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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I wasn't accusing you of being a Republican, just that their base will get talking points from Fox News, the NRA, Facebook, etc. and run with it, without even really knowing the facts of the situation.

Republicans try to go on nebulous things like feelings and ideals. Such as claiming things are unpatriotic for example.

I try to look at things logically and apply facts but, I am not perfect by any means.
Re: Rubio Immigration: Haven't we been through this dance before where Rubio is about to announce some sort of plan but Obama comes in and endorses it (or does it through executive action), causing Rubio to back away from his own plan? Wasn't it the deportation executive order Obama did in the first half of last year?

Also, one of the saddest things about this fight over guns is that it, more than anything else, reveals that a group of people will fight tooth and nail to protect your "right" to own an object than can kill another human being. At the same time, however, it's sad that others have to fight for a right to healthcare, with opposition coming from mostly the same group of people who say you have a right to own a gun. It's infuriating.


Re: Rubio Immigration: Haven't we been through this dance before where Rubio is about to announce some sort of plan but Obama comes in and endorses it (or does it through executive action), causing Rubio to back away from his own plan? Wasn't it the deportation executive order Obama did in the first half of last year?

I think Rubio's last effort at pushing immigration reform didn't go nearly as far in developing a path to citizenship for nearly every illegal immigrant as this current proposal does.


Also, one of the saddest things about this fight over guns is that it, more than anything else, reveals that a group of people will fight tooth and nail to protect your "right" to own an object than can kill another human being. At the same time, however, it's sad that others have to fight for a right to healthcare, with opposition coming from mostly the same group of people who say you have a right to own a gun. It's infuriating.

I attempted to take a "Write a Constitution" class in college (that sadly didn't fit in my schedule) where this was going to be my pet point of contention; if you have the right to own a gun, I'm going to have the right to be fixed by a doctor when someone shoots me with one.
Because they can't sign a moderate democrat, they have to go far left to contrast their own positions.

God forbid the GOP base hears the argument from a moderate.

Also, by having someone from the far-left fringe, they get another person who dislikes Obama's moderate policies.


I honestly didn't realize how many hack conservative posters gaf had until politics entered the gaming side. It's a sight to behold.

I believe it. Honestly, conservative marketing is pretty great and suckering in the uninformed. It's pretty easy to latch onto those talking points when you're young. Hopefully most will grow out of it. I know I did. If you had seen my posting back before college you wouldn't even know it was me.


For the one other person here interested in the WV Senate election for Rockefeller's seat next year, I'm starting to get the sense that Rep. Rahall will join Rep. Capito in dropping their House seats to run for the Senate. He beat around the bush quite a bit in an interview this morning, but he made it pretty obvious that he's seriously considering it. He's one of seven House Democrats that a memo states is going to be a big target in 2014. His House races have gotten tighter over the last few cycles and his district has voted for the Republican Presidential candidate the last three times, so I'm thinking he may decide to take a shot at the Senate seat since he's fits the bill as being "the next in line" more than any other state Democrat as he's been in Congress since 1976.


Republicans try to go on nebulous things like feelings and ideals. Such as claiming things are unpatriotic for example.

I try to look at things logically and apply facts but, I am not perfect by any means.

Just to make a general observation about Obama's gun control executive orders, the exective branch does have broad powers when it comes to things like regulations the departments develop, and the implementation of laws Congress passes. (Often Congress will pass a law directing a Department to develop a regulation, and then set the parameters those regulations need to fall within. But the final regulation, or the implementation of it, can still vary widely by administration. For instance, the EPA has run very differently under Obama than under Bush.)

Looking at the list of orders Obama will issue (the full list is here), my take is they are not so much "going around Congress" as simply looking at what actions require Congressional action, and what can be done within the current regulatory and statutory frameworks.





Can you really get more disingenuous and ignorant to history and circumstances at the time?



Joe said:
Kuchinich brought impeachment charges against VP Dick Cheney in 2007. And then in 2008 he tried to impeach President George W Bush. He also tried to ban ALL hand guns after the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. So nice of you FOX to give that crackpot a platform to spout his left-wing nonsense. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUSELF, FOX. I won't be watching your network anymore.

Live_Free_Or_Die said:
Joe said:
For God's sake... Kucinich is an idiot. I'm a long time, dedicated Fox viewer, but I'm finding it harder and harder to keep watching them. Hopefully someone will start a REAL conservative network.

I believe that is what Beck was trying to do buying Current. That is before Al BORE sold it to oil rich, planet killing, terrorist backing scum at Al Jezera!

These people are amazing.


