Tyranitar faster than Azumarill? huh
Ty has 11 more base Speed than Azu, and 99% of all Azu builds forgo investing in Speed.
Tyranitar faster than Azumarill? huh
I had no idea. Slowmarill is slowI think Azumarill has 50 SPD and Tyranitar has 60.
Two paralysis in a row and a burn from scald. Wow lol
Edit: three in a row!
Ahahaha, I'm so sorry Crimson.That's four now. o__o
The game wanted you guys to lose. Only explanation lol.
Hopefully not haha.The RNG gods will screw you over next.![]()
My fault, too. I realized it too lateWait, Outrage hits random opponents?!
Edit: I'm making really bad decisions this round. I should've realized that I needed to stop Machamp because I only had Tyranitar.
I keep missing these Play Roughs :/ Damn it, Azumarill1
EDIT Wrong target lol
My entire team got shut down this game. Nothing I could really do.
I did.Wait, didn't someone use Mega Blastoise? Where did it go?!
Mega Pinsir is a beast, and my boy Spencer don't mess around.I did.I have a full team in my party as well
EDIT Damn this Mega Pinsir!! It took out almost all threeo f my Pokemon!
I should have just used extreme speed to finish porygon 2 off. It probably had 1 ho left lol.
Edit: Sez was right, the RNG is out to get me now
Mega Pinsir is a beast.
I should have just used extreme speed to finish porygon 2 off. It probably had 1 ho left lol.
Can I grab one of them after this match? I can give you a ferrothorn (male).Haha. Good to know.
BTW, I've got a couple of female feebas ready with the eggs moves mentioned earlier.
Can I grab one of them after this match? I can give you a ferrothorn (male).
That was some good games guys! A lot of fun. Crimsons trick room team is legit.
Can I get one? Trainer name is Hibi.Haha. Good to know.
BTW, I've got a couple of female feebas ready with the eggs moves mentioned earlier.
Thansk Sez, sorry I don't have anything better to offer
Those games were a lot of fun. Porygon 2 was a fucking tank. And Mich's Venasaur was super annoying.ggs guys! I love Mawile. I'm really happy that my Lilligant did work too!
Yeah it is lol. It felt like the outcome of most of the games were decided by whether he could pull off Trick Room early.
That Helioptile has everything right (31/xx/30/31/31/31) except the attack is an odd number.
Thanks for the Feebas.
Does anyone have a list of possible HP types and what IV spread you need to get them?
I think I'm gonna make a HarvestRest Trevevant next. Anyone here made one? Got any spares?
*off to find a female Harvest Trevenant and catch it in a luxury ball*
I think I might try a Lanturn afterwards
That's the nice thing about sets! You can make adjustments next game if you can't mid-match. I quickly realized I was never going to use Scarfchomp for anything lol.Those games were a lot of fun. Porygon 2 was a fucking tank. And Mich's Venasaur was super annoying.
Trick room was so difficult to deal with, you have to completely change your gameplay mid match. I'm just glad that I had Slowbro, and I literally just got done leveling it up before I asked to do some multi battles.
I want all of these, every last one of them hahahahohoho.17x Female Bold Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
1x Female Bold Swift Swim Feebas w/ Dragon Pulse, Hypnosis, Mirror Coat, Confuse Ray (Can breed if necessary)
12x Female Bold Prankster Cottonee w/ Encore
I want all of these, every last one of them hahahahohoho.
17x Female Bold Natural Cure Chansey w/ Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy
6x Female Timid Hustle Nidoran
12x Female Bold Prankster Cottonee w/ Encore
Can I have these? I have Growlithe, Rotom, Snorunt, Dratini, Marill, Swinub, Larvitar, Fletching, Klefki, Froakie, Gible, Goomy, and Gligar. My IGN is Haruka.
I should do giveaways but I don't have anything interesting. :<
Ok I've got lots of pokes to give out. If they are not level 1, they were used as parents, so they have the egg moves. Just need to use heart scales. They all vary in IV. Some are marked while majority isn't. They are all in luxury balls unless stated otherwise:
Can I have these? I have Growlithe, Rotom, Snorunt, Dratini, Marill, Swinub, Larvitar, Fletching, Klefki, Froakie, Gible, Goomy, and Gligar. My IGN is Haruka.
I should do giveaways but I don't have anything interesting :<. I've been spending too much time rebreeding my Pokemon. I think I have 5 Lilligants already lol. I kinda want to try an Icy Wind + Leer Froslass though.![]()
That was some good games guys! A lot of fun. Crimsons trick room team is legit.
Can I have a Lilligant? Farming Sun Stones sucks.
Lol sure. Gible, Swimnub, Snorunt.