) male Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mist and Dragon Pulse
Let me know what you want