Little known fact: Al Roker is an incredible badass.
Little known fact: Al Roker is an incredible badass.
1. Does he not realize the proverb involves monkeys? Great optics there
2. This makes no sense. Obama turning a blind eye to Al-Queda? WHAT!?
It is scary how de-educated the right are becoming on things.
1. Does he not realize the proverb involves monkeys? Great optics there
2. This makes no sense. Obama turning a blind eye to Al-Queda? WHAT!?
It is scary how de-educated the right are becoming on things.
Benghazi benghazi benghaziI don't even understand how someone could even pretend to believe this bullshit. I literally cannot even.
His ass is bad, all right.Little known fact: Al Roker is an incredible badass.
Quote some Matthew 23 at him. Especially verses 23 to 33. As an added bonus, it specifically teaches against public prayer.
Mark 12:41 onwards is a good argument against flat taxes as well and is a surprisingly succinct example of the concept of diminishing marginal utility.
I don't get it guys. How the hell can you call yourself Christian and think and do like that? Jesus healed people, and I certainly don't remember him doing it on condition of what else they did in their life. Jesus said to heal the sick. Jesus said fuck all about abortions, even.
Why does Obama have to cover his eyes in that comic. The way Ramirez draws him he literally has no eyes anyway.
You already answered your own question...because abortion. Always abortion...and now with a side of HOMOSEXUAL marriage. Anything those baby-killers and gay-lovers are for is inherently evil. One simplay can't be a true Christian and support a party with that agenda. Plus ya know, govt/taxes are forced charity.
I thank God every day that my Culture Warrior in-laws live in NY, and we in FL.![]()
But that doesn't really answer it. As I said, Jesus said nothing about abortions at all. Nothing. The only thing you can get close to abortion is found in the Old Testament, and it certainly wasn't all that against it... It can be interpreted as saying the fetus is definitely not a life in the same way a person is. That's why Jewish people aren't that against abortions, and apparently weren't in Jesus's time.
I guess I just think if abortion was this big huge thing that Jesus really wanted you to stop, he should have probably said something. Same with gays, too. He said a lot of shit about giving up your wealth and helping the poor, though. Seems like that was more what he cared about. Yet the big CHRISTIAN PARTY of a CHRISTIAN NATION seems to care so much about the former and not at all about the latter.
Fucking supply side free market Jesus... you so crazy.
Dead Heat Politics is already blocked at my office!
Based on the account of somebody privy to the conference call in question, abortion was deliberately chosen as a political wedge issue in the 1970s after evangelicals decided to enter politics when the IRS came down on Bob Jones University. According to a graph in wiki, Roe v Wade enjoyed its lowest rate of opposition in the mid 70s, but by the mid 80s opposition had risen to among its highest. In fact, many churches that you'd expect to see opposing today were coming to terms with the idea in general around that time.
^^^ That would make an excellent dHP post by the way, I'd love to read more about it!
I think I'm citing a Fresh Air interview, but I'm not certain. Something on NPR, though.^^^ That would make an excellent dHP post by the way, I'd love to read more about it!
I haven't finished my post yet, so it wasn't me that tripped the filter! Good thing you still have GAF though :lol
But that doesn't really answer it. As I said, Jesus said nothing about abortions at all. Nothing. The only thing you can get close to abortion is found in the Old Testament, and it certainly wasn't all that against it... It can be interpreted as saying the fetus is definitely not a life in the same way a person is. That's why Jewish people aren't that against abortions, and apparently weren't in Jesus's time. And that's why Evangelicals weren't against it until the 70s, and you can still find religious papers on why abortion is Biblically supported.
I guess I just think if abortion was this big huge thing that Jesus really wanted you to stop, he should have probably said something. Same with gays, too. He said a lot of shit about giving up your wealth and helping the poor, though. Seems like that was more what he cared about. Yet the big CHRISTIAN PARTY of a CHRISTIAN NATION seems to care so much about the former and not at all about the latter.
But that doesn't really answer it.
My dad was talking about how the contract is coming up for their union and they're not going to get healthcare because his boss is a big Christian and he doesn't want to pay for abortion!.
Fucking supply side free market Jesus... you so crazy.
The Catholic church didn't even get on its abortion = murder kick until about the 1500s or so when there were early microscopes (they thought a fetus was a tiny, fully-formed human at the time). Before that they didn't really care about it and it was a regular sin.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but I read a print article. Lemme see if I can find it...I think I'm citing a Fresh Air interview, but I'm not certain. Something on NPR, though.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but I read a print article. Lemme see if I can find it...
EDIT: Here we go.
"They have taken something that is lovely and redemptive and turned it into something that is ugly and retributive," Balmer says.
Hmm, searching for what I referenced, and one source puts some blame on Nixon for starting the wedge.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but I read a print article. Lemme see if I can find it...
EDIT: Here we go.
GROSS: [...] Now, you were an active part of that process of helping to politicize evangelical leaders. Can you talk a little bit about what you and your father did to politicize them?
