Lol sure. Gible, Swimnub, Snorunt.
Nice doing business with you. Huehueuhue
Lol sure. Gible, Swimnub, Snorunt.
Ah, crap. Didn't see you. Shoot me a PM with your info. I'll get you tomorrow. I was closing my game for the night.I'd take anything if you don't mind. Don't have much to offer myself;
Wish and Yawn+Curse Eevees
Timid Protean Froakie
Modest Gastly
Timid Rotom
Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock Larvitar
Timid Deino
Jolly Bagon
Jolly Axew
FC in profile.
I'd take anything if you don't mind. Don't have much to offer myself;
Wish and Yawn+Curse Eevees
Timid Protean Froakie
Modest Gastly
Timid Rotom
Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock Larvitar
Timid Deino
Jolly Bagon
Jolly Axew
FC in profile.
Ah, crap. Didn't see you. Shoot me a PM with your info. I'll get you tomorrow. I was closing my game for the night.
Can I have a deino? I can trade you extrme speed dratini or porygon.
No problem. I'll PM you.
Sure I'll take a Dratini. FC 1719-3995-1081, IGN Korina.
So when the heck are we getting the bank
Cool. Mine is 3024-5265-5661, in game Chris.
I'm online now.
I'm going to try this again since I didn't have much luck last night.
If anyone has a moment to trade with me real quick to help my Feebas evolve I'd really appreciate it.
As an incentive you can choose from the following to call your own:
Male Bold Feebas (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Male Jolly Drilbur (31/31/31/x/31/31) Mold Breaker or Sand Force
M/F Jolly Larvitar 4 IV (none have Special Attack) Egg Moves [Stealth Rock] and [Dragon Dance]
Please respond. ;-;
Separate Trade Bargain:
If anyone wants to trade their Tyranitarite for my Aggronite, that's something on my to do list as well.![]()
I got you. Can I have the drillbur mold breaker and/or a feebas? My FC is a few posts up.
Thanks! That was a day care dratini so you might have to heart scale espeed back on.
I don't think that works, but thanks for the Marvel Scale.
Umm, holy shit. I just found out about Venom Drench and I really want to try this move out. I really need a Seviper, since I'm not sure I can stop the Zangoose from killing it in mobs :<. Any spare Phantump or Zubat with egg moves would be appreciated as well. I'm probably going to try and breed it on a Nidoran too.
I can give you a Seviper, FC is in my profile if you want it.
I also have some Zubats with Defog/Brave Bird if you want one of those, too.
Awesome, thanks! My FC is 3067-4759-4728 and my IGN is Haruka. I have Growlithe, Rotom, Snorunt, Dratini, Marill, Swinub, Larvitar, Fletching, Klefki, Froakie, Gible, Goomy, Gligar, and Cottonee.
Yeah, it's a HA Snorunt. I'd like a Zubat too if you don't mind.Is that a HA Snorunt? Well, either way, I'll take one of those.
Yeah, it's a HA Snorunt. I'd like a Zubat too if you don't mind.
Edit: Thanks macklelol!
I hope you find it useful.Thanks for the Snorunt!
I'm getting killed online. Really depresses me how much time I put into my team.
I'm getting killed online. Really depresses me how much time I put into my team.
I absolutely hate the hax the game will do when you're on a big winning streak in the mansion. 7 crit Thunders in a row. Are you kidding me?
I'm getting killed online. Really depresses me how much time I put into my team.
Did they use Focus Energy by any chance? That makes moves a 50% chance to crit now. 100% if the Pokemon is also holding a Scope Lens.
Nope, it was just pure dumb as shit, luck. Damn thing had leftovers equipped as well. I was rolling everything they threw at me too.
What Pokemon was it?
Did they use Focus Energy by any chance? That makes moves a 50% chance to crit now. 100% if the Pokemon is also holding a Scope Lens.
....really now? Hmmm..
Did they use Focus Energy by any chance? That makes moves a 50% chance to crit now. 100% if the Pokemon is also holding a Scope Lens.
Just scored shiny perfect Croagunk Snorlax and Elekid fuck yes!
Shiny Croagunk is dope as fuck, damn I love that color!
i'll take that DratiniBeen doing some box cleaning last few evenings. I've gotten ride of some stuff on WT but found a few Pokemon still left over from some past breeding. Gotta make way for a fresh round of breeding. I'll take whatever for them. Just want to pass some decent Pokemon along. I know I've gotten some nice stuff from PokeGAF.Oh how I love God Ditto...
Torchic - All Adamant; all Blaze; no egg moves
x2 (1 Male; 1 Female) : X/31/31/31/31/31
x1 (Female) : 31/X/31/31/31/31
x1 (Male) : 31/31/X/31/31/31
x4 (all Males) : 31/31/31/31/X/31
Dratini - Adamant; Shed Skin; Egg Move (Dragon Rush)
x1 (Male) : X/31/31/31/31/31
Ponyta - All Adamant; Ability varies; no egg moves
x1 (Male / Run Away) : X/31/31/31/31/31
x1 (Male / Run Away) : 31/31/31/X/31/31
x2 (both Males / both Flash Fire) : 31/31/31/31/X/31
x2 (1 Male; 1 Female / both Flash Fire) : 31/31/31/31/31/X
Zorua - All Modest; Illusion; all Egg Moves (Counter and Dark Pulse)
x1 (Male) : X/31/31/31/31/31
x1 (Male) : 31/31/X/31/31/31
x2 (Males) : 31/31/31/31/X/31
x2 (Males) : 31/31/31/31/31/X
I'll be around for a little this evening. If I miss you tonight, will get back to this thread ASAP in morning. First come, first serve. I also infected ALL of the above Pokemon with Pokerus for your enjoyment.
i'll take that Dratini
how you get all those shiny ?
Okay, FC is in profile. IGN is Muku
Cloning for people lol.