How About:
No Term Limits
No Term Limits
The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
I get what the guy was getting at. If you're fighting for a woman's right to choose in her reproductive life and/or sex life, then that can extend to what they do with their body elsewhere. I'd be in favor of legal prostitution, because it is that woman (or man)'s right to do what they want with their body. Obviously there'd be regulations on that (such as to stop cases where it really isn't a choice, or to make it more safer... kind of like some of the regulations we have on abortion), but pretty much that should be free, and for similar reasons.
I find that the retort doesn't make much sense. Isn't the constitutional protection of abortion rooted in your right to privacy? In such a case I don't see how prostitution couldn't be squeezed into that. Just saying well one is constitutional and one is illegal therefore they can't be equated seems like kind of a cop out. It's an appeal to authority. Why exactly is one illegal and one not? And since when would the legality of an activity stop the ACLU for fighting for it if they did believe it was a right?
I also find equating robbing a bank with freely selling your body by choice to be pretty problematic, too. Almost more problematic than the original comparison between abortion and prostitution...
No one at all was asked to participate.
The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
It's a bad comparison because women are often exploited in prostitution while abortion is about liberating them.
"Honey, you're 17. You need to get a job"
Don't worry, PD. I was going to make sure we had a special section on the site dedicated solely for your purpose. We're going to call it "PhoenixDark's Political Misfortunes." There you can make all the inaccurate political predictions to your heart's content, and – AND – you can also write more Obama fanfiction. It's a steal. Whaddya say?The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
Best possible response to Donald Trump:
"The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Phoenix Dark".Don't worry, PD. I was going to make sure we had a special section on the site dedicated solely for your purpose. We're going to call it "PhoenixDark's Political Misfortunes." There you can make all the inaccurate political predictions to your heart's content, and AND you can also write more Obama fanfiction. It's a steal. Whaddya say?
I'm sure the Unskewed poll guy would love to have you join his team. You'd fit right in.The only logical name would be Obama Slappies. I was not even asked to participate. Disgusting
"The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Phoenix Dark".
Best possible response to Donald Trump:
Only two groups (which overlap) want to see Roe v. Wade overturned: white evangelicals and those who attend religious services at least once a week.
62 percent of Americans overall correctly identifying that the case dealt with abortion. Another 17 percent guess incorrectly and 20 percent offer no answer for what the case was about. Awareness drops to 44 percent among those ages 18 to 29
Only two groups (which overlap) want to see Roe v. Wade overturned: white evangelicals and those who attend religious services at least once a week.
Sorry if I missed anyone, but the list of those who've expressed interest in working with it are:
Frank the Great
I'm of no use in regard to design, but I like to think that I'm a decent writer when I put the time into it. I've got ideas I'd like to write about and old writing that I could re-tool to share periodically.
Link to PD's website?
PD will be our Nate Silver. Or our Unskewed Polls guy.
"The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Phoenix Dark".
Oblivion and him should handle word of mouth then. I think if we got some people from the arts and crafts thread to come up with good cartoons together with the political minds of Poligaf, we could maybe get that to go viral and bring in traffic. Cartoons are easier to digest than articles of course. Bait 'm with the wit and humor, make 'm hooked with intellectual political discourse.I'm not sure if PD has a website, but he has a Twitter account, and he's been re-tweeted a couple of times by some political journalists.
Hey, that might help lend some validity to our blog! Quickly, PD, link those tweets!
Only two groups (which overlap) want to see Roe v. Wade overturned: white evangelicals and those who attend religious services at least once a week.
Sorry if I missed anyone, but the list of those who've expressed interest in working with it are:
Frank the Great
I'm of no use in regard to design, but I like to think that I'm a decent writer when I put the time into it. I've got ideas I'd like to write about and old writing that I could re-tool to share periodically.
Facebook makes my brain hurt. How are people so obtuse?
Facebook makes my brain hurt. How are people so obtuse?
Several different people have emailed to say the House GOP in Williamsburg has agreed to raise the debt ceiling with no fight.
It's Erick Erickson, but...
It's Erick Erickson, but...
Wouldn't that mean PD was wrong again?
Must be true then.Wouldn't that mean PD was wrong again?
It's Erick Erickson, but...
It's Erick Erickson, but...
Yeah, but watch it be only for two months or something.
Yeah, but watch it be only for two months or something.
Only two groups (which overlap) want to see Roe v. Wade overturned: white evangelicals and those who attend religious services at least once a week.
I find it very hard to believe that there are more Republicans who are for Roe than against it. Are there any other recent polls on the subject?