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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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How the fuck is this not being treated as a bigger story?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I'd be pretty surprised if they gave the Tea Party the same treatment. Tea Party was bankrolled by big business.
In its very early Ron Paul stages I'm sure it raised a couple of intelligence eyebrows but once rich guys started busing angry white people to the Capitol I'm sure it dropped off the radar.
Looks like all they need is two more "freedom" and people will be able to climb out. But where can you get two more freedom when you already somehow have three? Land of the triple free!


If you take that comic literally, the free market side hasn't actually visibly helped anyone, with the promise of more help simply being that - a promise. All while the big government side is actually feeding people.
That cartoon would be more accurate if they showed the free market side people on top throwing bombs below.

To pretend that free market nutjobs even care remotely about the poor, you're being untrue to facts and history. The free market solution to Great Depression was simply survival of the fittest/fuck the poor. As a matter of fact, it was Big Government that saved the people who were robbed out of their jobs and savings by Free marketeering bandits.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has this been posted? Tea bagger leader blames SH shooting on...teachers unions:

If you want to pin blame on Sandy Hook, blame the Teachers Unions that have championed schools being gun free zones. While the left is demonizing the NRA and moronic actors like Marg Helgenberger are calling for NRA members to be shot, the Teachers Union is actually the focus of evil in the pre and post Sandy Hook world.

The American Federation of Teachers is led by a nitwit named Randi Weingarten. After Sandy Hook, this brain donor opined the way to stop future mass killings in schools was to make them a complete and absolute gun free zone.


Weingarten certainly proves that a high IQ is clearly an impediment to being the leader of the Teachers Union.


As Sandy Hook proved, our schools are target rich environments for some lunatic or terrorist.

As the Teachers Union screams about banning guns, we need to talk about banning the Teachers Union.


Most Americans with children have no other choice but to send their kids to public schools. Americans deserve better than a rotten education system that serves only to benefit the Teachers Union and corrupt left wing politicians.

After Sandy Hook, one of the best things we can do is break the back of the Teachers Union and break up the public school system.

Then Hassett pivoted to the liberal media. “I actually think that Goebbels was more critical of Hitler than the New York Times is of Obama,” said Hassett, tucking into a piece of strudel. “I was in the middle of the fight against the propaganda, and I have stories like you wouldn’t believe. These people are so evil. They’re basically Fascists. It’s unbelievable.”

Must read piece. Really convinces me that while republicans will certainly figure out how to build a ground game, in four years they won't be any better at outreach beyond the white, male demographic.

Considering republicans couldn't even pass a tax on income above 1mil, I see no reason to believe they'll pass immigration reform; in fact I'd imagine we'll get a repeat of an ugly process where they demand the legislation be gutted (ie no Dream Act, no pathway to citizenship), Obama refuses, the media wonders why both sides can't get along...all while regular people realize republicans shitcanned the entire process. Good luck with that, Rubio.


Yeah, one of the things I learned this election is exactly why incumbents have such a strong advantage. They know they are the candidate and they have the time & money to build up a ground game while the opposition is ripping themselves apart in their primaries. By the time the primaries end, you have little time & money to put together a ground game.

I guess the party should do that but the GOP party has been in disarray since about 2006. And what is the GOP's strongest point? Not the party, that is a fucking mess with Michael Steele and Prince Reibus. No the strongest part is billionaires doling out money and Karl Rove advertising hate. That just isn't enough.
This is only true if the candidate focuses on carpet bombing their opponents, as Romney did. I remember one of the big stories from 2008 was how Obama used the long campaign against Clinton to build up his campaign infrastructure and voter contacts. Come the general, Obama had a huge operation that hit the ground running. Romney could have taken the same approach, if they had ever bothered to look at how Obama ran his campaigns. (Still baffled they seemed surprised at what Obama's field offices were up to.)

(Of course, Obama had the advantage this time around, but still.)

Must read piece. Really convinces me that while republicans will certainly figure out how to build a ground game, in four years they won't be any better at outreach beyond the white, male demographic.

Considering republicans couldn't even pass a tax on income above 1mil, I see no reason to believe they'll pass immigration reform; in fact I'd imagine we'll get a repeat of an ugly process where they demand the legislation be gutted (ie no Dream Act, no pathway to citizenship), Obama refuses, the media wonders why both sides can't get along...all while regular people realize republicans shitcanned the entire process. Good luck with that, Rubio.