Mr. SCHAEFFER: When we began, the issue was abortion. By the time we were done, we were meeting with political leaders like Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan and others. The evolution from talking about an issue on the basis of compassion, of helping people with difficult pregnancies, unwed mothers and so forth, to the place where we were telling people how to vote was fairly gradual. But what happened was is that the pro-life movement was really co-opted by Republican Party.
And the leaders of the Republican Party very quickly realized they had a very hot issue. Speaking for myself, what happened was is that I became enamored with the process. It's very heady, high-powered, ego-stoking stuff to have Jack Kemp sit up all night in his kitchen and watch a film series you've made on abortion and ask you questions and then arrange for you and your Dad to have a discussion with Republican leaders in the Rayburn House building in Washington.
And we gradually, I think, really started to enjoy the feeling that we could not only change America and bring it back closer to God's intention for godly societies whatever the agenda was, but also just the process of meeting with very high-powered people and being listened to. And I think really the bottom line is that that became addictive. And that addiction meant that we were increasingly telling people how to vote and not really appealing so much to conscience as to political expediency.
GROSS: Are there extreme things that you've heard leaders of the religious right say behind the scenes, when not in front of a microphone?
Mr. SCHAEFFER: Oh yeah, all the time. One incident comes to mind. Jerry Falwell sent a jet up to bring Dad and I down to speak. I preached from his pulpit, and I remember sitting in his pastor study before we went on. He had been on a very successful fundraising binge because a radio tower, a transmission tower of his had had the guy wires cut nearby and fallen down. And he was accusing local gay activists of doing this. And his fundraiser in chief at that point, who was also running the Moral Majority for him, Cal Thomas, who went and became a commentator for Fox News at one point and is a columnist now, was telling me later, oh yeah, well, we raised that money, you know, 10 times over, but Jerry wasn't going to let it go. So we went in to his office, and we were talking about this incident. And Jerry said to me, you know, the homosexuals really disgust me. He says if I had a dog that did what they do, I'd just shoot it. And I looked at him to see if he was joking, and he wasn't. And my Dad and I exchanged glances. When my Dad and I left that meeting, Dad turned to me, and he said - and I think I put this in the book - he said to me, you know, he's a really disgusting person. And I think my Dad was just shocked sometimes to peel back the layer a little bit and see what was there in terms of just the unbridled hatred that was in the heart of a lot of these people.
And I think that probably had been there, in terms of a prejudice against gay people, long before the pro-life movement came on the scene. But again, I think what happened was we showed the way to energize a larger movement through political issues. The issue of homosexuality just got added to it. But in terms of their personal antipathy, it was rabid.
The House plans to vote Wednesday on a measure that would leave the $16.4 trillion debt limit intact but declare that it shall not apply from the date the measure passes until mid-May.
Hey look at that! House Republicans agree that the debt ceiling is completely arbitrary and can be ignored at will. Kind-of-sort-of.
Hey look at that! House Republicans agree that the debt ceiling is completely arbitrary and can be ignored at will. Kind-of-sort-of.
Only 29% of Americans like Obama, the other 71% hate him
State Board of Education President Debe Terhar said she was not comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler when she posted a photograph of the Nazi leader on her Facebook page with a message critical of the administration’s new gun-control efforts.
Terhar, a Cincinnati Republican elected last week by the 19-member school board to a second term as its president, recently posted the picture with this commentary: “Never forget what this tyrant said: ‘To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.’ — Adolf Hitler.”
Hey look at that! House Republicans agree that the debt ceiling is completely arbitrary and can be ignored at will. Kind-of-sort-of.
Why? For many reasons, least of not which are their pastors who gladly go along with it. Many pastors focus on political wedge issues, while paying little service to community outreach & such. There was a Colbert episode about some pastors who have a sermon where they basically become RNC pundits at the pew, and then gleefully send the video to the govt hoping it will try to take away their tax exempt status.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but I read a print article. Lemme see if I can find it...
EDIT: Here we go.
Sen. John McCain, who unsuccessfully ran against Obama in 2008, told The New York Times he did not like the tone of the speech. I would have liked to see a little more on outreach and working together, McCain said. There was not, as Ive seen in other inaugural speeches, I want to work with my colleagues.
Charles Krauthammer, the conservative commentator, called the speech "an ode to big government" on Fox News. Krauthammer said Obama ignored the question of how the country will deal with its deficit. "Obama had zero interest in that, and this was a declaration that his interest is to restore us to the liberal ascendency," Krauthammer said.
President George W. Bush's former chief of staff Andy Card called it a "parallel universe speech" on Fox News Monday afternoon, criticizing Obama for not focusing on the nation's economic and national security problems.
Conservatives react to Obama inaugural speech
Republicans still so salty they only control 1/3rd of the federal government.
I'm baffled by the debt ceiling plan, is that legal?
Conservatives react to Obama inaugural speech
Republicans still so salty they only control 1/3rd of the federal government.
MagniHarvald said:edit:
Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican Party:
Hey look at that! House Republicans agree that the debt ceiling is completely arbitrary and can be ignored at will. Kind-of-sort-of.