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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Hitler actually made it easier to own a gun for most Germans. Strict gun laws were in place before he took power and he made them more lax. Deeducation continues.

I know, I've posted about it before. Fox News is the worst thing to have happened to this country.
Can someone make a post on dhp about 2nd amendment and why it's outdated? Would do good to talk about it in light of Houston shooting and the gun violence hoopla engulfing the nation.


I don't understand the point of doing it this way. Jesus fuck these guys have no idea what they're doing.

You're probably just thinking too reasonably. The point of doing it this way is that a vote to "suspend" the debt ceiling isn't a vote to "raise" it and they're betting their constituents won't understand what's happening. Yes, it's an insulting stratagem.


No Scrubs
You're probably just thinking too reasonably. The point of doing it this way is that a vote to "suspend" the debt ceiling isn't a vote to "raise" it and they're betting their constituents won't understand what's happening. Yes, it's an insulting stratagem.

It also saves them from having to deal with trying to get cuts while fighting against the sequester. If anything would have pierced the veil it would have been that.


Honestly, whenever I see Republican quotes on Obama not reaching out, I want to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Are they really so unselfware of their lack of power that they think Obama 'should' or 'will have to' compromise with them? Or is it trolling at this point, after McConnell's obstructionist raison d'etre for four effing years failed so miserable?


There's some interesting stuff going on with the Israeli elections today. After an election season viewed as humdrum and dispiriting by the media, they were surprised by turnout levels not seen in over a decade. The exit polls are showing a huge gain for the new left-wing party Yesh Atid, and more seats for Labor -- but also seats for the nationalist Jewish Home party.

Here's an article by a guy on the ground a few days ago about how this is really a domestic realignment around issues of Orthodox Judaism and control of the rabbinate:


Either way, if Netanyahu has to form a broad coalition with the nationalists and the liberals, it's unlikely to last very long. Probably just long enough to reform the rabbinate, since that's all they agree on. We may well see new elections in 2014.


But is it really outdated?

It was outdated before it was decided to be included in the Bill of Rights. We would never been emancipated if it were not for France's assistance. To me it seems inclusion of the Amendment was to convince some of the (backwards) states to join the Union, and is a carry over from the English Protestants. It needs to be repealed. A gun isn't going to protect us from a government, it only gives a false sense of security in this regard.

I still think some guns should be permitted, there are uses for them, and they can be a hobby for some (not that I understand that), but I don't see why they should be a right more than the possession of any other physical item, they can be a licensed device, like a car.


It was outdated before it was decided to be included in the Bill of Rights. We would never been emancipated if it were not for France's assistance. To me it seems inclusion of the Amendment was to convince some of the (backwards) states to join the Union, and is a carry over from the English Protestants. It needs to be repealed. A gun isn't going to protect us from a government, it only gives a false sense of security in this regard.

I still think some guns should be permitted, there are uses for them, and they can be a hobby for some (not that I understand that), but I don't see why they should be a right more than the possession of any other physical item, they can be a licensed device, like a car.

Ive always wondered why people don't play up the 'well regulated' part of the amendment more. I felt that gives the gov't more than enough leeway to pass gun related reforms.


Fox News went full on Hitler? I thought that stuff was mostly Drudge and that Fox was at least a bit more subtle about their propaganda.

I meant that Fox News had reduced a significant portion of the country to sheep not capable of independent fact checking.

Can someone make a post on dhp about 2nd amendment and why it's outdated? Would do good to talk about it in light of Houston shooting and the gun violence hoopla engulfing the nation.

I was actually working on one this weekend, hopefully I'll finish it sometime this week but I have a lot of work right now.

And unfortunately, DC vs Heller makes it not as outdated as I wish it were (and I say this as a gun enthusiast).


ThinkProgress justifiably refuted Republicans' claims that Obama went hardcore leftist in his speech yesterday with this simple graphic:


Article here: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2013/01/22/1477461/obama-inaugural-left-graphic/

edit: oops, double post on a new page

Fox News went full on Hitler? I thought that stuff was mostly Drudge and that Fox was at least a bit more subtle about their propaganda.

I meant that Fox News had reduced a significant portion of the country to sheep not capable of independent fact checking.

Can someone make a post on dhp about 2nd amendment and why it's outdated? Would do good to talk about it in light of Houston shooting and the gun violence hoopla engulfing the nation.

I was actually working on one this weekend, hopefully I'll finish it sometime this week but I have a lot of work right now.

And unfortunately, DC vs Heller makes it not as outdated as I wish it were (and I say this as a gun enthusiast).


I wonder whether that's the case or whether it's actually people who vote for the other party regardless of their opinions of these matters.