Get ready for that avatar.



As Thomas downed the rest of his drink, Duane said the only way out of the current quagmire is a “revolution,” citing the famous Thomas Jefferson line about watering the tree of liberty with blood from “time to time.”

What kind of revolution did he have in mind?

Duane’s eyes crinkled into a big smile. “You ever heard of guns?”

His wife sat up: “How do you like the veal?”

“It’s awful,” Duane growled, poking at it. “I can’t hardly chew it.”

Susan from Princeton granted that the Republican Party is “lily white and it’s a problem and it is messaging and Mitt Romney screwed up royally.”

But Ms. O’Sullivan again took umbrage. As everyone went silent, she recalled a conference she attended in Australia in which a liberal nun (who “didn’t even have the decency to wear a habit”) criticized America for its “inner-city racism.” Offended, Ms. O’Sullivan recounted what she wished she’d said to this nun:

“Pardon me, madam, but I have been in your country of Australia for ten days and the only Aborigines I’ve seen have been drunk on the street, and at least if we were in my country they would be serving the drinks at this conference!”

Ms. O’Sullivan then warned against watering down the purity of the conservative agenda to placate minorities or, as she put it, rather succinctly, “the bastardization of the product.”

I don't think reaching out beyond their base is going to happen. Anyone that tries will get primaried.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
“Pardon me, madam, but I have been in your country of Australia for ten days and the only Aborigines I’ve seen have been drunk on the street, and at least if we were in my country they would be serving the drinks at this conference!”



I've got no real response to that



Must read piece. Really convinces me that while republicans will certainly figure out how to build a ground game, in four years they won't be any better at outreach beyond the white, male demographic.

Considering republicans couldn't even pass a tax on income above 1mil, I see no reason to believe they'll pass immigration reform; in fact I'd imagine we'll get a repeat of an ugly process where they demand the legislation be gutted (ie no Dream Act, no pathway to citizenship), Obama refuses, the media wonders why both sides can't get along...all while regular people realize republicans shitcanned the entire process. Good luck with that, Rubio.

I found this interesting

“Their conception of what the country is about, they really were sure the country would reject Barack Obama,” he continued. “I do think it hits them hard. The fear I have, why this election stung, I think, Obama has successfully ­de-ratified some of the Reagan revolution in a way that Clinton never could and didn’t even try to. That’s what freaks people out, that feeling in their gut, either Obama has changed the country, or the country has sufficiently changed that they don’t have a problem with Obama. That’s what eats at people.”

I also never really understood people who traveled to just stay in fancy resorts. Its like they have no curiosity about different cultures or no respect for them



Rasmussen offered some friendly advice about approaching minorities. “You show them that you really care, you talk to them as grown-ups on a range of issues, you get them involved,” he suggested, “and you accept the fact that it’s a long-term investment. And you accept that you can learn as much from them as you can teach them.”

This was harsh medicine to reluctant patients, and afterward some of them made their discomfort known. “That depressed me!” one woman said. To my right, a man snapped, “That’s bullshit!”

The thought of caring about minorities and their problems is a sickening thought to these people. Does anyone think these people will change any time soon?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

The thought of caring about minorities and their problems is a sickening thought to these people. Does anyone think these people will change any time soon?

Nah, I don't think that's what was meant by those quotes. I think he was calling bullshit on the idea that Republicans lost the minority vote because they weren't appealing to minorities, aka "The Democrats stole them away, but our platform is sound". The one that really gets me is this:

Jonah Goldberg attempted a note of optimism, garnering hearty applause when he said conservative ideas were “still salable because, A, they’re correct. Two plus two is four. You have to believe that we’re going to be proven right by reality.”
Luckily the economy seems to be picking up. I think we'll go over the cliff and the middle tax cuts will be renewed quickly, dunno about the payroll tax. Dunno about the debt ceiling either; I don't believe Obama will hold firm, but I also don't believe republicans will push us over the cliff (they don't have enough members to do it). But overall, things will continue getting better barring some major event.

It'll be interesting to see republican reactions to 6.5-7% unemployment. Not to say 7% is "good," just that the signs of recovery will be less abstract than now
That cruise sounds like hell on earth. You're trapped on a boat with a bunch of miserable, old, white people who are pissed off that the world has changed since they were kids. Could anything be less fun?


