Just got perfect shiny 5/6iv anorith, cranidos, poliwag, tyrouge, and timburr.
I didn't even know people wanted perfect shiny aniroths and cranidos's, swag!
Sigmaah...about that froakie with fire power..do you still have it ? is it shiny ?
Just got perfect shiny 5/6iv anorith, cranidos, poliwag, tyrouge, and timburr.
I didn't even know people wanted perfect shiny aniroths and cranidos's, swag!
Ugh, so mad at the Battle Chateau right now. I saw Korinna and Diantha in one room and found Viola chilling in the next. I waited for O-Power to recharge so I could use Prize Money 3, fight Viola and run back to the first room and take out Korinna & Diantha. Wrong move. I thought they sat there until you fought them but they disappeared! Stupid silver writ.
At least I made Grand Duke earlier this morning.
SureI need help to evolve my Shelmet. Anyone willing to trade a Karrablast back and forth please?
Let me just check if I have a Karrablast and I'll send you a trade request
This match is exactly why you should use Weakness Policy on Dragonite: VTXG-WWWW-WWW4-EXE8
Gonna have to Ditto this request.Does anybody here have a leftover 6 iv ditto from before?
Would appreciate greatly
EDIT: Heading to bed will reply in morning!
I went from Marquis to Grand Duke in about 8 days using silver and gold writs of invitation together almost every day, battling for about 2-3 hours each day.How long did it take you to get to Grand Duke? I'm on Duke/Duchess right now.
You need to beat the Elite Four and Champion to get to the last city on the map. There you'll receive a Battle Recorder item that you can put the code into and watch the battle.cant say i've used this function, but how do i watch this?
Sigmaah...about that froakie with fire power..do you still have it ? is it shiny ?
You need to beat the Elite Four and Champion to get to the last city on the map. There you'll receive a Battle Recorder item that you can put the code into and watch the battle.
I can breed you one real fast after Le WowAnyone still have a spare Extremespeed Dratini?
EDIT: Got one!
Thanks for the reply, I've beaten the Elite 4 and got the Vs Recorder if that's the same thing?
If you want to use U-turn, then use Hasty or Naive as the nature, and run this move set:What moveset do you use on Greninja?
Surf/Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Grass Knot
HP Fire
I had Surf-Ice Beam-Dark Pulse-U-Turn as a scarf/life orb lead/scout but water types walled me. Use Grass Knot instead?
My bad bro was caught up with all the shiny cloning I had to do, gonna clone it for u now and yes it's shiny
It's greninja though, do u still want it?
Haven't done much Masudaing, but I get 5 eggs and hatch them. Then release. It's really up to you and what works for you
EDIT: NEVER MIND but my message is still here anyway.
Pro tip: Don't ever fill a box with eggs. Complete waist of time. I don't do the Masuda method or what ever it's called. All I do is get 5 eggs, keep Talon Flame with you as it has fly and Flame Body.
Use your O power, hatch 5 at a time. Fly straight to that Battle Maison City check their IV's at the IV guy and discard or keep who you need. Having more than 5 eggs at a time waists more time than you could imagine. I learned my lesson in Emerald.
YupCould anyone help me with a trade? I want to evolve my Feebas into Milotic.
What's your FC?
Mine is on my profile (IGN: James)
Yeah we areThink we might be already friends? My IGN is Taz
What moveset do you use on Greninja?
Surf/Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Grass Knot
HP Fire
I had Surf-Ice Beam-Dark Pulse-U-Turn as a scarf/life orb lead/scout but water types walled me. Use Grass Knot instead?
Do you have any extras? I would love one!
That's awesome! Thanks! Are you looking for anything in particular?For sure I still have a few.
That's awesome! Thanks! Are you looking for anything in particular?
Damn it TiamantI lost so hard it's not even funny lol. Also I forgot to give my Infernape Flare Blitz for some reaso. Fun game. Did not see the Spikes coming out of that thing at all.. Damn
Gotta get something to handle Cofagrigus too
God damn this Cradily
Ouch. Good game. Your Cradily and Weavile are just the WORST![]()
What was the item your Typlosion was holding?
God damn this Cradily
Not good enough!Ice!
Ooh, very cool.Never heard of it! That definitely surprised meThat Laundry kept me dancing back and forth all game, irritating lack of weakneses!
Power Herb I think it's called, charges up a move instantly.
But.. he wasn't on my teamWeavile!
I tried Ice, Fire and Poison but he's pretty hard to take down. Especially with Recover *shakes fist*Fighting/Steel/Ice/Bug
That's awesome! Thanks! Are you looking for anything in particular?
Damn it TiamantI lost so hard it's not even funny lol. Also I forgot to give my Infernape Flare Blitz for some reaso. Fun game. Did not see the Spikes coming out of that thing at all.. Damn
Gotta get something to handle Cofagrigus too
Ok, I will send you some of my spares.Anything is fine. Friend code/ IGN?
I tried Ice, Fire and Poison but he's pretty hard to take down. Especially with Recover *shakes fist*
Anyway I have a lot of ideas now of what I want to raise. Cradily and Weavile are definitely on my list
Ok, I will send you some of my spares.
IGN is Michael
I'm in a trade right now but will add you asap
I actually already have one that I got from you beforeSuper happy to know that I've lured someone to the Cradily crew (crewdily ha-ha), it's awesome! I have spare ones with storm drain and egg moves if you want![]()
Thank you so much. The Bulbasaur has three egg moves and should have 4 IVs.Go ahead and invite me to trade when you are ready.
I've bred some Jolly Rough Skin Gible but I dont think they have stealth rock
You're more than welcome to have a spare that i have to help your breeding?