Trying to find an HA Wartortle in the Safari. All Torrent so far. 
Guys, best ways of levelling up apart from the Chateau, O-Power and Audino Safari?
Guys, best ways of levelling up apart from the Chateau, O-Power and Audino Safari?
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about Lucky Egg![]()
I was thinking Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Flash Cannon and Nasty Plot.
I've just trained a Hitmonchan with Vacuum Wave and now I'm realizing that Riolu is a baby Pokemon and I'll need to max happiness before it can breed. And then the IVs will probably be shit because Hitmonchan is a bad father ;_; This is going to be Togepi all over again.
Does anyone have a female Lucario with nice IVs I could borrow? Pleeeeeease.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and evolving a new one.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and evolving a new one.
Rotation Battles in the restaurants works for me. (+O-Powers and Lucky Eggs x 6)
Anybody have a copy of a 6IV Ditto? Still haven't gotten one and would like one for my breeding projects.![]()
Thanks, I'll do it. How do I get more Lucky Eggs? Chanseys?I do rotation battles at Le Wow. The EXP O-Power lasts throughout the entire thing, and it lasts long enough that you have enough for another O-Power at the end.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm Masuda-ing a shiny Slaking which I am going to name either Ozymandias or Dunkey Kong, depending on how badly I feel like embarrassing my foes.
Tomorrow, I'm going to trade mackelol for a Yamask and breed a perfect Cofagrigus so that the second half of my plan will be complete. I already have the Escape Button and everything!
Finally, I'll seek out a good third member for that team and RENOVATE everyone's asses online.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and evolving a new one.
Huh, Escape Button...
I already have a Slaking and Cofragrigus, but was wondering if anyone would really stay in if they knew you had both of those pokemon together after being Mummied.
If no one has a better one to offer you I have one you can have. It's x/31/31/31/x/31. Doesn't have it's HA though if you were hoping for that.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and evolving a new one.
That'd be great, thanks.Not too worried about abilities since it'll change after Mega Evolving anyway.
My FC is 2320-6152-0406. ign is Nick.
I'll trade it back to you when I'm finished.
You can keep it. I have another female riolu with the same IVs. Just give me whatever for it. FC is 4554-0912-7328. IGN is Izaya. Send me a trade request when you're ready.
I can't wait for your eventual battle spot videos using this strategyI'm Masuda-ing a shiny Slaking which I am going to name either Ozymandias or Dunkey Kong, depending on how badly I feel like embarrassing my foes.
Tomorrow, I'm going to trade mackelol for a Yamask and breed a perfect Cofagrigus so that the second half of my plan will be complete. I already have the Escape Button and everything!
Finally, I'll seek out a good third member for that team and RENOVATE everyone's asses online.
Dang man, five days? I hope the RNG Gods smile upon you soon.Right now I'm breeding for a shiny Porygon and it refuses to be shiny. Come on, this is day 5 already, just hatch shiny already please ;_;
Dunno what I'll do once I get it. Probably train it and some other stuff.
Yeah, I'm just focusing on training too. Finished training my shiny Aegislash and Skarmory, and gonna work on my (Mega) Manectric and a mixed attacking Aegislash set soon.
Kinda want to Masuda Breed another shiny (maybe Greninja because of dat red scarf tongue), but for now, gotta take a break from that lol.
Practicing for the Regional Championships in Oregon in less than two weeks which I don't feel at all prepared forWhat is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and leveling up a new one.
Another shiny Riolu :/ I have two now, does anyone want one? lol
Practicing for the Regional Championships in Oregon in less than two weeks which I don't feel at all prepared for
Speaking of which, check there's an update about the Winter Regionals in the Holo Caster!
Got a team ready (aside from one Pokemon I forgot to get an egg move on) though it's something my friend built so I'm trying to get familiar with how to use it. I've only really used teams I've built myself before so it's a bit like trying to walk in someone else's shoes. He's a far more talented team builder than me, but our playstyles and skill levels are just very different!Do you at least have a team ready for it? Or is that still what you're working on?
I want your luck :l
Do you want something in particular for it?
Haha, I feel kind of bad cause I'm not even trying.
Can't really think of anything I don't have. You don't happen to have spare Pinsirite, do you? I know somebody was cloning them before but I missed out.
Yeah, I have a spare Pinsirite.
Oh, great! I'll take that with a Pinsir if that's okay. We've already added each other I think.
If you ever have any Quiet Nature Honedge, spare me one please. Mine's Brave Nature.
Got a team ready (aside from one Pokemon I forgot to get an egg move on) though it's something my friend built so I'm trying to get familiar with how to use it. I've only really used teams I've built myself before so it's a bit like trying to walk in someone else's shoes. He's a far more talented team builder than me, but our playstyles and skill levels are just very different!
Alright, after DarthOrange and Scratch get their Dittos, I have 4 left in case people still need them.
Darth, either PM me your FC and IGN or post it here.
Mine is 3153-3730-9713. IGN is Met.
Think onslack needs one of these Dittos.
I have 36 fully bred and EV trained now. Wow. More than a box full!
I really feel like Masudaing something, but I don't want to do it until I complete the dex. And I would hate to do that before Bank is out.
No idea what to work on.
Dunsparce, obviously.
Start with the first Pokemon you EV trained to replace it of course.I have 36 fully bred and EV trained now. Wow. More than a box full!
I really feel like Masudaing something, but I don't want to do it until I complete the dex. And I would hate to do that before Bank is out.
No idea what to work on.
What is everyone working on in their games right now?
I'm going to stop mass iv breeding Pokemon and start focusing on training. Going to ev train this Crobat and get an ability capsule for my Pinsir because I don't feel like breeding, training, and leveling up a new one.
Currently working on finishing a real team for once. I ran into a snag when I realized that my current goal team:
Scizor (Bulky Defogger)
Do you have any extra Defog Bugs leftover?
Oh yeah, I happen to have a spare Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/x Honedge if you want.
(would anyone have decent Jolly Rough Skin Stealth Rock Chomps/Gible btw?) and I love Dragonite.![]()
THIS IS NOT FAIRI finally got the perfect spread on my chansey. On my first 5 eggs when breeding my feebas, I got a perfect 5 iv one. Also when breeding my cottonee, on the 5th egg, I got a shiny. The IVs look ok so far, but I got to check in detail.
Oh, thanks Jaeger with that Chansey safari. I know what I'm breeding next.