Hm eeally? Well, at least I have one of each now.
Need it in a luxury ball
Thanks for the Ferroseed!
Why do people like Luxury Balls? I think they're hideous. I'm more of a Premiere Ball kind of guy.
Hm eeally? Well, at least I have one of each now.
Need it in a luxury ball
Thanks for the Ferroseed!
Yea, though I did run into a Substitute Venusaur which was pretty crazy in trying to take it down if it weren't for Infilltrator.Hm eeally? Well, at least I have one of each now.
Because you can't see properly and it is actually the best.Why do people like Luxury Balls? I think they're hideous. I'm more of a Premiere Ball kind of guy.
My Pokemon are my friends and my friends need the best ball available :3 *hugs Noibat*Why do people like Luxury Balls? I think they're hideous. I'm more of a Premiere Ball kind of guy.
Panda I got the Greninja for you
Alright add my fc: 2337-4617-3293
Interesting choice. I love Slaking so I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience with himIm about to start my next project: Jolly Slaking w/ pursuit and night slash.
I hate this. He knows he's losing so he's stalling to get you to quit.Don't give up!I'm stuck in a Whimsicott vs Aegislash 1v1 where I got him stuck using swords dance while seeded and I'm behind a substitute. I'm slowly killing him with the leech and moonblast but it's very slow due to leftovers on his side.
3 encores have been needed for him to know that there's nothing to do and now he's only wasting time between commands. There should be some rule like automatic lose after 3 turns with all time consumed.
Im about to start my next project: Jolly Slaking w/ pursuit and night slash.
I'm stuck in a Whimsicott vs Aegislash 1v1 where I got him stuck using swords dance while seeded and I'm behind a substitute. I'm slowly killing him with the leech and moonblast but it's very slow due to leftovers on his side.
3 encores have been needed for him to know that there's nothing to do and now he's only wasting time between commands. There should be some rule like automatic lose after 3 turns with all time consumed.
Hmm, if you didn't trade for macklelol Weavile, I have an Adamant Slakoth with Body Slam, Pursuit, and Night Slash.Im about to start my next project: Jolly Slaking w/ pursuit and night slash.
I just want to because Slaking is my favorite pokemon from gen 3. I probably wont even use it lol.Interesting choice. I love Slaking so I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience with him
I hate this. He knows he's losing so he's stalling to get you to quit.Don't give up!
I think I'll work on a Whimsicott next
Ive already got one, and ive already bred the moves onto it as well. Do you want a Slakoth spare when I start breeding it?I can lend you my Weavile with Pursuit and Night Slash, but I will have to have it back later.
I just want to because Slaking is my favorite pokemon from gen 3. I probably wont even use it lol.
Ive already got one, and ive already bred the moves onto it as well. Do you want a Slakoth spare when I start breeding it?
Doesn't Encore only have 5PP, though, so he might be trying to stall it out.
Yes! Do you want to trade now?Nub, do you have any spare Ferrothorn I can have?
Prankster? And you got it? You know what to do.Someone had a cottonee in a luxury ball on gamefaqs.![]()
Prankster? And you got it? You know what to do.![]()
Yes! Do you want to trade now?
Double check it for me, just to make sure it does have 0 speed ivs. And thanks for Togepi!Yeah, sure.
Double check it for me, just to make sure it does have 0 speed ivs. And thanks for Togepi!
If you breed it with the 6v ditto you should be able to get the right spread for it pretty fast. 31/31/31/xx/31/0.It does. Thanks!
Nub, would you mind bestowing unto me a Slakoth and an Inkay? I've been really busy lately and haven't been able to jump online and trade stuff. I'll give you whatever you want in return, including a clone of my Superpower/Giga Drain Eelektross once Bank hits!
Nub, would you mind bestowing unto me a Slakoth and an Inkay? I've been really busy lately and haven't been able to jump online and trade stuff. I'll give you whatever you want in return, including a clone of my Superpower/Giga Drain Eelektross once Bank hits!
No.Wait, gen V tutor moves can be passed down?
As expected yet it still hurts
I'm working on a Pikachu and am wondering what the next step is. Should I give it the light ball and everstone and pray I get IVs in Speed and Attack or should I give it the destiny knot and pray I get the right nature?
Adding you soon, just gotta finish this cloning job for someone lmao
What are your thoughts on Morning Sun on Arcanine? He has a great move pool
Flare Blitz
Wild Charge
Extreme Speed
Close Combat
Thinking about using Flare Blitz / Extreme Speed / Close Combat / Morning Sun
BTW, do you still want that ES dratini that you asked for earlier last week from me? I am still holding onto it. Lol.
Yessir. I've got a 5 iv Inkay ready for you, just working on the Slakoth right now, I should have some 5 iv's one soon. All I really want is a hustle nidoran in return.
That is probably true. Wild Charge is probably a much better move for coverageI don't think you can afford to spend a turn healing. It loses 25% switching into rocks and doesn't resist much. I'd rather put another coverage move to surprise switch ins.
Male if you can, but it really doesn't matter.Yeah, sorry about that. I've been working all week and just haven't had time to jump on and trade for it -_-;
What do you want in return?
Aces. I'll breed one for you ASAP. You want a male or female Nidoran?
So like how does this new exp share work with EVs? If I attach one of the power items to a Pokaman that doesn't participate in the battle at all will it receive the bonus from the power item?
There goes my hopes of easily breeding Giga Drain Volcarona.
There goes my hopes of easily breeding Giga Drain Volcarona.
And Hyper Voice Mega Gardy.
Just get someone to RNG them for you. That's what I did for my Eelektross!