The Republican Party is becoming what they used to say the Democratic Party was -- a ragged coalition of single-issue voters. Basically, what you're seeing in these polls is that there are a lot of people who are generally Democratic but for whom abortion/guns/Israel/gays/blacks are really the issue they vote on.
The Republican Party is becoming what they used to say the Democratic Party was -- a ragged coalition of single-issue voters. Basically, what you're seeing in these polls is that there are a lot of people who are generally Democratic but for whom abortion/guns/Israel/gays/blacks are really the issue they vote on.
Unfortunately probably true, otherwise you could just get out the vote like crazy and get democratic majorities everywhere.
That poll doesn't even make sense.

So 23% of Americans think it's a serious problem, but that somehow the private sector whose interest is opposed to doing anything about the problem will solve it?

Or they believe it's not man-made in any way and there's nothing we can do.

(note: not my opinion)

And it really is a problem. But I don't know if we are mature enough to handle it. Climate change really requires a world-wide co-operative effort. We are probably at one of our most peaceful times and there are still at least 9 different conflicts killing 1000/people per year happening. And many more going on but at a lower level.

And dealing with climate change requires caring about detrimental effects that will mostly occur after we are dead. We barely give a shit about other live people, I don't think we care much about other people after we are dead.

And some of the papers coming out these days have some pretty dire forecasts. Hopefully those dire ones are very wrong.

Maybe if we get smacked down with more storms, flooding, droughts, and sea rise . . . we might begin to do something.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mitch McConnell said:
Dear Patriot,

You and I are literally surrounded.

The gun-grabbers in the Senate are about to launch an all-out-assault on the Second Amendment. On your rights.

On your freedom.

Just the other night, President Obama urged them to act. And then he went one step further, spelling out the 23 different Executive Orders he will take to get your guns.

Well, then.
Believing in global warming is one thing, but sacrificing jobs, taxes, etc to combat it is something entirely different. Most people don't care about climate or environment issues, especially in a bad economy. I don't think most climate folks recognize that point


Well, then.

I would really love to see Obama go into people's houses with swat teams and literally take their guns.

These people are idiots. If it is legally issued to someone and they have a registration/license or whatever it is you need to own a gun, they should be just fine and dandy.
lmao, the new House Bill has the whole stop salaries of a chamber if it doesn't pass a budget.

But here's the funny thing. It just goes into an escrow and gets paid either when a budget is passed OR the sessions of Congress ends.

They're guaranteed their salaries anyway. haha.

Pausing the debt ceiling til May 18th.


Well, then.

Oh look, invisible Obama makes another appearance. The GOP can't seem to figure out that flat out lying about the opposition stance is making their constituencies smaller and dumber.
Reid once again warns of going Nuclear


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Democrats will take the unprecedented step of changing filibuster rules on a party-line vote if Republicans don’t agree to a bipartisan deal this week.

Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell met Tuesday on a proposal to pare back the use of the potent stalling tactic, but the Nevada Democrat then publicly threatened to change the filibuster rules with 51 votes, rather than 67 votes, if a deal can’t be reached soon, a tactic critics warn could fundamentally transform the Senate away from a body meant to protect minority party rights.


lmao, the new House Bill has the whole stop salaries of a chamber if it doesn't pass a budget.

But here's the funny thing. It just goes into an escrow and gets paid either when a budget is passed OR the sessions of Congress ends.

They're guaranteed their salaries anyway. haha.

That's their legal ass-covering to avoid the Twenty-Seventh Amendment problems they would otherwise have, since it's not legal for a Congress to change its own salary, only future Congress's salaries.
That's their legal ass-covering to avoid the Twenty-Seventh Amendment problems they would otherwise have, since it's not legal for a Congress to change its own salary, only future Congress's salaries.

Correct. I think it's really funny. "You won't get paid.....for 2 years even though you're already rich."

BTW, if anyone wants to read a somewhat lengthy article on how the views of the 2nd Amendment changed (the modern interpretation of mostly unregulated gun control and right to self-defense from criminals is new) over the last 30 years, I suggest this:


it is very informative.


Am I the only one who, despite of course wanting filibuster reform, really does think that changing the rules with 51 votes given the state of the crazies in the Republican Party is not something to be taken lightly and just rammed through in a partisan firebrand kind of way?
Believing in global warming is one thing, but sacrificing jobs, taxes, etc to combat it is something entirely different. Most people don't care about climate or environment issues, especially in a bad economy. I don't think most climate folks recognize that point

But that kind of thinking is the problem. It completely misses the point. (And yes, one can blame some of it on the environmentalists for doing bad messaging.)

It is not about saving the spotted owl, snail darter, or polar bear. Yes, it is nice to stop species extinction but most don't give a shit. Fine. Fuck them animals.

What it is really about is droughts, tropical diseases moving out of the tropics, storm surges that will take out farm land with salt water, coastal cities getting slammed and taken apart with storm surge, flooding, etc. In other words . . . IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. So our short-sighted economic view is going to destroy our long-term economic outlook.

Oh well.