Honestly, I am the point now where I simply don't give a damn about the conservative side of the argument.

I feel like we should just make common sense regulations (and some that go a bit farther, if possible) and not even give a single fuck that day about how much they bitch and moan about their "GUNS BEING TAKZEN!!! OH NOEZ!"

They refuse to accept the empirical reality that really shouldn't even be an argument, then I say fuck 'em.

Progress happens with or without these people. They've been on the wrong side of history since the Revolutionary War ended. I HIGHLY doubt that trend will stop now or ever.


Setec Astronomer
It won't be the same lie unless the US Government is deliberately putting groups of people into overwhelming debt then making them sell their land to cover that debt.


The Autumn Wind
I honestly didn't realize how many hack conservative posters gaf had until politics entered the gaming side. It's a sight to behold.
Just another reason to not visit the gaming side.

That said, I think it's quite shrewd to include it in proposals. It'll shut up the right wing base, and it probably won't even lead to anything. Conducting research isn't going to affect anything.


“There is evil prowling in the world – it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds,” Perry said in a statement issued after the president’s Washington, D.C., news conference on gun violence. “As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.”


I think Rick Perry has found a solution to all of our problems.


Salutations, poligaf! I was treated to a pleasant surprise today, and I thought I'd share with my poligafmigos. BEHOLD:



I'm moving on up, fellas! :D

Abortions on the house for everyone!

Congrats, dude.

I was thinking the other day it'd be cool to have a PoliGAF blog where we each could put up articles and such. I'd think we'd have enough decent writers here to develop a good following after a while.
Salutations, poligaf! I was treated to a pleasant surprise today, and I thought I'd share with my poligafmigos. BEHOLD:



I'm moving on up, fellas! :D

Abortions on the house for everyone!

Congrats! I'm going to pretend I had a part in all this. I didn't, but if Manti Te'o can have his fake girlfriend die, I can have this.

I was thinking the other day it'd be cool to have a PoliGAF blog where we each could put up articles and such. I'd think we'd have enough decent writers here to develop a good following after a while.

What would it be called!?!?

Angry Fork

I have to say, although I dislike Obama and know he's a republican, I'm beginning to think his presidency will turn out better than expected for people on the left in retrospect. It feels like the massive implosion of far right republicans/fascists and organizations like the NRA are starting to begin, which will go a long way for the left in the future I think.

I still desperately wish Obama had an ideology in his mind and was a stronger leader in pushing those ideas, compromise pisses me off to no end. Not being harder on really key moral issues pisses me off. But it may turn out as not the worst thing in the world 5-10 years from now if it means the complete destruction of old American 'values' and the republican party. The slowness of it is infuriating, and we're still nowhere near at the stage of prosecuting people for war crimes, crimes on wall street, environmental crimes etc. but this era may help destroy the kinds of people who would be against that so in the future it'll be easier to get those things done.

I don't know maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic despite the evidence. I don't know if history is going in that direction I'm just hoping it will. It will take a long time before democrats get their balls back on some issues but I think this NRA stuff should be looked at as more than just their stupidity, and it feels like the demographic shifts isn't the only factor, maybe the Obama admin really has been playing 3rd dimensional chess all this time.

But I'm worried the amount of propaganda and racist, nonsensical horrible conspiracy shit out there that more and more people believe is the start of some fascist trend. And these people who are likely normal working class people are so profoundly ignorant they don't realize what they're a part of, it's really sad and dangerous. Someone needs to propose ideas to how to prevent organizations like fox news (or any other) from spouting opinion as if they were fact and flat out telling lies. The problem is news has turned into opinion pieces and now they can say well I can say lies if I want to because it's my opinion, but it's marketed as news, so what can you possibly do to regulate that without infringing on the 1st amendment (or threaten CEO's/workers of these companies), it's fucked up.


Congrats, dude.

I was thinking the other day it'd be cool to have a PoliGAF blog where we each could put up articles and such. I'd think we'd have enough decent writers here to develop a good following after a while.
We tried once but no one really wanted to do the work.
Salutations, poligaf! I was treated to a pleasant surprise today, and I thought I'd share with my poligafmigos. BEHOLD:



I'm moving on up, fellas! :D

Abortions on the house for everyone!
I was thinking the other day it'd be cool to have a PoliGAF blog where we each could put up articles and such. I'd think we'd have enough decent writers here to develop a good following after a while.
I think this is a cool idea, but wouldn't that take some incentive out of posting here? I guess not if we're just re-posting news.
What would it be called!?!?
PoliGAF? Guess that's not allowed due to copyright stuff though.
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