Yeah, I was really hoping Gengar would target Typhlosion first turn when I used Helping Hand.
Espeon could have killed me or set up Light Screen which would be a big no-no.Yeah, I was really hoping Gengar would target Typhlosion first turn when I used Helping Hand.
I'm kind of crummy at Multi Battles, but my stall game is unmatched. >![]()
GG. I forgot to put items on three of my Pokémon... -_-;
EDIT: BTW, I'll have the Nidoran and Whismur ready for tomorrow, Nub and Sez.
That's all good. Just shoot a PM when ready.GG. I forgot to put items on three of my Pokémon... -_-;
EDIT: BTW, I'll have the Nidoran and Whismur ready for tomorrow, Nub and Sez.
YES SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW(props to you if you get the sword name reference by the way)
YES SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW(props to you if you get the sword name reference by the way)
Ideal IV as well? Congrats.
WOW Lucky you. I am completely envious. That NAME.31/31/31/31/31/x. This was for my physical sweeper Aegislash, so it worked out pretty nicely! Gonna start making my wallbreaking one now.
can somebody help me check what guys i have in my friend safari? i just beat the game recently. i'm guessing it's gonna be a difficult to find people with dittos huh...
Still have one last Latias if anyone didn't get one.
Pokebank needs to come out already. :/
Will work on more dittos soon, got caught up in the Speedrunning marathon for charity.
PM me or put your FC and IGN here, and I can check for you.
FC: 3067-4998-8391
IGN: hall
could i also have the latias if nobody wants it
also are those the friend safari dittos?
It's a 6 iv Japanese Ditto.
FC: 3067-4998-8391
IGN: hall
could i also have the latias if nobody wants it
also are those the friend safari dittos?
Alright, to see your 3rd poke, we need to be online at the same time so my 3ds can 'see' that you've gotten the E4 beaten.
My FC is 3153-3730-9713. IGN Met.
I've got a whole box of untrained Pokemon thanks to this Ditto.I have no idea why I'm breeding porygons. The ditto makes it too addictive. I still have a 5iv gligar and eevee untrained still too...
Anyone wanna battle?
ok i added you
You have Fire type with Pansear (I'm so sorry) and Charmeleon.
To see the 3rd, you have to be in pokemon and online at the same time as me. Sorry, I should have clarified that earlier, lol.
Wasted? You mean invested. Each egg is one step closer... probably...I've wasted a lot of time trying to breed shinies with that 6IV ditto :l
The Global Link has announced the first attraction in the PokéMileage club for Pokémon X & Y. This attraction is called Balloon Popping and is playable on the Global Link website. The full details of this attraction aren't known, but will offer PokéMiles and items depending upon how well you do.
In addition to this, they have announced a special Global Link distribution of the Discount Coupon item. This item gives you a 50% discount in all Boutiques across the Kalos region. This item will be distributed from January 15th 2014 in Japan and is one per game.
Details of a North American and European distribution are not known, but the announcement of the attraction has yet to come there.
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii.
So, still nothing on NA/Europe Pokemon Bank, not to mention no info on actual distribution outside Japan for the Clothing Store Discount. Woo.
Wasn't the wording on the discount coupon originally phrased as hinting at 50% off of every store item, not just boutiques?
Good lord. The announcement for this has only just come. It'll be posted on the NA/EU Global Link within the next week.
Also, Japan lacks Pokémon Bank as well as North America and Europe. It's to do with Nintendo's servers and when they are certain that it won't break servers again, they'll put it up.
Are you honestly thinking that the other arms shouldn't do a damned thing until Pokémon Bank is released when they have nothing to do with it?
Come on :/
Xerneas, Yveltal, and the three birds aren't that hard to get on the GTS if you know your stuff.Someone actually took my GTS thing and gave me a Xerneas for a Sylveon.
Why would someone actually take that
How do you go about making a zero iv pokemon?
Xerneas, Yveltal, and the three birds aren't that hard to get on the GTS if you know your stuff.
I know, but it seems like Sylveon is a hot commodity. I don't get why.
Jellicent is a jerk.
Just found out one of you guys here has a Chansey safari
Time to collect lucky eggs
What's your IGN?Is it me?
The Global Link has announced the first attraction in the PokéMileage club for Pokémon X & Y. This attraction is called Balloon Popping and is playable on the Global Link website. The full details of this attraction aren't known, but will offer offer items depending upon how well you do and costs PokéMiles to play.
In addition to this, they have announced a special Global Link distribution of the Discount Coupon item. This item gives you a 50% discount in all Boutiques across the Kalos region. This item will be distributed from January 15th 2014 in Japan and is one per game.
Details of a North American and European distribution are not known, but the announcement of the attraction has yet to come there.
~Your friendly neighbourhood Serebii.
I know it's not me (if I'm still on your FC list)... I have Gloom, Garbodor, and Whirlpede.Just found out one of you guys here has a Chansey safari
Time to collect lucky eggs
I can't wait for stuff like this and events. I've never done an event before so I would like the experience of doing one.
How important is the online component in that game? If I play it will be without internet connection and was wondering how much I'll miss and if it's even worth it...