Am I the only one who, despite of course wanting filibuster reform, really does think that changing the rules with 51 votes given the state of the crazies in the Republican Party is not something to be taken lightly and just rammed through in a partisan firebrand kind of way?
Two things, first of all, most of the crazy republican ideas are extremely unpopular with the public, you talk about them to fire up your base, but you never actually try to pass them.
But maybe most importantly, filibuster is a tool that only enable you to block legislation, there might be a cases where progressive causes can use it, but over the long run, it benefits those who want to keep the current state of things AKA conservatives.

Edit: also, the GOP will not hesitate to go full nuclear and cancel the filibuster, they threatened to do it during the Bush years.
Well, then.

"And then he went one step further, spelling out the 23 different Executive Orders he will take to get your guns."

Absolutely none of those orders takes away a single gun. But he can rely upon his audience to be a bunch of ill-informed dolts that don't mind being lied to.
"Electronic Filing. Your return includes forms that are not approved for electronic filing at this time. Due to late tax legislation approved by Congress, the IRS is in the process of updating the affected forms. The following forms are currently not available for electronic filing: 1040A, W2-G, Schedule A, Schedule C, Schedule C-EZ, Schedule D, Schedule E, Schedule F, Schedule R, Schedule SE, 982, 1040-ES, 1116, 2106, 2106-EZ, 2120, 2210, 2439, 3800, 3903, 4562, 4797, 5405, 5695, 6251, 8379, 8396, 8815, 8880, 8910, 8917, 8941, and 8949."

Thanks, Congress!


Setec Astronomer
But that kind of thinking is the problem. It completely misses the point. (And yes, one can blame some of it on the environmentalists for doing bad messaging.)

It is not about saving the spotted owl, snail darter, or polar bear. Yes, it is nice to stop species extinction but most don't give a shit. Fine. Fuck them animals.

What it is really about is droughts, tropical diseases moving out of the tropics, storm surges that will take out farm land with salt water, coastal cities getting slammed and taken apart with storm surge, flooding, etc. In other words . . . IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. So our short-sighted economic view is going to destroy our long-term economic outlook.

Oh well.

Think harder. It's not just about saving a specific animal for the animal's sake, but for preserving their place in ecosystems that we depend on for our own survival and livelihoods. For example, we can say we're concerned about having enough salmon around to eat, but if we aren't concerned about the conditions salmon need to be flourish then we're just kidding ourselves. This includes caring about plants and animals that don't directly affect us, and many are multiple steps removed. An interesting example of compounding effects is the removal of wolves from Yellowstone. This in turn allowed grazing animals like elk to eat and breed more freely, which also in turn hurt trees ability to grow tall enough to avoid being eaten, which in turn gradually deforested the area. Increased grazing also removed more streamside vegetation, which in turn increased erosion, which in turn made rivers shift more erratically.

We can go further with effects from deforestation, but I hope I've made my point. You are right in that it all comes back to us, as we have yet to escape the basic needs of eating, drinking, and breathing, but you're guilty of being shortsighted as well here.


The Autumn Wind
"And then he went one step further, spelling out the 23 different Executive Orders he will take to get your guns."

Absolutely none of those orders takes away a single gun. But he can rely upon his audience to be a bunch of ill-informed dolts that don't mind being lied to.
And aren't they Executive Actions, not Orders?


Am I the only one who, despite of course wanting filibuster reform, really does think that changing the rules with 51 votes given the state of the crazies in the Republican Party is not something to be taken lightly and just rammed through in a partisan firebrand kind of way?

I'm unconvinced -- but I believe that the Senators actually working there are convinced, and I'm not sure I know more than they do. People have mentioned that the Republicans threatened to use the nuclear option a few years ago, but they don't mention that they didn't -- because of a moderate coalition that agreed to limit use of the filibuster while blocking the nuclear option. And yes, that's partly because Senators have a natural aversion to doing anything that will weaken their individual power, but that's fine with me.

I don't think the nuclear option is going to come up -- Reid just has to keep threatening to use it to negotiate. I think we can get some meaningful changes without the talking filibuster (note, of course, that the talking filibuster really isn't a meaningful change -- it's just physically unpleasant). The affirmative filibuster (requiring 41 votes to prevent debate from ending) is a reasonably good start.
One thing that may help Franken's reelection chances, on top of his own popularity, is the weak Republican bench in the state. The top choice of GOP voters in Minnesota to take on Franken is Michele Bachmann. 45% say they would like her to be their candidate with no one else even coming close- John Kline is at 19%, Chip Cravaack at 13%, Erik Paulsen at 11%, Laura Brod at 4%, and Rich Stanek at 2%. Bachmann fares equally strongly with voters in the party who identify as 'very conservative' (46%), 'somewhat conservative' (45%), and moderate (also 45%).

The problem with GOP voters in the state wanting Bachmann as their Senate standard bearer is that she does the worst of anyone we tested against Franken, trailing him 54/40, including a 50/39 deficit with independents. Only 35% of voters in the state have a positive opinion of her, compared to 59% who see her in a negative light. The desire of Minnesota Republicans to nominate Bachmann suggests they didn't learn much from their failures last year.

Oh god, please make this happen.
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