Luckily the economy seems to be picking up. I think we'll go over the cliff and the middle tax cuts will be renewed quickly, dunno about the payroll tax. Dunno about the debt ceiling either; I don't believe Obama will hold firm, but I also don't believe republicans will push us over the cliff (they don't have enough members to do it). But overall, things will continue getting better barring some major event.

It'll be interesting to see republican reactions to 6.5-7% unemployment. Not to say 7% is "good," just that the signs of recovery will be less abstract than now

When cloving first bet you for the midterms I thought his chances were between 0-1%. I really didn't think the GOP was this stupid. Floating ideas of EVs by congressional district, fiscal cliff bullshit, and moving even further to the right has moved my opinion of your chances of winning from 99% to 85%.


When cloving first bet you for the midterms I thought his chances were between 0-1%. I really didn't think the GOP was this stupid. Floating ideas of EVs by congressional district, fiscal cliff bullshit, and moving even further to the right has moved my opinion of your chances of winning from 99% to 85%.
As Nate Silver said in his book, things people say are literally never going to happen happen something like 10% of the time (in politics, anyway). I would never give odds of 99 to 1 to any election that was years out. There are way too many variables in play.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
As Thomas downed the rest of his drink, Duane said the only way out of the current quagmire is a “revolution,” citing the famous Thomas Jefferson line about watering the tree of liberty with blood from “time to time.”

What kind of revolution did he have in mind?

Duane’s eyes crinkled into a big smile. “You ever heard of guns?”

“Pardon me, madam, but I have been in your country of Australia for ten days and the only Aborigines I’ve seen have been drunk on the street, and at least if we were in my country they would be serving the drinks at this conference!"

They should know their place. That piece is both hilarious and depressing. Walking talking archaic stereotypes still live among us.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Who does the right wing think of as generally more of a radical socialist, Obama or Pelosi?


After a coffee break, we reconvened for a panel titled “Econ 1: The State of the Economy.” A large National Review placard hanging onstage swayed back and forth as the boat rocked. A moderator asked the four guests if they saw any signs of optimism in America’s economic future. There were no takers. Hassett said the national debt was like a monkey on America’s back, except there weren’t enough steroids to create a monkey that big. The debt, like an evil monolith, seemed to shadow the brows of everyone there, precisely quantifying their apocalyptic fears. America, by rejecting them, had rejected math itself, they felt, and therefore reason, and therefore reality. Their emotions, in casual conversation, in dinner patter, and in the panel discussions, ranged from sputtering anger to resigned fatalism, often in the space of minutes. As a 91-year-old from California (and nine-time National Review cruiser) told me as he lounged with a spy novel, “I think we’re going to go into the toilet, and I don’t think there’s anything we can do to stop it. We haven’t seen anything yet as far as the recession is concerned … Heck of a thing to look forward to!”

I think there's a phobia for numbers, and a phobia for large things. We may need to invent a phobia for fear of large numbers for these nutters.


No Scrubs
They should know their place. That piece is both hilarious and depressing. Walking talking archaic stereotypes still live among us.

That comment from the article is incredibly racist and yet she doesn't realize it...I'm not sure which is worse...

I think there's a phobia for numbers, and a phobia for large things. We may need to invent a phobia for fear of large numbers for these nutters.

Pretty sure there is such a thing already.



Must read piece. Really convinces me that while republicans will certainly figure out how to build a ground game, in four years they won't be any better at outreach beyond the white, male demographic.

Considering republicans couldn't even pass a tax on income above 1mil, I see no reason to believe they'll pass immigration reform; in fact I'd imagine we'll get a repeat of an ugly process where they demand the legislation be gutted (ie no Dream Act, no pathway to citizenship), Obama refuses, the media wonders why both sides can't get along...all while regular people realize republicans shitcanned the entire process. Good luck with that, Rubio.
I don't know man, it's 95% of LOL white people have stupid vacations (and they do!) and very little substance.

With John Yoo's mother as pretty much the exception -
“To protect the ego, you have a defense mechanism: denial and projection,” she told me as her son leaned in to hear over the party din. “You deny your problem, saying it’s your fault and not mine. Instead of projection, blaming other people, we have to think of a positive solution. But I didn’t hear that yet.”

“They are still grieving,” she concluded as her son winced and began to break in, fearing she’d gone too far. “I hope not for more than six months. The grieving process should only be six months. If it goes on for more than six months, it could go into a major depression.”
She seem like a smart woman, too bad she raised a traitorous son with not a single moral bone in his body.
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